I found Burnout Paradise just a bit tired really... The problem is, having played all the other games in the series - it was just more of the same. I really wanted to like it, as it's a great game, but I just never really got into it. The city is just too big, and (I stopped playing before the recent patch) having to go back across the entire map to restart a race was depressing. Big mistake for the initial release.
I traded it in a few weeks ago. I'd tried again and again to get into it, but just couldn't at all.
I agree with Smelly about Killzone 2 and Halo 3 - what you're not understanding though Malc is that just because WE'RE sick of the same old same old FPS, not everyone is. It's just the same game as Doom 2 essentially, only prettier. I don't understand why people are still so engrossed by the same thing 15 years on. However, I still buy most of the racing games released, because I can't get enough of driving around tracks. Kim still gets his shoot'em ups, you will still buy every Mario (I've hated EVERY Mario (platform) game, every last one!) - I'm not going to stand up though and say that the millions upon millions who buy them each and every time (and who have re-bought them on the Virtual console) are in the wrong, and that the games are rubbish. It's a taste thing, and the problem is your posts come across as condescending because you don't relate back to that. You state "it's dreadful because I say it's dreadful", rather than understanding that it is down to personal preference.
You say you'd rather not be mainstream... Well, it's not quite the same as music. You could argue that Nintendo are the mainsteam now, and the FPS's on PS360 are like Emo, or some other mainstream sub culture (like punk

). By saying Killzone 2 is just the same old, same old and not worthy of your time is like saying that no band should ever produce any more punk. It's been done, it was the best at the start - just don't bother. I won't listen to any music unless it's a completely new genre (or fits into the tastes of what I'll allow to exist).
And Home? The beta sold more than a million dollars worth of goods in it's first month. Considering there's no physical production involved in that, it's mostly profit!
I don't understand the appeal of home, I'm too old and spend too little time in front of a console. It took me years to get the idea of social networking though too. Just because I'm a dinosaur doesn't mean that something is pointless and a waste of money. At the moment, it's looking like Home may be THE thing which makes Sony any money at all this year. Though it's still very early to judge - it does look like somebody made a good decision. Do I understand it? No! do I think it was a bad idea? No!