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Thanks Furie. So it's not like the PS3 where if your memory gets you have to upgrade to a larger one or get a new memory. Is the best thing to compare it to the old memory cards that the PS1 and PS2 had? So it's removable and you have to know which games and game saves are on which and swap it when you need it?
Makes more sense though. Thankyou. :)
Also get Bad Compay 2, just for Hardcore Mode on Multiplayer, shows MW2 how multiplayer really is played! No twats.
Dave said:
Also get Bad Compay 2, just for Hardcore Mode on Multiplayer, shows MW2 how multiplayer really is played! No twats.

Last time I checked, MW2 multiplayer is played with other people. Having not played BC2 I would like to know do you do the same?
It is, but on Hardcore Mode it's pretty much one shot kill for a lot of weapons, makes for a very fast paced game.
So, on both BC2 and MW2 you play agains't other people on multiplayer. What are they supposed to show one another?
Nemesis Inferno said:
After winning a Xbox 360 I now am in a situation where I'm not sure what to get for it...

Discount Bioshock, Dead Space and Gears from the equation since I already have them...

Suggestions please...
Red Dead Redemption!

And whatever you do, do not get rid of your 360 until well after this comes out.
The stuff that people will create with this will be beyond amazing!
First game I got was Red Dead Redemption...

It's fit as... Love it and it's kinda making me regret getting GTA4 for the PC with the assumptions of similar controls...

Just coming to the end of the first bundle of story as well... Not as much Rockstar humour in this in comparison to GTA, but it's still there, just not as much since well, it's the wild west...

Love it...
I don't :)

I'm oddly addicted to Fifa World Cup on the PSP though. It's one of the games I got free with my Go!

I keep trying modern football games, but just can't get on with them. When I was at college, I was addicted to Kick Off and Kick Off 2 though. Even though I despise watching football and physically playing it, I really enjoyed those games.

Everyone moved to Sensible Soccer when it came out a year later, but my heart was always with Kick Off 2.

I loved the way that it was all down to ball control and timing. You could make a mad run from one end of the pitch to the other and score - or lob the ball to a striker and do an overhead kick into the back of the net. The game requires fast reactions, skill, timing and tight wits.

It also cost £25 20 years ago for people complaining about the cost of games now... £25 for a game written in six months by five people in a shed in Norfolk. Sheesh!

The best thing about it was it was vertically scrolling, rather than the modern horizontal. I've never been able to make the transition.

Back to Fifa World Cup 2010 on the PSP.

It's rubbish, side action typical fayre. Only it isn't... It has a "Captain Your Country" mode.

This is where I'm addicted.

It's back to a vertical view point.

It concentrates on a single player, so you don't need the mind of a football addict to lay out "plays" and be all tactical and stuff. You just concentrate on you.

It has an "easy button mode". Kick Off 2 had four directions and one "fire button". With those five simple things, you could dribble, pass high, pass low, shoot, swerve, scissor kick, save, header and overhead kick. Modern games have all the buttons use, and a combination of others. It's like learning to fly a 747 with the combinations rather than kick about a pig skin.

The easy mode brings it back to movement and a few simple button presses. It's streamlined and back to how I loved my football games. Fast, furious, enjoyable and yet still challenging enough.

Most of the game is rubbish like all other modern games, but this one mode saves it completely from being utter dross, and it's taken at least 6 hours of my life this week, with a plan to lose more :)

Anyone else been playing the Blur demo? Download the PS3 version and get an online rank of 5 before 25th August and you get entered for a free prize draw to win a real BMW. It's well worth it, as the demo is brilliant fun to play online.
OK, I finished Heavy Rain. I'll put it ALL in spoiler tags because, well, I'm going to discuss who did it and stuff, so...

OK, the game is great. There's no denying that. It's original, it's funky, it drags you in and you really do care about the characters and what happens to them. But, there are issues.

The first, the DAMN MOVEMENT CONTROLS. Fixed camera angles didn't work back when they were making stuff like Resident Evil, and they still don't work. The movement is just the worst I've seen in a game in... years. Holding down a button to move is bad enough but when the actual directions seem to be deceided by pure luck it's just plain retarded. Words can't describe how annoying it is to get stuck walking in to a wall or between a few objects, and I can't tell you how many times that happened...

Which is a shame because the general control scheme of... not having one... really does work. A risk, but, you couldn't pull off a game like this with a normal control scheme.

The story is the main pulling point of the game anyway, and it does excel here. The ONLY problem I had with it was actually the revealing of the killer... Shelby is an interesting idea, but, if you think back to how he interacts with other characters in the game like the mothers and in particular, Lauren, it just doesn't make a lot of sense. I only accidentally let Lauren die, but, now I know he's the killer, I'm glad I did! If I'd saved her it wouldn't have made any sense! The whole story line of the rich kid doing it doesn't make any sense with Shelby either. If he wanted to frame someone why didn't he actually do it properly? Why didn't he plant some real evidence against him? And if he didn't want to frame him, why does he even bother investigating him?

There are also some really slow parts. The start actually isn't THAT slow in my opinion, it really builds up the characters and so when Jason dies it's a totally emotional moment. BUT, there are some parts that seem there just to drag out the time. The main one that springs to mind is when you have to look after the baby. It doesn't add anything to the story having to change its nappy, and doesn't add anything to the characters... In fact, it takes away from the fact that it could well be Shelby, making him make even less sense.

But, that's about the extent of my real complaints. Sort the shoddy movement out and take out some of the obvious padding and it's a brilliant game. Well, "game". It's not REALLY a game in the traditional sense, it totally takes the idea and changes it... Which is a REAL breath of fresh air. Love it. I won't give it a score because that would be comparing it to "traditional" game. Which I think is kind of unfair.
Spot on Ben. I found a lot of it quite frustrating, but only purely because it ruined the flow of the game a bit. Likewise, the "twist" didn't work massively well for me. If you play through again, it does tie up some of the loose ends if you screwed up here and there, or tries to anyway.

Totally agree though, it's a flawed, yet still brilliant, experience.
Was forced to by Sega and Sonic all stars racing piffle yesterday for Maxi-Minor_Furie (he had birthday money and it was cheap in Tesco and I promised him ages ago I'd let him get it "when it's cheap enough and you have enough money").

Anyway, it's a bland, typical kart racer, no shocks there. The real shocks? The AI is smart enough to hold back and let a five year old win races (by the skin of his teeth). So he loves it. It's got Sonic and Sega characters he loves AND he can beat it.

You could actually knock me over with a feather I'm so shocked and stunned by this!!! Absolute rubbish game, but perfect for the kid... Gah! I can't rate it badly... Erm, 5/5 (if you're 5) :)

Tesco also had Transformers: War for Cybertron for £26. I shouldn't have done, but bought it anyway (trade in in a week against a game Minor_Furie wants so he pays me the most part of the price, it works out all good :) ).

I've read reviews which are quite shocked by how good the game is, so thought I'd try.

It's a typical third person shooter/minor platformer. It IS good though (if you like Transformers). It's not quite the classic cartoon series, but it's pretty bloody close to be honest. It's all generic stuff, but it just has something that's nice. It's probably the original Optimus Prime voice and the proper transforming noise. Whatever it is, after an hour's play, I like it. Will complete over the next week and trade in though (online is supposed to be excellent and extend the life, but I just don't do the online thing) :)

Well worth looking at if you can find it cheap and like that sort of thing.