I only started watching the 'prentice last year. I'm new to the party therefore the show feels fresh to me.
What I lessthanthree about it the most is the bitching and arguing. In other reality shows like Big Brother, they usually always get on with it. With the 'prentice, the end result actually means something so they're more competitive and fiery. Karen Brady is very marmite, I don't know why I find her attractive. She irritates me but at the same time, I would. I think it's the money/power or her ability to smile with smiling as furie would say. I think Nick is great. I like the way he presents Countdown and doesn't suffer fools. Anyway, seasoned viewers already know that.
As always, I've not bothered to learn any of the contestants names, but the ones I find irritating are:
The female with the big hair that was voted out on the first show.
The female with the Polish sounding name and gurn jawline.
The male posh twat.
The two young white men with beards who fancy themselves.
Ones I like are:
The Irish woman.
The Indian looking man.
The welsh Dracula one.