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The 2010 Winter Olympics

Smithy said:
Because they're America, they have little dick syndrome. Always have to be the best, and the sad thing is most of the general public will buy into the propaganda. But I should be congratulating the US on having more second and third best athletes in the world.

What happened? Why have you suddenly become amusing? I approve! :)

And 'The Deadman' either doesn't have a sense of humour or is a bit blind.

The latter half of your statement Smithy, is made of win. Good work :D
Everyone knows (and this isn't a dig.. Just, everyone knows it) that America are rub-it-in-your-face winners, and sore losers. They have won a lot of medals, absolutely, but Canada definitely has the most gold :p .

Most athletes from countries around the world win modestly for the most part (except the man who won bobsled for Canada, he was a bit cocky), but Americans are usually, as I said, quite cocky.
UC said:
And yet, through it all, we're one of the most developed countries in the world ...

... Apart from when it comes to health care.. in which case you're a 3rd world country.

.. Although i guess you win at starting the most wars and bombing the most countiries...
Hmm.. last time I checked.. this was a topic about the Olympics.. not on your personal views on a country clam.

On topic? Yeah.. we'll keep it that way.
UC said:
And yet, through it all, we're one of the most developed countries in the world despite being around a fraction of the time as most others, and we're the second (or third, depending on the report you read) most visited country in the world.

Because this post had a hell of a lot to do with the Olympics? [/rhetorical question]

That wasn't for just clam Micheal, it was for everyone. -Snoo
SnooSnoo said:
Hmm.. last time I checked.. this was a topic about the Olympics.. not on your personal views on a country clam.

On topic? Yeah.. we'll keep it that way.


SnooSnoo said:

UC said:
Find me some facts, Clam,

The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems

1 France
2 Italy
36 Costa Rica
37 United States of America
38 Slovenia
I see.. supporting my country by using a playful stereotype is the same as spouting garbage out about your personal views of a country?

Video games must have warped your mind.

PS: PM's, the Olympics, or shut it. Not very hard kids.
Why so defensive?

It's not my fault you live in a 3rd world overweight hick country who lost at the hockey.
Wow... it turned out that we did pretty well overall. Or fourth, if you go by the medals.

However, we always have a way to present the data so that it looks like we win...


Or http://www.theatlantic.com/culture/arch ... unt/36681/

However, Andorra would hit 11 on that scale by winning one medal. The Vatican City would reach 2000.
UC said:
It's not getting defensive, it's just correcting your misinformation. I've no problem people making criticism when they're based on facts...

I *really* couldn't give. It was a joke based on you bragging about being the "most developed country in the world". That's yank ego - when I see it I cant help but point out you're not.

I would go into why i think such ego is dangerous to the world. But I really cant be bothered and you're getting personal now - and i just remembered why i stopped posting here.

Should've stayed dead - no matter how bored i was... ah well.. back i go underground.
yes - i'm sorry - i took a joke too far out of boredom, based on the fact i was originally offended by the stuff you two said (but then took it way to far myself).

BTW - I now look nothing like that picture, funnily enough - it was taken in San Diego 4 years ago. .

I appoligise.. Something aboot this board brings out the worst in me.. (i think mainly because i only ever come here when bored).

Cutting myself off again now.

Neal said:
Bit racist imo, far too white! Even for MY liking! ;)
I hope you're making a joke about the snow & ice Neal, but here are a few of the black athletes I saw & I'm sure there were more (too bad the Jamaica bobsled team didn't qualify). And I'm not going to bother posting names & images of all the Asian athletes I watched. The winter Olympics definitely aren't the 'White Olympics' anymore.
Shani Davis

Robin Szolkowy

Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong

Richard Adjei

Kalyna Roberge

Johnny Oduya

Yannick Bonheur

Errol Kerr

Jarome Iginla

Leyti Seck

Robel Teklemariam
I just felt like having the last word, but when it comes to which country is the most developed, Pokemaniac and I clearly win :lol:

Wow, just catching up :) This topic got fun while I wasn't looking :)

East Coast(er) General said:
I don't see the point of all this Olympic bashing tbh. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Simple as...

The problem there is that the hour of recorded "Arty Farty Historical Arts Program" I recorded was actual "The Downhill Slalom". SO I missed my patronising show about Tudor Art because of it. It's not the Olympic's fault, it's the programming from the BBC - but the issue is that you just can't seem to get away from it, even if all you want to do is watch your regular shows.

SnooSnoo said:
Smithy said:
Because they're America, they have little dick syndrome. Always have to be the best, and the sad thing is most of the general public will buy into the propaganda. But I should be congratulating the US on having more second and third best athletes in the world.

Wanting to be the best is a problem? I'm pretty sure every athlete from every country strives to be the best. I guess we have a world wide little dick syndrome.

..except for Africa of course.

Nah, bollocks to that Snoo. The British strive for mediocrity in everything we do other than drinking beer and brawling in the street - it's true :)

UC said:
And yet, through it all, we're one of the most developed countries in the world despite being around a fraction of the time as most others,

Off topic, but I have to take umbrage with that statement. America was settled by Europeans at the start of what would be considered a modern age (i.e. post renaissance). The freedom and opportunities offered by the new land allowed the Europeans to flourish and advance. By the time of the war of independence, America was pretty much on a level with Europe, as the European settlers had, for the most part, recreated their culture in the US.

It's a bit like Neil Armstrong standing on the moon and claiming that the Moon-people are one of the most technologically advanced people in the solar system. Population two - and they had only been there three minutes :p

Yes, I know it's simplification of the entire process, but it's not like Americans were hunting Buffalo one day and 50 years later laying down railroad tracks. Happy to carry this one on over PM's if anyone likes :)

On topic :)

Well done to everyone whose country did well. I watched the four-man bob (it's about the only sport I enjoy other than Ski-Jump oddly). Brilliant pull out of the bag for the US on the last run - very exciting. Unlucky Germany.

Now, I'm off to watch a silly program about the Civil War (the real one - but it's rubbish) and some far too fancy buildings in London.