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The Games we play...

I have been playing a few new-ish games on the PS3 of late.

The first being Zen Pinball.
I bought it direct on the PSStore thingy for about £7.
It has four tables, each themed quite impressively although the "fast car" table just plays like crap. It's the one of the four I don't like. the rest are really well done and the game is great fun. It takes a little bit of time to get into the flow and learn where you should be aiming the balls and everything but that is half the fun.
The other half is the online gaming for it. Basically you set up a race in which up to 4 players get an unlimited number of balls to reach a set score. You can set the score by creating your own game or by searching for specific game terms. You can even set a percentage penalty for every time you let a ball through. It is a great little game, especially for £7. If any of you do get it, give me a shout; online gaming ahoy!

The second game I bought is Worms.
I also got this direct on the store thing for about £7. It is in the classic 2d style but with the newer animation and a good amount of weaponry to blast the hell out of one another. It also has online gaming but I am yet to actually try it out fully. It is a nice basic format of the game that runs well. I think it will improve greatly in my estimations when I have had a good go on the online stuff. I just wish they would go the whole hog and release a 3d version with the online capabilities for the online network. Anyways, again, if anyone wants to play, give me a shout.
With regards to the peripherals: the only thing that can be really said is we'll see with time. I can't see any proper use of the waggling this generation anyway, and Natal won't catch on (if it does) for a long time after it comes out, perhaps next gen too.

How does the Motion Controller do depth? I don't think it was said...
Ploddish said:
How does the Motion Controller do depth? I don't think it was said...

It can do depth because the camera is able to track how far away or how close the controller thing is to the camera. You could tell it worked well just by watching that demonstration at the conference.
peep said:
Ploddish said:
How does the Motion Controller do depth? I don't think it was said...

It can do depth because the camera is able to track how far away or how close the controller thing is to the camera. You could tell it worked well just by watching that demonstration at the conference.

You can't work depth out from a single point. It's impossible using parallax anyway. Perhaps it's something to do with reflecting light off the camera to the light orb and back and timing it?
Eye Toy motion works on the size of the brightly coloured ball. It can work out if it's bigger or smaller to work out where you are in relative space.

I saw that tech demo a LONG time ago in the PS2 dev cycle. THey had witches that followed the coloured balls the devs held. They followed them in all three dimensions. That must have been 2003 or 2004?
^It seems so strange that they would only release more info now. Unless they really wanted the technology to be perfect before releasing it?
peep said:
^It seems so strange that they would only release more info now. Unless they really wanted the technology to be perfect before releasing it?

They released the info a long time ago - it's just that it was "work in progress". At the time, Sony were top of the league, so they just put it bed as something they didn't need to pursue. Why invest in new tech for the PS2 when it selling millions a year more than anything else? So they pulled the dev and put it into PS3 tech.

It was still sitting there though, and due to the eye toy compatibilities, it was easy to resurrect.

That's what I'd surmise anyway...
Terminator Salvation:

Popped into Blockbuster after college yesterday (as it's past midnight now) and got a weeks rental on it. I've heard really bad reviews about this game (see video on previous page) so I wasn't expecting much at all.
Anyway I decided to play through on the hardest difficulty the first go to give myself a challenge. It also meant that I only had to play through the story mode once to get all the trophies.
Speaking of trophies, this game obviously doesn't understand the value of them. There are only 9 levels in the game of which all are pretty easy to complete. It then gives you a gold trophy for EVERY level when you complete it regardless of what difficulty you play in. It then gives you another two for completing the story in medium and hard difficulties and then a Platinum for getting them all. And considering the game can be completed in around 4 and a half hours that's a really simple and quick bunch of valuable trophies to grab and an extremely easy platinum.
Anyway onto the game. I've never seen a Terminator film in my life. I'm not sure 100% what it's about (yes I know, silly isn't it). I think this actually helped when playing as it seemed like I could of been playing any game, whereas if I was a big Terminator fan I think I would of been extremely disappointed and noticed loads of flaws and got bored.
I think the reviews are too harsh on it. Yes Everything they say is true. The levels are just going round from wall to wall as cover and killing the enemies with the occasional 'on-rail' section to break it up a bit. Yes there are only 3 types of enemy that you fight throughout the whole game (Some flying things, Big spider looking things and the robots that walk from the film). They are all killed in different ways and are all really difficult to kill. It seems no matter how much you fire at them they won't die. You also find yourself running out of ammo pretty quickly.

For some strange reason though I kind of got into it. I didn't really get to any point that made me want to switch off and it was quite fun as well. Not the best game in the world by far but it was quite entertaining.
Quite hard to give a clear conclusion as I haven't seen the films. But I can take it back to Blockbuster tomorrow 6 days early. :P
At least I've got 11 more Gold trophies and another Platinum. Which has got me back ahead of Pierre and the highest on CF and out of my friends list. :D
i never thought i'd actually meet a person on the planet who's never seen a SINGLE terminator film?!?

That's quite impressive ollie.

Please dont watch salvation - i've not seen it yet and dont fancy any spoilers.
^To make things more impressive I've never seen a single Matrix film either. :)

Also great news. Tomb Raider: Underworld has apparently had an update which includes trophies on that as well. Another reason to play through it again now. :D
On Wednesday I ordered Burnout Paradise on the PS3 for £11.83. It arrived today, and I'm currently downloading a crapload of updates.

Also, last night I bought FFVII from the PS store. Woop!
Dark Sector:
When Lain said that ASDA were selling it for just a fiver I decided to look it up. First impressions from watching videos was that it didn't seem that good.
Anyway, I decided to get it as it's a really good deal.
First off when I started playing it I though it was rubbish. The whole of the first level was in black and white and the controls were pretty messy and hard to get the hang off. I got bored pretty quickly and thought I was in for a dull boring game. However, at one point I went into the dark sewers. The lights switched cut out so everything was in near total darkness. Then if things couldn't of got any worse, a whole group of zombies came out. This section was pretty intense and scary as you couldn't see where they were clearly and as you were backing away, one appeared behind you making you jump. You had to try and beat them by listening out for which direction they were coming from so you could work out their silhouette before they grabbed you.
After this scene the game picked up pace dramatically. Pretty soon I was being chased through the graveyard at night by zombies and when I got into the church for safety a huge monster called the Colossus came crashing in. This bit was brilliant. He was clambering over the wall, ripping huge chunks of stone out of the walls and pelting them at me. Everything was crumbling away and breaking in real time physics as I ran round desperately dodging his attacks and trying to work out his weakness so I could defeat him.
The good thing about this game is that with the boss battles you have to work out how to beat them by finding their weak spots. Unlike most games where they usually have a big flashing bulb on their back or big targets appearing you had no clues here. So you spent most the time dealing no damage at all until you worked it out.
There are also a few puzzles to work out to get into other areas. Most include using your Glaive (triple bladed boomerang weapon) with fire, ice and electricity to power doors and light torches to burn things.
There are a few time throughout the levels where gameplay does get a little boring and repetitive, but when you get onto the next section you get back into playing it again. The controls also seem easier once you get to the second level and things flow quite nicely.
The game is also nice and gory. Especially the melee attacks where you slice enemies heads of close up and dig your blade across their stomachs ripping them in half. The other boss battles are also good fun and provide a good challenge. One involves an invisible enemy in a room slightly flooded with water. You then have to keep an eye out for the ripples to find his location (until it starts using the walls as well :P). The last boss battle at the end of the game is also great.
I haven't played online yet. Not sure if anyone would be on if I did.

Overall it's a pretty nifty game. The first level and first half of the second level may be off putting and boring, but if you put up with them then you'll get to where the game picks up pace and it gets pretty good.
Well worth picking up if you see it on offer and I'm glad I spent the £5 on it. :)

For once there were some minor game play spoilers there Ollie.

In other News.

For all you Final Fantasy fans here. (Me, Aerith and possibly Lain)

Dissidia - Final Fantasy will be having 2 Box arts.

One for the Evil Characters One for the other.


Dispite looking cool I'm in a bit of a pickle now.

See. My Favorite character is Kain Haighwind. He isn't in Dissida. However, Terra AND kefka are my joint 2nd place.

WHAT DO I DOOOO? Evil Box or Good Box? :C