So, did nobody download any of the new demos over the last couple of weeks?
There was the Wanted demo a couple of weeks back. Highly violent shooter/stabber. Lots of blood, and the ability to bend bullets.
Was fun for a little while.
Wheelman out last week. Again, good enough fun in its own way - certainly something a little different to the norm, if somewhat shallow and samey.
Patapon 2 on PSP - lovely, quirky, superb but just too complicated for a n00b to Patapon. In case you don't know what it is, it's a side scrolling 2D RTS. The quirk? You issue commands by beating four drums in certain patterns in time to the singing and dancing your warriors do. If you want to march on, it's pata, pata, pata pon (square, square, square, circle). Attack is pon, pon, pata, pon (circle, circle, square, circle). Really addictive stuff and gorgeously presented.
I'm going to pick up the original cheap now, and then move onto 2 when I've got a handle on the game
Also Chronicles of Riddick. Generic FPS really...
Oh, and the dreadful Red Baron :lol:
There was the Wanted demo a couple of weeks back. Highly violent shooter/stabber. Lots of blood, and the ability to bend bullets.
Was fun for a little while.
Wheelman out last week. Again, good enough fun in its own way - certainly something a little different to the norm, if somewhat shallow and samey.
Patapon 2 on PSP - lovely, quirky, superb but just too complicated for a n00b to Patapon. In case you don't know what it is, it's a side scrolling 2D RTS. The quirk? You issue commands by beating four drums in certain patterns in time to the singing and dancing your warriors do. If you want to march on, it's pata, pata, pata pon (square, square, square, circle). Attack is pon, pon, pata, pon (circle, circle, square, circle). Really addictive stuff and gorgeously presented.
I'm going to pick up the original cheap now, and then move onto 2 when I've got a handle on the game

Also Chronicles of Riddick. Generic FPS really...
Oh, and the dreadful Red Baron :lol: