nadroJ said:
Gah! I really want to go to NYC and the East Coast, it's like my dream coaster trip. Glad you had such a great time but I can't believe you missed your flight! You can garuntee that wouldn't have happened had there been a woman present :wink:
Very true, I'd have had to have been up four hours earlier to sort her out first, putting me a bit more on the ball!
East Coast(er) General said:
I'm sure furie will be stating his opinion of the Big Apple, but as far as the comments by Ben & Grape Wizard - you can both Bite Me!
furie said:
I liked the diversity of New York and the sheer scale of it. It's a pity that we didn't really get a chance to set foot in the place until the last day. I'd have loved to have spent some time just sampling a small bit of the culture - I've got the rest of my life for that though
Already done to a degree, but I'm trying desperately hard to unveil this bit by bit and let things out in an ordered way - so my final verdict will come on the last post about the last day!
As you've done that lovely report (Jerry took more photos than me and is much better at the whole PTR report thing

) I'll post up the first part of the second day!
Day 3 – Six Flags New England and Lake Compounce
First big day today. Couple of hour’s drive out to SFNE for most of the day, then on to a late opening at Lake Compounce to ride Boulder Dash and Wildcat.
The park days I’m going to lay out expected highlights of the day, a brief description of the day’s events, reviews of the coasters ridden and then some conclusions. For multi-park days, I’ll split them into two.
Six Flags New England
Expected Highlights
Obviously Bizarro (Superman Ride of Steel) being the top of the steel polls. Very interested to see how good the best can be. I’d never been on an Intamin airtime machine before, so it was going to be interesting to see. All my other top ten steel are based on inversions really, so could this ride break into my top?
Batman The Dark Knight was also to be my first B&M Floorless. So again, interesting to see how well it would stand up. I’ve loved every B&M I’ve done so far, could the floorless do anything for me, or is the hype about “forceless” right?
On top of those two, there’s also my first Gerstlauer spinning coaster, and the Sky Swat to try – plus another Boomerang and SLC – looking forward to seeing if SLC’s can get as bad as people say!
The day itself
We arrived just after the ropes had dropped to let guests in and the park was not too busy. Long queue for Bizarro though. We stood in it trying to find out what to do, but Jerry went off and got a Flash Pass anyway.
It turns out there were some problems, and the ride was going to be late opening. It wasn’t even testing yet – which was a potential worry. Not to fear though, Jerry and the Flash Pass got us right onto Batman – The Dark Knight. Back row (always back row for a B&M, right?) and the ride was entertaining.
Batman The Dark Knight – Entertaining coaster if not remarkable.
Went back around for another go quickly, but the op wouldn’t let us wait for the front row (tosser – the ONLY op the whole trip who wouldn’t let us wait for a particular seat). So instead of giving him the pleasure of making us sit in the mediocre middle, we just left the queue and headed for Bizarro, which was now testing.
The Flash Pass kept on creeping up and creeping up though with the time we were allowed to go on it. The crowd was impatient and nobody was let onto the station.
Will this be as close as we get to Bizarro today? Minor_Furie seems to think so.
While we had a drink, I watched the ride run a few circuits, and it looked dreadfully slow around the back end – barely making it round at times (or so it seemed). This did not look good for a number 1 coaster to me. My heart started to sink here – it may not open, and if it does, has the new paint job and effects completely ruined the ride experience?
The Kid manages to get a little closer to experiencing his Number 1!
All we can do is stand and wait and look at the shiny new sign and logo
A cheer though, and the ropes are let down! Hurray! They’re letting people on. With the Flash Pass we can skip right forwards which is more than handy. So we can ride as long as they can keep it open – but will it ride well?
There’s a queue already for the back two rows. So me and The Kid head that way with Misses Jerry, and Jerry and Minor_Furie head for the front row. The Kid loves back row, and I’m generally one for the back row too. If we’d gone for the middle we’d have been on quickly. Front row queue is about twice as long as back row…
After about a fifteen minute wait, we finally get on and it’s time to ride numero uno!
I’ll do a full review later, but this was one of the “stand out” coasters on the trip. As you’ll see, there weren’t actually many. This gave a feeling I’ve not really had before that shocked me. Part of the trip is about new experiences, and the ride gave me something new.
Some people coming down the great drop on the return into the theming.
We waited fifteen minutes for Jerry and Minor_Furie to finish front row. I then went on to spend the queue waiting for the front with Jerry pretending the ride had underwhelmed me. It was really funny watching Jerry trying to work out if the remake had really made such a huge difference that it didn’t leave a good first impression anymore. It was priceless watching him trying to justify things and work it out :lol:
Front row was still excellent and it’s great seeing the massive drops and the way the track drops away.
My back was starting to play up now from the standing, driving and everything else, so we stopped for a burger at Jonny Rockets
Took ages to arrive, but was my first slice of park food. Much better than the slop we have over here, even though Jerry et al don’t massively rate it.
The rest of the day started to fly by then. Over to the other side of the park to grab a few of the other coasters. Pandemonium the Gerstlauer spinner first, then Cyclone the classic woodie. As we came off Cyclone (limped off, it’s as bad as its name sake) we found the Sky Swat just open after a prolonged bout of maintenance.
From here, things didn’t go quite so smoothly. We went to the rapids to cool off (it was relatively warm), but they’d closed just as we arrived. Flashback then, the park’s Boomerang! Again, closed just as we arrived. Badgers!
Fortunately Thunderbolt had the good grace to be open, but the name spelled bad omens!
Thunderheads over the SLC, Mind Eraser.
As we headed to the other water/raft ride – the thunder started. As the storm closed in, the park started to close down the rides. We gave the storm an hour or so to thrash itself out, which it did. However, after another thirty minutes or so, the park showed no signs of reopening anything. Coaster wise, there was only the SLC, Boomerang and kiddie coaster left on the list. So we had to make the choice whether or not to stay and see if anything re-opened, or head off to Lake Compounce.
Every minute spent waiting was a minute less at Compounce, and a minute more chance of us missing Boulder Dash if the rain moved that way. So, leaving re-rides of Bizarro and the three missed coasters, we made the plunge. Jerry left the Flash Pass under reserve – just in case we found Compounce closed or Boulder Dash unavailable. We could always head back for a couple of hours at SFNE if we were unlucky – as long as SFNE reopened at all…
We headed out then, and the rain remained heavy all the way to Lake Compounce – outlook for Boulder Dash? Not too good…
As I said – stand out moments on this coaster. At the back, the first drop rips you out of your seat and it carries on like that over every hill. The lap bar doesn’t give as much freedom as a wooden coaster though, so it loses out to my favourite woodies because of that.
However, the ride’s speed is exceptional and the hills are steep and very exciting. Towards the end, the high G helix is very powerful and really pins you in. Then the last couple of little hills are pretty good fun.
While I’ve experienced airtime as intense (Rita and Speed for instance) on a steel – the OTSR on both kill it for me. The lap bars here give you the freedom to really appreciate it. Added on to that the relentlessness of the coaster and you’ve got a real winner.
Pop of airtime! It soon started hammering around the layout!
I don’t know what the new theming really changed, but it was pretty bland really – didn’t really add much to the experience. The sound was abysmal though. Loud, pumping and utter nonsense. Just loud snippets from other films and rides and stuff – it didn’t put you off the ride as such, but it did drain your attention away somewhat.
Is it a number one coaster? I’d have to ride it more than the two times I managed really. I think I prefer Dragon Khan, but that’s a personal preference – Khan has the inversions and mix up of elements I like. Bizarro is bang after bang after bang, but it was all a little too over powering – a bit too much. So I’d really need to ride it more. Definitely a 10/10 coaster though.
Obligatory shot if it entering the tunnel! This time in the new colours though!
Batman The Dark Knight
So, impressions of my first floorless. The forces are somewhere between Khan, and an inverted coaster (okay, my only point of reference so far is limited – one sit down and two inverts). It’s fun enough really. A few little bits of force here and there, but nothing really massively outstanding. Jerry says go for the front each time – so next time I’ll go with this to see if there’s a real difference. Not a bad coaster though, not a great one. I need to really look at my grading, but it’s a 7 or 8 coaster. I’ll get back to my rating later on
Pain. Seriously brutal ride, not quite as bad as the Coney Island Cyclone back row, but pretty damn close. Unlike the CIC – I couldn’t find much in the way of redeeming features on this. I suppose it looked like it might have been great fun when new, but it’s pretty hideous now. 4/10
Gerstlauer spinner. Utterly unremarkable ride. Span lots sat on the brake run, but not through the ride. It was smooth I suppose if you want to say something in its favour? I’ll take Dragon’s Fury and Spinball Whizzer over one of these every time! 4/10
A “little” woodie this time. A bit too big to be a kiddie coaster, but a little too small to be classed as anything major. However, it’s a really fun little ride. Fast enough for what it was, with a few tiny bits of airtime. It was lovely and smooth though and just a great bit of simple wooden entertainment. Sometimes less is more. 6/10.
My first Six Flags park, and – it’s okay to be honest. It’s neat and tidy enough and the rides have a good splattering of theming on them. They’ve obviously got a decent budget and spend like a professional company – though never quite going to the extremes I’ll see later (or have even seen at times in Tussauds parks).
Still, a pleasant park and no complaints about the operations (well, apart from BTDK op). It was professional and I liked it well enough.
Bizarro set a high starting point for the real trip – but I still didn’t feel it was as good as my favourite woodies. Again, personal preference because I love the ejector with wooden restraints. While Megafobia isn’t as “good” as Bizarro, I enjoyed Megafobia much more. Likewise my favourite runs on The Nash, Balder and Thunder Coaster. It’s different to Khan, but I thought both were brilliant. Knocks poor old Nemesis into a tin hat – so I had to wonder what the few Inverts I had coming up would do to my old fave?
Jury at this point still out on Floorless coasters. Batman was alright, but there are allegedly much better on this trip – so definitely a wait and see.
The question is of course, will Lake Compounce be open when we arrive, and if it is, will Boulder Dash be running?