Yeah, I'm finding Battlefront really good "fun". It may be a bit shallow for hardcore shooter fans, but I find it exciting, fast paced and nowhere near as frustrating as I've found other online shooters.
Just Cause 3 I'm holding back on until they've sorted the performance issues. I adored JC2, just utterly ridiculous.
Fortunately, I can get it on the PS4, so avoid most performance problems it's been suffering from. Microsoft got the better Skyrim, Sony the better Just Cause 3 :lol:
I've been bombing my way through Forza Horizon 2 over the last couple of weeks. Stupid, arcade, unrealistic, poor fidelity ridiculously addictive entertainment

I lost almost two weeks to the original Horizon before almost 100% completing it (there was a single XP board I just couldn't get - it was on the map but I could never physically find it).
Horizon 2 is just more of the same. It's simple, just enough of a challenge to make it exciting/interesting and has so much to do. It's a great counter by MS to Drive Club. Both equally addictive.
The question is, why can't you cross buy car packs between Horizon 2 and the two XB1 Forza games? If you could, I'd lap them up.