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The correct pronunciation of "meme".

furie said:
Hixee said:
Meem. I thought everyone knew that.


The problem with a word that people have only heard about because they spend too much time on the internet, is that they have never actually heard people talking in real life, and therefore won't have ever heard the word spoken.
I've heard Richard Dawkins say it in his audio books, since... That was where I first encountered it anyway. I bet tonnes of psychologists use it too.

It's meem. Obviously.

EDIT: Wait, Wiki seems to think Dawkins came up with the term... Surely not? Wow.

Actually, it's pronounced [*shifts to one side and farts loudly*].

I hope that clears up any confusion.
furie said:
Bream? ;)

I can't be sturgeon, but I cod not halibut notice Pokemaniac minnow have meant "include the R"

Koi'd ask for moray, but my bream can't hake mora these eely dace puns.

Joey, it wad indeed Dawkins. Can't escape the man on the Internet :p