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The Great European Cred Hunt Part 2 - Guess it's about time I got my first RMC also MAGIC!!! (Efteling, Toverland and Walibi Holland)


Hyper Poster
So... it looks like i've caught the cred hunting bug once again 😂 After years of not leaving the UK, I finally branched out earlier this year to visit Belgium and France to ride Toutatis, Kondaa and Ride to Happiness (for which you can find the trip report here if you so wish). As you can probably imagine, that really helped spark off my interest in coasters again after years of feeling pretty apathetic about the whole scene thanks to the pure mediocrity we have in the UK. Now it might surprise you to find out, Ride to Happiness did not end up as my new no. 1. Apparently I had to be different and go for the lesser praised Kondaa. I just absolutely fell in love with the agressive ejector that coaster provided and honestly doubted whether anything in Europe would be able to top that. GeForce? Nah. Gotham City Escape? Nah. Helix? Nah. Untamed? Hmm, well i'd not ridden an RMC yet so that might well stand a chance. And given i've been dying to visit Walibi Holland's infamous Halloween event for years now thanks to a certain scare attraction designer on this forum, I thought I might as well attempt a Netherlands trip over October. Initially it was just going to be Walibi Holland, but I have poor impulse control and suddenly had tickets booked for Efteling and Toverland. I know, such a shame. So... here's my trip report from the Netherlands!

Day 1 - Efteling - Friday 6th October

Now Efteling is an interesting park for me. I've been fascinated with the park for years, but have never felt a significant draw to visit given the pretty sub-par coaster offering. I knew i'd love the park when I finally plucked up the motivation to visit, but I found it hard prioritise over Phantasialand or Walibi Holland. Thankfully, it's not exactly hard to fit Efteling into a trip alongside Walibi Holland. Interstingly enough, once I started planning Efteling into my holiday it became my number one most anticipated park of the trip! Odd given the whole purpose of this trip was to get to Walibi to ride Untamed and see if it could topple Kondaa from my no 1. spot.

Anyone who's visited Efteling will know how easily you fall under it's spell when walking in... I mean just look at this view 😍 It has to be one of the most naturally beautiful parks in Europe!


So with a strong positive first impression of the park, I marched over to Symbolica, knowing that the queue would open before the rest of the park. Upon arriving at the gates of the gates I realised something wasn't quite right. The queue wasn't open and staff were turning people away. 'Oh well' I thought 'I'm sure it will open later' 'let me just open the app to see what the queues are like like for the other rides' * Symbolica Closed Today * ... oh... oh that sure does suck... Sadly, despite Loppings twitter suggesting it could open later on in the day, it didn't. So no Symbolica for me * insert sad trombone sound effect here *


As you can imagine I was a bit bummed out that one of the signature attractions would be closed for my visit. However, trying not to get too frustrated I headed straight over to Baron 1898 for my. first experience of what Efteling is capable of.

To say I was speechless would be an understatement. Whilst Baron isn't the most imposing Dive Machine, it's without doubt the most breathtaking. The whole area is beautfifully themed, with the drop into the mine dominating the area. The mining structure lift hill is so much more impressive in person and really draws you into the whole plot surrounging the ride. To call this ride immersive would be a compelte disservice. Similar to Disney's rides, Baron transcends beyond mere immersion. It's chock full of that sense of awe, wonder and pure magic that original Disney attrations inspire. Dare I say Baron does Disney better than modern day Disney. Everything feels well integrated into the world of Baron, from the test seat being within a crashed mining lift and the rows being allocated out through old tickets. It's just stunning and that's before I went inside for the preshows. Oh boy did those preshows impress! They really helped draw me into the plot and I simply couldn't help but smile at how well they built my anticipation for the ride. The use of projections to tell the story was executed perfectly, really creating an eerie atmosphere when the white women arrived to haunt things up! Needless to say I also really enjoyed the stunning theming within the station and the on-ride preshow. It's ridiculous that this even possible for an indipendant park outside of Universal or Disney. The attention to detail is ridiculous. The whole experience is just so charming that I actually didn't care that the ride itself was pretty short. Now don't get me wrong, it's not the most exciting of layouts, but I did actually enjoy the ride. The vertical drop packed a punch on the descent and the inversions were a lot of fun (especially the nice floaty zero-g roll). I was also pretty impressed at the slight hints of positive G-Force on the helix. Overall, Baron is a coaster that on it's own isn't all that remarkable. It's fun, but nothing special. However, what Efteling have done to that ride hardware is beyond belief. What they do it pure artistry.


Ok, so Baron 1898 was quite something. I can't say I was expecting to fall in love with Efteling quite that quickly, but here we are. One ride in and I was already prepared to name Efteling as my new favourite park in Europe. Now would that continue? Next I headed on over to Dvilligender Hollander or the Flying Dutchman as I simply can't wrap my head around how to pronounce the former (what can I say, i'm basic).

Now we can't talk about Dvilligender Hollander without adressing the elephant in the room. That elephant being that this might well have the most beautiful and immersive queue in the history of theme parks. It takes you on a journey through the captain of the infamous ships mansion, through a secret smuggler passageway and out onto the dutch docks at night time. Pictures once again do not do this station justice. It's faultless. I am not normally one for queuing, but I'd be more than happy to spend time waiting in this queue just so I could soak up the rich atmosphere and notice all the intricate details. The ride itself was interesting. The indoor section is absolutely spectacular. I love how this attraction tells a narrative without having to use any form of speech or written word. You experience the story yourself. You depart the docks only to get caught up in a cold and chilling mist that is all encombering. Before you know it you're lost alone in the sea with only the faint glimmer of your boat's lantern to guide your way. It's just so perfect. I absolurely ADORED the introduction to this ride. But what came next somehow topped it. I don't want to spoil the show scene that accompanied the flying dutchman's arrival, as it honestly led me to gasp and quite loudly go 'WOW!' but yeah... it's imposing, dramatic and on a huge scale! This scene is what made the ride for me. The lighting, sound, theming and water effects came together to create somthing that caught me completely off gaurd. Breaking the calmness of the beginng of the ride to usher in the coaster portion. Now here's where my issues start with the ride. Whilst the indoors drop was surprisingly impactful, once the ride leaves the building it's a complete non event. The drops do nothing, the coaster section does nothing and even the splash does nothing. KumbaK what were you thinking?! I'm almost gutted that Mack didn't create this as had they done so, I could easily see this ride breaking into my top 10. But oh well, I still rank it obscenely highly just on that indoors section alone.
So up next was Joris En De Drak Water. Now I used to be a strong proponant of wooden coaster supremacy. However my last trip to Europe put a serious dent in that, with Konda, Ride to Happiness and Toutatis aboslutely thrashing Mine Blower out of top spot (everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief after realising that maybe Mine Blower didn't cause lasting brain damage afterall). To make things worse Heide the Ride and Loop Garou ended up being two of my least favourite rides of the entire trip. Oh dear... Heide the Ride? Another smaller scale GCI wooden coaster? Yikes... I must admit I did head into Joris with some trepidation. Heidi the Ride was the equivalent of that Willy Wonka gif of Gene Wilder screaming "YOU GET NOTHING! YOU LOOSE, GOOD DAY SIR!" It gave me absolutely nothing. No airtime, no fun transitions, no enjoyment. I was honestly shocked as to how mundane it was once we hit the breaks. Even White Lightning was mildly enjoyable, if completely unremarkable. So yeah, it was down to Joris to regain my respect for GCI as a manufacturer. Thankfully it did exactly that.

Now Joris is definitely lacking in theming, but the setting over the lake is so beautiful I almost didn't care. Oh and the soundtrack absolutely slaps, so that's also a bonus (though to be fair Baron and Flying Dutchman also have top teir soundtracks too). The ride itself is just all out fun. It's nothing too wild, but for a family coaster it doesn't need to be. The drop can pack a punch towards the back of the train and the rest of the layout it chock full of fun whippy transitions and some nice pops of floater (can we talk about how amazing the weird twisted double down on water is?!). It's pretty much the perfect family coaster in my eyes. Way better than any other GCI that i'd ridden at this point. To be honest, it made me a little bit upset to see what Wickerman could've been! Though I will say the dueling aspect of this ride absolutely boosted my enjoyment of the ride. It's so much fun to see the trains dive around, dancing with each other right up until the finish line. Oh and who doesn't love the charming 'YOU WIN'/'YOU LOOSE' booing/cheering in the station. Not to brag, but on three times out of four I won. So clearly I was pretty lucky (although not lucky enough for Symbolica to open apparently).

Given Python was stood right next door I decided to pop over to that and give it a go before lunch. Now part of me wants to critique this ride for being completely and totally unthemed. But part of me respects that due to it's place in establishing the park in history. Would I appreciate it if Efteling went back and added some theming? Absolutely! But part of me also loves the fact it shows where Efteling came from and how far they've come since then. The ride itself was deceptively fun! Off ride I wasn't expecting much. I knew it would be smooth, but wasn't expecting many forces. However, given that I rode on the back row, I got a really nice surprise cresting over the drop. I actually got some great airtime! Relatively quickly followed by some great moments of positives in the loops and the tight corners/helix towards the finale. I actually enjoyed this ride way more than I felt I had any right to. It's basic, but you know what, so am I. I secretly rank this higher than I should. Also I was pretty proud of the picture of the loop that I managed to catch completely off gaurd whilst walking down the exit ramp so go me I guess!


* Please stop reading now if you haven't eaten anything today or if you are even remotely hungry. Trust me you do not need to be seeing pictures from Polles Keuken right now if so *
So for lunch there was only one option for me. Polles Keuken the highly revered pancake restaurant. I'll keep this short and sweet. The pancakes were absolutely sublime! I had the apple, cinnamon sugar and raisin ones and dear god... they were delicious. Without doubt one of the highlights of the trip, alongside one of the most impressive theme park food outlets in the world. Why can't we have nice things like this in the UK?

Feeling pretty full I decided to take a break from the coasters and investigate why people rave so much about the Efteling dark rides. Whilst Droomvlucht was closer it was on a 35 min queue, whereas Fata Morgana had dropped from 40 mins to 5 mins. Needless to say I headed over to Fata Morgana. Little did I realise this would be my biggest mistake of the holiday. Anyone who has been following Loopings on Twittter might've seen that Droomvlucht hasn't been oepn for the past week. Well, that's because it had an incident the day I visited, unfortunately before I got the chance to ride it. So yeah, that meant Symbolica, Droomvlucht and Vogel Rok were all closed for my visit... Oh well, the way I see it when I next visit i'll have those three rides AND Danse Macabre to look forward to. With a lineup that stacked it will probably feel like visiting an entirely different park!

So anyway, onto Fata Morgana... Who gave Efteling the right to completely outshine Disney's Pirates of the Carribean with this ride? Thing is when I say outshine, I mean completely embarass Disney. Fata Morgana is something to behold. It's got that kitsch vintage charm where everything is a little bit over the top and janky, but oh dear god did I love it! The sets were stunning, not just for their time but even today! It's definitely a product of its time, but it still somehow remains beautiful and breathtaking today! It's just on a fantastic scale and really drives home the immersion with an annoyingly good earworm of a soundtack and some good special effects and scents. I honestly wasn't expecting to fall in love with Fata Morgana this much, but it really is wonderful and takes you on a journey that you won't soon forget. One bit of advice though, DO NOT look up spoilers. I was so glad I didn't as experiencing this in person for the first time really meant that I could soak all the wonder in without knowing what was coming next.

Now i'm not normally one to ride kiddie coasters, but Max and Moritz (Max) was literally just around the corner so it seemed rude not to give it a go. Especially when Single Rider was only 5 minutes... Oh the shame. Little did I realise that me riding opting to queue for the single rider line meant that I'd be asked to ride with a literal toddler. Yep, apparently I was on babysitting duty for some random dutch family. Great. Not only was it humilliating to ride, but I had the awkwardness of having to ride with some random kid. Yeah... wasn't best pleased about that. But you know what, for a powered coaster Max and Moritz was absolutely fantastic! The landscaping isn't anything wild, but it's got enough vegetation and hills to feel dynamic. The ride itslef weeves in and out of these hills and ditches and duels with the other track. I absolutely loved how the coasters left at opposite ends of the station. It felt wild, wacky and all out silly good fun. Not something i'd normally say for a kids coaster. I think the addition of the signature Efteling charm and the on ride audio really hightened the experience. Although I will say the layout defintiely had personality and I was caught off gaurd by the speed of the second lap. So yeah. Shame on me for riding this cred, but at the same time, i'm honestly glad I did. However, I opted not to take pictures of this ride because riding next to a toddler was weird enough, I didn't particularly fancy standing next to the cred taking photos of the ride like some complete weirdo. Sadly, you'll have to do without my photographic artistry for this one.

I then trekked over to Ravelijn at the suggestion of Lofty. I simply can't thank him enough for reminding me to check the showtimes for this experience because this is something not to be missed on any visit to Efteling. I'm normally somebody who scoffs at the idea of taking time out of the day to watch a show, but honestly? Ravelijn was more than a show. It was an experience! The artistry of this production is immesurable. There are stunts, horse riding acts, magic, special effects and some impressive action/fight scenes. I was genuinely gobsmacked during the whole thing. The scale of this show is just beyond belief. I simply can't begin to understand how Efteling can put this show on multiple times a day and not charge for it. How this isn't an upcharge is beyond me. Disney and Universal really need to take notes from this show (yes I know Waterworld is probably a similar degree of epicness, but Orlando definitely needs something like this).

The rest of the day was spent picking up a back row ride on Joris En De Drak Vuur and getting multiple re-rides in on the coasters. To round off my trip to Efteling I ended up watching Aquanura the park's water fountain display at the front of the park. It's honestly such a beautiful and befitting way to round out the day at Efteling. It's so calming but spectacular. I absolutely loved the fact that the park went all out on both of their shows Aquanura and Ravelijn. It really goes to show just how much love and care goes into everything at Efteling. It's exactly this why Efteling has shot up to no 1. in my rankings. Not just in Europe but in the world (UK + Flordia + Walibi Belgium/Plopsa/Asterix). It's the most magical and captivating theme park i've visited. It just immerses you into these wonderfully themed experiences. The rides might not be the best, but the experience as a whole is head and shoulders above the comptetition. To say I fell in love with Efteling would be an understatement. I honestly couldn't care less that I missed out on three of the core attractions. What I experienced was more than enough. To be honest, I'm glad some rides were closed as I simply didn't have the time to do them. Efteling just doesn't seem like a park you can do in one day. You definitely need to visit over 2 days. I mean as you'll notice I didn't even get the chance to head into the Fairytale Forest... But yeah in summary Efteling is EPIC. It's a park that i'd foolishly underestimated and for that I have well and truly eaten my words. I'm sorry for ever doubting you Efteling, when can I come visit again?!

Oh and here's a picture of some amazing pasta that I had at Pinokkio's the park's restaurant which is open after park close. It was a chicken and pesto spaghetti and was beautifully cheesey and creamy. Again it's unbelievable that this level of park food is possible.

Goodbye Efteling. I'll miss you! I hope it's not too long before I return...


Final Ride Count
Baron 1898 x4
Dvilligender Hollander x2
Joris En De Drak Water x3
Python x1
Polles Keuken
Fata Morgana x1
Max x1
Joris En De Drak Vuur x1
Pinokkio's Pizza & Pasta


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Day 2 - Toverland - Saturday 7th October

With Efteling ticked off, it was time to visit the other whimsical theme park in the Netherlands, Toverland. Now I’ll be real with you. Toverland was an interesting addition to my holiday lineup. Sure, I was excited to visit, but let’s be real… on paper the lineup looks pretty mid. I mean Fenix looks to be one of the better wing coasters and Troy looks like it has the potential to be a fun GCI, but all I could see were supporting coasters and no singular standouts. Thankfully, the comparisons I'd heard to Efteling made sure it secured a place on my lineup. Oh and the inclusion of their scare event being on certainly helped too!

I will admit, walking up to Toverland I was pretty humbled by the size of Troy. I knew it was a larger scale GCI, but having only ridden Joris/Wicker/White Lightning/Heide, it was a bit of a shock to see a GCI that humongous! It definitely caught my attention for sure! First impressions of Islands of Adventure (sorry I mean Port Laguna) were strong. It’s got a nice tropical feeling to it and I like the openness of the space, but jokes aside I would’ve liked something a little more distinctive that didn’t reek of IOA. However, if you’re going to pick a park to copy the homework of IOA is definitely a good one to pick!

Despite being blown away by the scale of Troy, I somehow managed to reign myself in and head towards the most sensible option for my first ride of the day. Following the advice of literally everyone I've spoken to about Toverland, I headed straight for Maximus Blitz Bahn, in order to avoid what I’ve heard can be a somewhat agonizing queue experience. I’m pretty glad I followed this advice because even 6 minutes after opening, it was already advertising a 30 minute queue (more like 20).

So given the closest thing I’ve ever ridden to Blitz Bahn is the Bobsleigh at Oakwood in Wales I honestly had no idea what to expect with this ride. Needless to say I was grossly underprepared. The second the ride got going I clenched onto the speed grips for dear life! This thing is nippy and hurtles around the course with some pace. I was genuinely concerned I'd flip the car on multiple occasions. It also goes on for one hell of a long time! I was surprised by the sheer length of the thing. Maximus was a genuine delight and if I’m honest I'm absolutely gutted I only got one ride on the thing. Now the question is, does this count as a cred? It certainly reminds me of a Mack Bobsled!

Given Expedition Zork was located mere meters away from the exit of Blitz Bahn, it seemed rude not to give it a shot. First off I simply must praise the theming on this log flume. It looks spectacular and I absolutely love the adventurous vibe the queue line gives off. Now the ride itself is quite short. I say quite, I mean EXTREMELY short. Shorter than me and that’s saying something! Thankfully it doesn’t hold back in the short duration it has. You start the ride off with what feels to be a very steep backwards drop. This thing honestly caught me rather off guard. It’s whippy and gives some nice float on the way down. Then comes the big one. This drop is pretty spectacular. No double down, just an extremely steep and extremely tall drop. No special bells or whistles, it just does what it says on the tin. Honestly, it might be one of the better log flume drops purely because of this back to basics approach. Oh and let’s not forget how beautiful the cavern back towards the station is on the return trip. Overall Expedition Zork is short, but packs a punch. It cuts out all the meandering of other log flumes and gets straight to the point with two excellent drops.

At this point I couldn’t hold myself back any longer and headed straight to Troy. I really liked the whole Ithaca area. There was something beautiful about how segmented it is with the Troy station plaza being separate from the Trojan horse. I also loved the mini pond that created a barrier from the queue line and the plaza. I don’t know why I feel I have to praise this area so much, but there was just something beautiful and immersive about it.

Now as I've mentioned, I had a lot resting on Troy. Since riding Heidi the Ride, I’ve genuinely questioned if GCI are actually a good manufacturer or not. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely enjoyed Joris en de Drak and Wickerman can be a hell of a good time towards the back. The thing is they just lack the intensity of other woodies. They’re fun enough, but not spectacular. Given Troy was my first large scale GCI, I was hoping it would redeem the manufacturer and help me build some respect towards them.

So to give Troy the best possible shot I waited for the back row. Almost immediately Troy forced me to eat my own words. The first drop in the back row was pretty spectacular, giving a great pop of airtime before once again sending me out of my seat on the weird hill turn and the massive turnaround. For some reason I loved this element. The sheer height of it combined with the severe banking made for a thrilling element that really worked given the out of control feeling the ride gave. To tell the truth, my initial ride was overwhelming. It appears GCI have been hoarding airtime for their larger models. There were some absolutely stellar hills on this ride, most notably the hill after the helix after the ride first heads under the lift hill. This particular hill may well be the strongest moment of airtime I've experienced on a wooden coaster. It was magnificent! The best part about Troy is it just keeps going. It doesn’t relent and there are absolutely zero dead spots. It’s always doing something interesting. Either giving you some airtime, or providing some fun quirky transitions.

When we finally hit the breaks I was honestly aghast. GCI had well and truly made their point and proved their worth as a manufacturer. Sorry Gravity Group, but Troy tops Tonnere and Mine Blower as my favorite wooden coaster. Oh and to all those saying it’s grown too rough? I honestly don’t see it. The ride has character, but it’s not unbearable or painful. To me it feels like how I want my wooden coasters to feel. Out of control with a slight hint of ricketyness. So yeah, I left Troy incredibly impressed and with a surprise new entry in my top 5 coasters.

Knowing Booster Bike could pick up quite the line I decided to head there next. Walking through the Magic Valley area of the park to reach Booster Bike proved to be the ultimate buzzkill. This area of the park is absolutely stunning. So to walk through it only to find an unthemed, unappealing mess of a ride at the end of it? Not the most satisfying experience I’ve got to say. Now I know that this ride holds a special place in the history of the park. It’s their first outdoor coaster and you can most definitely tell that was the case. It really feels like they just plopped down a bog standard off the shelf prototype and called it a day.
Booster Bike simply isn’t the level of quality I'd expect to see from Toverland and given it’s at the center of the park I find it absolutely bewildering that they’ve not made any attempt to go back and rectify this eyesore. Sure I might be being a little over dramatic, but the ride itself certainly doesn’t help the argument against this attraction. As much as I enjoy Velocity at Flamingoland, Booster Bike has absolutely zero personality. It’s sluggish and lacks any real force. It just trundles around the track without much grace or whip. It just does what it does with little fanfare. Riding on the back of a bike may be interesting, but you definitely have to do more with the layout to make it a worthwhile experience. Also just a slight note for any future launched coaster designers, please don’t place a trim immediately after the launch. It kills any potential excitement the ride may have had.

Feeling rather underwhelmed by Booster Bike I headed over to an attraction that I knew was sure to impress, Dwervelwind. Within seconds of walking into the queue I fell in love. This ride is located within its own magical glade. The ride is surrounded by trees and greenery and is one of the most naturally beautiful coasters I've ever seen. Although I will say, this setting makes it an absolute ass to get decent pictures off. However, that seems like a fair sacrifice to me.

So the ride itself. Is it worthy of the picturesque setting? On the whole, yes. Now if I seem somewhat hesitant to say that, it’s because I couldn’t help but compare the ride to Storm Chaser at Paultons Park. Storm Chaser is an absolute beast with some face melting positive g’s. I waited and waited for Dwervelwind to give me bone crushing moments, but alas it wasn’t to be. Oh well, it’s a family coaster after all. However, despite this minor let down the layout itself was fantastic. It’s swoopy and has some really nice whippy transitions. It’s nothing too wild or intense, but provides a well balanced family coaster that is sure to inspire many young enthusiasts into riding the bigger coasters in the Netherlands. I really enjoyed Dwervelwind, but just wished it had a little bit more impact. Then again Storm Chaser may have the impressive spots of intense g’s but it doesn’t have epic on board audio, so I guess both rides have their merits.

At this point, I still hadn’t ventured into Avalon and I only had the one major cred left to claim (at this point I was at 148 creds and you can be sure as hell that I wasn’t letting Toos Express claim that 150 spot… silently brushes the wacky worm sitting at my 50th spot out of public view).

Avalon is well and truly Toverland’s finest work. With the additions for 2023 it feels like a living and breathing fantasy world, with lots to explore and see. I think it would be fair to argue that this could stand up as one of the best themed areas in the world, given the sheer attention to detail present throughout the land. I just love how the rides interact with one another adding some much needed kinetic energy to the area.

It did however surprise me to see that Fenix spent the whole day resting at a 5-10 minute queue. Because of this I immediately lapped it twice to get the full left and right wing experience. What can I say? Apparently I'm a liberal (although aptly enough I tended to veer towards the left wing for the better ride experience).

I started the day thinking that Fenix would be a good support coaster and you know what? I think I was wrong. This coaster has enough to distinguish itself from other wing coasters to really stand out as one of the pinnacles of this ride type (especially outside of China). The queue line is simply wondrous and takes place in an incredibly immersive magical castle, explaining the plot of the coaster through environmental storytelling. I particularly loved the continuation of this with the impressive mist and animatronic before the main lift hill on the ride.

Now it really shouldn’t be understated just how much of a beast Fenix is. It towers above the area and feels genuinely massive when you’re at the top of the drop. Interestingly enough, I found the drop itself to be surprisingly more whippy and intense than The Swarm. You definitely picked up more speed towards the twist, but it felt profiled differently. On the back row you absolutely got ripped out of that inversion, down towards the ground at some pace. Whippy doesn’t even begin to cover the sensation. I absolutely loved it. And to top this off you’ve got a great airtime hill to follow with some wonderful floater airtime! Definitely a strong first impression, with more to follow! Now the Immelmann was good, however the following helix is easily the star of the show. The bone crushing positive g’s i’d hoped for from Dwervelwind were here in bucket loads! It really is a fantastic element! To round out the layout you go through one final inversion, a nice and floaty Zero G roll and then pretty much hit the breaks. Fenix is short. Extremely short. Thing is, when every element hits as hard as it does, I can’t help but rank it as high as I do! As much as I loved The Swarm, Fenix puts it to shame. This is one truly spectacular Wing Coaster.

After Fenix I stopped for lunch at the nearby Flaming Feather, a sitdown restaurant in the Avalon area. Let me tell you, this restaurant was pretty spectacular for theme park food. Once again I opted for the spaghetti option, albeit this time with chili, cheese, garlic and chicken. Definitely one of the nicest on park meals I've had in a while! I followed it up with this… Don’t ask what this is. To tell the truth I don’t really know. It tasted like a banoffee pie, but clearly it isn’t a banoffee pie. Definitely the highlight of the meal and quite possibly the most pretentiously presented dessert I've ever seen in a theme park. So obviously it scored highly with me!


After eating I leisurely picked up more rides on Fenix and Troy before heading off to start ticking off the Halloween experiences.

The first maze of the evening was Maison de le Magie. It initially impressed with a breathtaking facade and some HHN quality sets, however it quickly descended into bland gray corridors with predictable scares targeted towards the front of the group and only the front of the group. I was pretty disappointed to be honest. Whilst there were certainly some standout moments, it wasn’t in line with the level of quality I'd seen throughout the park all day.
Next up was Now You’re Mine, the latest addition to their scare maze lineup. You can absolutely tell this is their newest attraction. The quality gap between this maze and the rest of the experiences is significant. Now You’re Mine is an absolutely stunning attraction with some of the most beautiful sets i’ve seen outside of Halloween Horror Nights. The pacing of the maze is perfect for the narrative it’s trying to tell and the scares once started come thick and fast from a variety of directions. It’s a very creative experience and was an absolute highlight of the holiday. I really hope this is the standard we can expect from Toverland moving forwards and that the older experiences will gradually start to be phased out.

I then caught a final dusk ride on Troy before exiting directly into the just opened DesTroy scare zone. Given it was still light I decided to reserve judgment until later, but watching the zombified army marching into the plaza was certainly an imposing sight!

My next stop was Dollhouse, their maze located in the park’s funhouse. To be honest this attraction was pretty underwhelming. Whilst the makeup/masks were stunning, the reused funhouse felt weirdly out of place. The park didn’t think to make use of any of the funhouse elements in any particularly interesting ways, making me wonder why they’d bothered placing it here. The scares were very scene led and for those at the back of the line would often trigger before they could get within the sightline of the actors. I got a few scares, but it really didn’t do all that much for me.

I then went straight over to Trapped, the scare attraction in a literal hedge maze. Oh how I wanted to love this attraction with the incredibly impressive rat masks the actors were wearing. Unfortunately, it might’ve been the weakest of the whole evening. Given it’s a maze, the actors didn’t really have many places to hide. You’d just inadvertently stumble upon them with little room for impact scares. Shame, because the premise is great, the execution is just frustratingly weak. Only one of the actors really had the intimidation factor to pull off an in the open scare, the rest just attempted to slash away at us with multiple different weapons to limited effect. To make matters worse, misdirection was used a lot in this attraction, with actors blocking the clear correct path and forcing you to head through dead ends or loops. Nowhere was this more frustrating than the actual exit of the maze. I played along once, heading into a clear dead end, but on the third, fourth and fifth time I just got frustrated. So I ended up sneaking past the actor as he was distracted misdirecting some poor victim into the same trap I had experienced. Definitely an attraction I was relieved to be out of, and not in a good way…

I then rushed inside to experience Fear the Woods. Thankfully this maze was a significant improvement over Trapped, although finding the Fear Pass entrance was a challenge and a half. It’s quite a claustrophobic, dark experience taking place within (surprisingly enough) a dark forest full of demonic woodland creatures. I enjoyed the creativity of the costumes within this maze and got a great number of impact scares even whilst at the back of the group. However, I had hoped for better theming. It was serviceable, but very rough around the edges. I definitely wasn’t immersed to the degree I’d hoped to have been given the standards of the rest of the park. But I can’t complain. Overall I had a lot of fun with this one. It’s not the best scare maze I've done, but I enjoyed myself more than enough.

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Day 2 - Toverland - Saturday 7th October (Continued)

I rounded the maze lineup out with The Witches Forest, an outdoors scare trail. Sadly, I find it hard to accurately review this experience given the sheer number of scares that I missed during my walkthrough. Being a scare trail, it’s heavily based around stand alone scenes that you come across during your walk. Unfortunately, I feel I missed the triggers for pretty much all of the scares, only noticing one significant scene whilst hearing the screams of the group behind me getting some great scares. At one point I deliberately held back because I saw the tail end of a specific scare happening to the group in front of me who I'd caught up with. Sadly the impact had been spoiled for me. It’s a shame as there’s some impressive stuff in here, but the actors just weren’t triggering those scares well enough in order to ensure everyone got a good balance of frights. It was definitely down there with Trapped as one of the weakest attractions of the evening.

Overall, aside from Now You’re Mine the mazes were pretty unspectacular. If i’m being honest. I wish i’d given up and focussed on night rides. Troy at dusk was mind blowing, so I can only imagine how ferocious it was in the pitch black! Thankfully the scare zones managed to salvage my disappointment with the event. I won’t go into great detail as they’re all so different from each other, but they are genuinely stunning. Whilst they don’t necessarily have the setpeices or theming elements of other scare zones, they do have some absolutely marvelous costumes, actors and lighting. I wish i’d had more time to explore them, but unfortunately due to some of the ridiculous queues I got stuck in for the mazes (gotta love getting a tram out to a maze outside of the park only for the maze to break down for an hour and to have no return tram to the park offered OR the ridiculous situation with the fast track Trapped queue merging with the regular queue almost immediately) I didn't have the luxury of time. But hey you can’t win them all.

Toverland itself is a stunning park with two real standout attractions. The theming is beyond what I could’ve ever hoped for and I feel there’s so much potential for future investments to really elevate this park to be something world beating. I just wish I’d had more time to take things in and get some more re-rides. Oh well, at least I wouldn’t make the same mistake the next day at Walibi Holland. There's absolutely some work to be done with leveling up their scare mazes to match Now You're Mine, but they've shown they're more than capable of creating some absolutely stellar scare experiences.

Final Ride Count
Maximus Blitz Bahn x1
Expedition Zork x1
Troy x4
Booster Bike x1
Dwervelwind x1
Fenix x3
Flaming Feather
Maison de Magie x1
Now You're Mine x1
The Dollhouse x1
Trapped x1
Fear the Woods x1
The Witches Forest x1
Day 3 - Walibi Holland - Sunday 8th October

And so the final day of my Netherlands trip came around way quicker than I'd hoped. It was finally time to visit Walibi Holland, the sole reason I’d planned this trip to begin with. Would Untamed topple Kondaa from my no. 1 spot? Would The Clinic live up to all the hype? Only time would tell.

So first impressions count for a lot. Unfortunately, Walibi Holland could definitely use some improvement in that area. Unlike Walibi Belgium, the whole entrance plaza area looked a little rundown and was gasping for some fresh paint. It just gives the park a bit of an initial cheap ambience, which the park most certainly doesn't deserve on the whole. Now, I don’t think I even have to tell you which area of the park I headed towards first. I mean given I was currently at 149 creds, there was really only one option. It was time to ride my first RMC, Untamed (although I won’t lie there was part of me that wanted to do Condor just for the laughs).


I’ve got to say, I really like the wilderness area of the park. It is suitably wild, with lots of greenery and nature surrounding the coaster. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s well themed, rather well stylized. Mandy would be proud! So my first ride on Untamed took place on the second from the back row. I was pretty heavily stapled by the ride-op but was still optimistic. Unfortunately, I came off the ride pretty heavily underwhelmed. I really struggled to see why people praise RMC as much as they did and felt the airtime felt rather weak and forced. It wasn’t even remotely close to beating Kondaa or hell, even Ride to Happiness. I’d found a new no. 3. A great ride, but nothing mind blowing. I rode it again and saw a noticeable improvement, but still I walked off still thinking Kondaa was better. So I decided to leave it for now and see how the ride warmed up later in the day…

A little bit disappointed, I accepted my losses and headed over to Goliath, the other main airtime beast of the park. Given this was an Intamin, I had a lot of faith in this coaster and headed straight towards the back row. Now Goliath proved to be an interesting coaster. It’s a ride of two extremes. It opens with an incredibly impressive drop, which whips you out of your seat, before once again ejecting you as you crest over the first camelback. The airtime is pretty spectacular, although not in the same league as Kondaa. However, it's still impeccable.

This is where the ride starts to dip. Whilst I enjoyed the stengal dive, it’s not anywhere near as memorable as the other elements to me. However, I did have some degree of appreciation for the following high g helices which followed. But here comes my main issue with this coaster. The two twisted ‘airtime’ hills. These are both taken at such a slow pace I genuinely wondered if we would stall. As you can imagine, absolutely zero airtime was found on these hills and they absolutely ruined the pacing of the ride. The thing that makes them most egregious is that immediately after the weakest hill, you enter the bunny hill finale which absolutely tears you out of your seat over and over and over and over. What a way to end a ride! If only the entire experience had been that consistent, maybe it would rank higher in my overall top 10. Goliath is certainly impressive, providing a classic Intamin approach to airtime. However, the middle section is pretty much garbage and leaves a lot to be desired.

Now, I don’t want to sound too down on this park as both Untamed and Goliath had found their way into my top 10. They’re both exceptional rides, but at this point I was left wanting more… So needless to say I headed over to Condor to finally get a new no. 1 worthy cred…

Now, I know I sound like I was really down on Walibi at this point, but keep in mind both Untamed and Goliath had found their way into my top 10. They were both exceptional rides, but both lacked that special something to rank higher than they did. At this point I was still left wanting something more. So I did what any self respecting enthusiast would do when looking for a new potential no. 1 cred. I headed to my nearest Vekoma SLC. The oldest SLC to be precise. I mean truth be told, I do love the layouts of these things. It’s just the headbanging that I can’t stand. And this one had vest restraints? I genuinely went in expecting to come off liking the hell out of this coaster.

Boarding the front row I braced myself for a ride that could either go one of two ways… Unfortunately, the second the train left the lift hill I realized I had made a grave error of judgment. Condor is absolutely atrocious. I don’t think I’ve ever ridden anything that tracks this poorly, not even The Ultimate (rest in peace you beautiful, beautiful thing) can compare. The train judders and jackhammers around the entire layout with unrivaled ferocity. I literally couldn’t even process the layout I was experiencing because the ride was that rough. To add insult to injury, once we hit the brakes I realized how uncomfortably tight the restraints had come down during the ride. My thighs were in absolute agony. I don’t say this lightly. Condor is by far the worst coaster I have ever had the misfortune of riding. Move over Loop Garou, there’s a new trainwreck of a ride in town. How this thing hasn’t been demolished, I do not know. It’s beyond salvaging. This ride needs to be removed immediately.


Given I’d just endured one old Vekoma, I thought I might as well bash out the other two in quick succession. First up was Speed of Sound. Having oddly enjoyed Wipeout at Pleasurewood Hills I was pretty optimistic for Speed of Sound, especially given how much I enjoy the soundtrack. Once again boarding the front row I was pretty excited for what I was about to experience. Honestly? I somehow overhyped this coaster and left disappointed. The on board audio is fantastic, and adds a whole lot to the ride experience. I just seem to remember Wipeout being a whole lot more forceful. I assume I’m just misremembering, but I was prepared for much more impact on the vertical loop than I got. Whilst not a bad ride, it was very much a one and done for me, especially given how its awkwardly located at the front of the park.

So that’s one major gripe that I have with Walibi Holland. The layout is utterly awful. You have rides like Goliath, Lost Gravity and Speed of Sound stuck out in their own isolated areas, requiring a huge trek and a half to get to. I only ended up getting 3 rides in on Goliath, which I sadly regret. Had it been more convenient to get to, I can guarantee that would be different. Then you have the issue of lands being next to each other, but requiring you to walk back to the central hub of the park to reach each other. Why there isn’t a cut through from Lost Gravity to Untamed I do not know. Whilst this park is small in size, the layout is incredibly poorly thought out.

Heading back to the main hub, I walked onto Xpress: Platform 13. This ride is an interesting one. It’s a clone of Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster with some genuinely stunning theming in the queue line. It may as well be its own mini scare attraction. The atmosphere is just that strong. Unfortunately, whilst the launch is fabulous, the rest of the ride was headache inducing, with some pretty severe headbanging. Yet again, another one and done for the park.

Well, with only one coaster left to go, I was hoping Lost Gravity would pick up my spirits slightly. Going into Lost Gravity, I was expecting something similar to a Gerstlauer Eurofighter. Nippy inversions and transitions, with some fun pops of airtime. Whilst I guess in essence that’s somewhat true, Lost Gravity rides absolutely NOTHING like a Eurofighter. This coaster is wild and unpredictable, with some absolutely wild moments of airtime. It’s got some of the most enjoyable transitions and inversions all whilst being somewhat smooth (if you ignore the slight Mack rattle). Gerstlauer wishes they could be this good! Honestly, Lost Gravity was such a pleasant surprise. It’s not the world's best coaster, but it is absolutely one of the most enjoyable and re-rideable. Needless to say, this ended up being one of my most re-ridden coasters of the day.

So with all the creds collected I quickly picked up Crazy River and Spaceshot before looping back around to collect some re-rides on Goliath, Lost Gravity and of course Untamed.

Here’s where the redemption ark begins. Whilst Goliath and Lost Gravity retained their rankings, Untamed most certainly didn’t. At this point in the day Untamed had woken up and well and truly started hauling around the layout. There was a noticeable improvement in ride experience at around midday. So… here are my final thoughts on Untamed.

What an absolute beauty of a rollercoaster. NOW I see why people rave about RMC’s. This is exactly the sort of ride that I want from a coaster. Perfect, abrupt and violent airtime, constantly bucking you out of your seat. The first drop packs a punch in the back row and is guaranteed to leave your stomach on the crest of the hill as you plummet towards the ground. The nippy speed hill is pure brilliance, giving some nice airtime before swooping up into the stall. This stall is quite possibly one of my favorite elements on any coaster. It’s nice and floaty giving off some amazing sideways airtime, which trust me feels unique as anything. Then you crest around a corner into one of the single greatest moments of ejector airtime on any coaster I've ridden. The rest of the layout keeps the pace up excellently, with the double up/double down being another standout moment. Oh and the Steel Vengeance finale? I’ve never seen a coaster disrespect my body in such a way. It felt like I was a rag doll, just violently being flung around by the coaster.

As you can imagine, after 9 rides on Untamed in total (including two backrow night rides) I had finally found my new no.1. Turns out it just needed time to warm up to reach its full potential.


Final Ride Count
Untamed x9
Goliath x3
Condor x1
Speed of Sound x1
Xpress: Platform 13 x1
Lost Gravity x7
Crazy River x1
Space Shot x 1

So. That brings us to the end of the coaster portion of my Netherlands trip. I’ll post again with a small report on Walibi’s Halloween event, but for now I'll summarize my final coaster rankings of the trip with my new top 20…
  1. Untamed - Walibi Holland
  2. Kondaa - Walibi Belgium
  3. Ride to Happiness - Plopsaland de Panne
  4. Toutatis - Parc Asterix
  5. Troy - Toverland
  6. Tonnerre 2 Zeus - Parc Asterix
  7. Mine Blower - Fun Spot Kissimmee
  8. Goliath - Walibi Holland
  9. Mako - SeaWorld Orlando
  10. SheiKra - Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
  11. Lost Gravity - Walibi Holland
  12. Montu - Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
  13. Fenix - Toverland
  14. Vliegende Hollander - Efteling
  15. Stealth - Thorpe Park
  16. Baron 1898 - Efteling
  17. Oziris - Parc Asterix
  18. Incredible Hulk - Islands of Adventure
  19. Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission - Disneyland Paris
  20. Revenge of the Mummy - Universal Studios Orlando
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