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The Games we play...

I'm now level 43 on CoD:WaW. :)
I really want to play Mirrors Edge, but don't want to buy the whole game as it's really short and doesn't have much replay value. So I may try and rent it from Blockbuster or something.
Same goes for Dead Space. :)
^The time trails are supposed give Mirrror's Edge replay value, but then I've just begun to play. Same goes for Dead Space as I just cracked that one open yesterday and only got about 20 minutes into the game. I like both so I have no regrets in purchasing them.
Dead Space was everything Doom 3 should have been - good job on that front :)

Minor_Furie bought Bionic Command Re-armed the other day. Multi-played Death match is great fun. Superb little game all in all :)
^It does look good though and it could easily be turned into a decent film

I've played the demo a couple of times and it's quite fun. But the enemies don't seem very 'space like'.
^Don't know exactly how 'space like' enemies should look, but I love the way you can't just shoot & kill. Having to cut off limbs & then curb-stomp the bastards is loads of fun & challenging at the same time.
And furie is dead on about it being what Doom3 should have been.
^ Yeah.

Try just opeing the help room and have 2 people at the door with raygun and/or a machine gun and at least one person checking the windows with weapons that work. If there is 4 people then have the other guy switching between windows and door.

It works.
Here's what my group normally does, with 4 people:

-At Level 6, open Help room.
-At Level 11, make sure you all have MGs or Ray Guns and go upstairs through the Help room. Go stand in the corner with the grenades. 3 people just obliterate everyone while the other keeps buying grenades and chucking them.

Works for me.
Ollie said:
^It does look good though and it could easily be turned into a decent film

It IS a film.


There's a comic too. And talk of a sequel.
Picked up Panzer Dragoon Orta for the Original Xbox.

Its quite good actually. It comes with the Original Panzer Dragoon which I havent unlocked but meh. 2 Down 2 to go.
^I still have that one. Haven't played it in years, but it rocked at the time. I'm surprised it actually plays on the 360.
It doesnt apparently.

they said that it crashes after the FMV for the 3rd episode. So I just boke out the old black box of the original XBOX.

It has Awesome music.
You still have your black brick...and I thought I was the only one. :lol:
Had to keep that bad boy just to play Riddick...and Getting Up:CuP!
Yeah :lol:

I was going to trade it in but I would've only got like £15 for it and a much of games. If I did trade it in i would really regret it (unless they fix it on the 360).