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The Colossus Showcase

Re: The Colossus Topic

scw55 said:
Hmm.... Razer overbanked turn in a vertical loop... fap fap.

BBH said:
Interlocking elements+Iron Maiden=unzipped pants

Haha thanks for the feedback guys, I'm taking this as the highest kind of feedback available, it does not get batter then an unzipping of pants followed by a fap fap lol ;)

CoasterCrazy said:
Brilliant! Both are realistic and creative in their own ways; I adore Razor's layout, especially the depressions and threaded loop and Rush looks equally stunning. The Custom trains also allude to the coaster types extremely well too....and is that a KK recreation I spy? Or just a custom launcher?

Cheers man, glad you like them, that is a custom launcher in the background, again it's recreation of a ride I have attempted in the past and failed, until now, that's a work in progress at the moment though, although it's about 60% done.
I have that and two others under construction at the moment, I'll get you some teasers up in the week and one or two of them should be finished in a few weeks or so.
Once these 3 are all showcased then the showcasing will be up to date and then I will begin one of my "projects" done

Ok, so its been 2 months since the last double release, after not really having the time to get on here much, what with planning my US holiday and Train Simulator 2013 taking up most of my PC time, there has not been much time to get RCT 3 work done.

But, with that in mind we don't have 1 ride ready to present, no, we have another two :)

They have both been knocked up really quickly, in fact the steel coaster was knocked up from start to completion in almost 1 day, there is reasoning behind this, both rides are salvaged rides from my Winston Valley project that died, so I'm really happy to soon be able to present these two as they were almost lost.
They are both next to each other as like the last two, this means they are going to be released simultaneously, so we will have a double unveil again :)
These should be up within the next couple of weeks, there's not much work to be done, they are practically both finished, just a station and a bit of surrounding area to do, but I have a busy schedule in the next week or so, with Watford FC's play-off final and Alton Towers trip going on.

I'm away for virtually all of July in the US so before then, I will have these both uploaded, the launch coaster you have seen finished and maybe presented? Also another project I have planned, the 24 Hour Project, were I will attempt to go from canvas o YouTube in 1 day, stay tuned for that one because blink and you will miss it. ;)

Anyway here's a couple of piccys from the two upcoming rides including my first woodie.


I love the landscapes for your rides, the B&M looks especially nice with the loops over the river. The rides are equally as good!

Quick question, what CTR have you used for the Intamin?

The woodie seems exemplary so far, especially the CTR...and are you enclosing the lift?
Presuming the second is mega - lite inspired, and that appears brilliant too.
The Grape Wizard said:
I love the landscapes for your rides, the B&M looks especially nice with the loops over the river. The rides are equally as good!

Quick question, what CTR have you used for the Intamin?

Hey man thanks for the feedback, always appreciated.

The CTR is the Generic Giga, from this page http://velvetskyemusic.com/RCT3_files/ctr.html#

CoasterCrazy said:

The woodie seems exemplary so far, especially the CTR...and are you enclosing the lift?
Presuming the second is mega - lite inspired, and that appears brilliant too.

Again, cheers for the feedback

As it stands, no, I have this bizarre little building at the top which I'm not really 100% happy about, so I may actually enclose the lift or at least roof it.

So yeah thanks for that ;)
Real nice work, your coasters look amazing. I think my faviourte has to be Razor. I'd like to see you do a indoor coaster, have you got one of those planned? :wink:
Firstly, sorry and sorry again for showing up so late ! I've seen your latest projects for a while but never found the time or motivation to comment on these ! I like posting long, detailed comments so I often postpone my replies. Each four of your last creations are entertaining and inspiring. I like the colours of your Intamin btw !

No time for a real complete comment but I'll post one for sure. Now is time for bed however...
Nemesis of oblivion said:
Real nice work, your coasters look amazing. I think my faviourte has to be Razor. I'd like to see you do a indoor coaster, have you got one of those planned? :wink:

Thanks for the feedback, with regards to indoor coasters or dark rides, for my WC SF the coaster I originally constructed was to be an indoor ride, unfortunately it really didn't work out very well, the project was a bit too ambitious on my behalf with quite a small time frame, so in the end it had to get scraped and F7 was created in its place, although not a dark ride, F7 definitely turned out to be a far superior ride than the dark ride.
For the future it is something I would like to do try my hand at again as I feel with enough time and with the lessons learnt it's something I think could be fun.

portemine said:
Firstly, sorry and sorry again for showing up so late ! I've seen your latest projects for a while but never found the time or motivation to comment on these ! I like posting long, detailed comments so I often postpone my replies. Each four of your last creations are entertaining and inspiring. I like the colours of your Intamin btw !

No time for a real complete comment but I'll post one for sure. Now is time for bed however...

Thats okay my friend, I look forward to your full reviews :)

Small Update

I have recorded the PoV's for both the woodie and the Intamin, only to decide that I didn't like the sky for the woodie, so I will have to do it again.
As for the woodie, I decided I didn't like the end of the layout, I don't know why it took me till after I had recorded the PoV to decide this? But I have made the changes and completed the extra support work, so I hope to get the PoV's re-recorded within the next couple of days, and hope to have them both finished and realized within the next fortnight.

I have also place the layout for reddude's competition in place so I just need to think of a theme then I can start working on that.

So I have put in a ton of work this evening, I would say a good 5 hours work on reddudes competition, and would you believe the game crashes as I'm saving it, this has corrupted the file and all work to it has been lost.

What is more annoying is that park was the same freaking park as the two finished coasters I was about to release, so guess what, they're gone too. :evil:

So for the second time I have put in over 30 hours of work on a project and have f*** all to show for it, I'm getting pi**ed off with this game now, I cannot keep having this crap happen, 'm just wasting my bloody time.

I'm F****** done with this game!! :evil:
Very very sad to hear this my friend. Have you tried the trick that allows you to go back to the previous savestate? I know it won't help you with what you have most recently done but maybe you can salvage the other two coasters...
Hey man, I was going to look into that yes, but instead I have decided to just knock them up again, I have actually started and completed both in 6 hours, due to having saves.

Anyway all upcoming work will be done in my Resurrection project thread I have started, once that is done, all rides will be put here, with the others, and this thread will continue as normal.