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The B&M Thread

I wasn't fond of either of the B&M Hypers I've been on. Nitro and Apollo's Chariot. Chariot was better, but still didn't match up to Magnum at CP. Nitro was the worst, it felt completely forceless and disappointed me immensely. Their inverts on the other hand, I feel are very forceful and give a good ride. The four that I've been on have been intense and enjoyable, not boring and disappointing.
Someone told me that after they made Nemesis, they vowed never to make an element on a coaster that is taken at such speed again due to stress? They should working around this as I do think they take elements too slowly without force on most later things they've made (that I've been on). This is my biggest worry when it comes to LC12 - if it's too graceful like Air, but looking at its compact layout I'm hoping it won't be.
Nothing wrong with B&M going for more graceful rides... I'd much rather have a smooth re-rideable ride than be bashed about and never want to set foot on said ride again...

Besides, they made the pretzel loop, so that's bull... So go on Tatsu (and Manta I guess, not been on it) and tell me they don't make intense elements...
The B&M Thread

A pretzel loop is the most intense coaster element I have ever experienced but I did not enjoy it. It's hard to explain what it does other then it's like the on your back park of air with force.
Nemesis Inferno said:
Nothing wrong with B&M going for more graceful rides... I'd much rather have a smooth re-rideable ride than be bashed about and never want to set foot on said ride again...
Quoted for truth.
I thought Batman The Ride was very forceful towards the end. Every B&M I went on was bull compared to Magnum. Magnum is by far my favorite hyper. There's a point where graceful is too graceful. I also find the Inverted rides to feel almost too smooth. I thought Raptor was a huge disappointment, but I thought mantis was awesomely rough.
With the exception of Raptor, and Corkscrew (No headbanging? wtf?) I found all Cedar Point's rides to be surprisingly intense, especially Mantis. That's why I don't understand what B&M changed. Nemesis I heard was insane as well as Nemesis Inferno.

I found Goliath at La Ronde sort of fun, but again, just way too graceful.
Your love with Magnum is seriously something else, the ride is not that good, as are all Morgan hypers.

I absolutely love B&M they are easily my favorite company. Saying they make complete **** is basically the definition of being retarded. They are, reliable, reridable, smooth (I don't understand over the past 2 years people have started calling them rough, just boggles my mind and people need to just stop bitching), have a great track record, and most of all are this little word called fun. The only thing that is remotely close to the forces you experience on Tatsu's pretzel, that I have been on, was Dragsters launch, but that only was for a millisecond, and then X/X2 raven turn, and even that has no staying power compared to the pretzel on Tatsu. On Tatsu's if you are in the back, pretty much from the entrance to the exit you can't move, 6G's at the bottom of it, yeah not intense my ass.

They have the best corkscrews out there too, force wise. Judging by some of the rides you like and dislike though, you would probably find Silver Bullet to be the best ride in the world....
tomahawKSU said:
Your love with Magnum is seriously something else, the ride is not that good, as are all Morgan hypers.

1. Magnum is Arrow
2. Like I said, from what I've been on. I've never been to SFMM. Or to BGDC/BGA.
There are only a couple B&Ms that I really like, nitro, batman the ride (Great Adventure), dominator, and green lantern. The other ones I just find rough and boring (eg. Bizarro and superman: ultimate flight)
Re: The B&M Thread

B&M is the awesumsauce. Dominator being by far my favorite with Diamondback (so much air) and Titan SFoG (again, air :D) following it. Mantis is a fair enough ride, Ive had a **** ride and a ZOMG FORCEFUL Raptor ride. Georgia Scorcher was an odd one for me...wasnt meh, but didnt give me as much excitement like Mantis did.

I honestly have no clue where all the hate for Beemers come from...maybe because they decide to play safe for the most part or that the fact that all the Batmans and Superman clones out there piss enthusiasts off because Six Flags bought bulk to give all their parks something besides pulling a Cedar Fair (Ha! :p).

In my own opinion, Intamin seriously needs to take a lesson on ride design from B&M. Outside of the plethora of Blitz, TTD varied clones, mega lites and giga's, they dont produce many other ride types. They dont have a form of flying done yet, they failed at a 4D coaster with Furius Baco (but have somewhat redeemed themselves with the zac spin), they have clones of Wicked Twister out there and only two actual full circuit inverts out there. I dont mention a dive machine because only maverick and Fahrenheit do ANY form of a beyond 90 drop, the rest are 85 or below (correct if wrong please). B&M offers so much more. They did a proper Wing Walker with more coming (Dollywood and Thorpe), they've proven they can do compact (daemon), get out of their typical layout for flyers (Tatsu, Manta, Starry Night Ripper) and still build amazing hypers (Diamondback, all the forms of Goliath, Intimidator). Plus, they dont have the typical downtime of most Intamins (only issue I had was trying to get onto Superman at SFoG cause the ride ops were telling everyone that it was too cold (low 70s that day) for the hydraulics to work right, so they were gonna test it a bit more before opening it up...i call lazy workers on that one).
tomahawKSU said:
Fail on my part, they look quite similar, Arrow and Morgan hypers.

Try near indentical, Morgan filled the void left by Arrow and replicated there image with everything from track style to supports, and did a good job IMO. Anyhow back on topic........

I dont think you can fault B&M for what they do, maybe they arn't every enthusiasts cup of tea but they are by far the most credible Coaster manufacturer in business. They only have 8 models of coasters and can quite happily claim to be the best money can buy in every model (only Bizarro argues the case for Intamin on the Hyper front).

they have proved there is no need to do an Intamin, Build over 20 different models and fail miserably on most !!
I'll give them credit for that, they are a money making machine.

I would love to see them improve on their diving machines. Maybe a flying type diving machine or a type where you ride on your stomach almost completely headfirst (But not totally headfirst) so you get a literal Dive feeling.
Or like an inverted diving machine... or a stand-up one.
Either way id love to see longer taller, scarier diving machines, with more inversions or airtime. Or just more Diving Machines in general. I've never been on one but i love the feeling of hanging over the edge of the drop.

I would also love to see more immelmanns and dive loops as well. as well as some snake dives or reverse snake dives.
Re: The B&M Thread

No, that sounds like the intamin thing to do. B&M is fine with the course they have been on minus the six flags clone deals. Raptor at Gardaland was a show that they knew what they were doing at a first attempt of a wing walker after seeing what bombed with intamin. Maybe in a couple years, we could very well see a 4d Beemer (which i would totally love) with a unique layout.

They take their time so they do it right and properly the first time, and dont have to deal with all the mechanical issues and ride issues others get (arrow with X, Intamin with almost everything as of late it seems (before cheetah hunt and after Maverick)) when making a prototype.

Edit: Actually, I think Raptor was a giant ass slap to the face of Intamin because they proved that the wing walker idea wasnt a dud, Intamin just didnt do it right :p Also, please note that while I am a B&M diva, I havent had ridden enough intamins to make any new statements against them. Millennium was good, but lacked its name sake. TTD was too quick to really get anything from it, Steel Venom was ok, I just enjoyed the random braking on the straight up tower before the ride ended and Maverick has been the best Intamin I have ridden so far.
Well I still would love to see B&M break 300 feet at some point. Even if it does use a conventional chainlift, it won'st be as slow as Magnum's lift or Steel Dragon 2000. Im not a fan of Milf's cable lift. I like the long horrifying climb to the top.
Re: The B&M Thread

Going to agree with you on that. They need to make a giga b&m somewhere soon....arent they just like, 50ft away from doing so?
Intricks said:
Going to agree with you on that. They need to make a giga b&m somewhere soon....arent they just like, 50ft away from doing so?

61 actually. But they really need to just ramp it up a bit higher. I'd love to see B&M be the first to break 320 with a lift hill. And I know it wont happen soon, but i would LOVE to see a B&M break 460 without a launch, just multiple stage lift hills or multiple cable pulls. Use the Morgan method perhaps with multiple chain lifts on one long section of track, just make it somewhat steep.