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Taylor's Week in England- Huge PTR COMPLETE

UC said:
My point is that I feel it's a bit of a faster launch than what Loefet's graph says, so I agree.

You're right... Rita's launch lasts around 0.9 seconds.

If I remember rightly (Correct me if I'm wrong) Rita/Desert Race has the fastest acceleration out of any Inta Launch Coaster.
Desert Race's isn't the same though. It just isn't. Desert Race is a normal Accelerator, Rita just isn't.
You can tell by riding them they don't accelerate at the same pace?

There's not a lot else TO elaborate on...?
Whilst I refute that (because Desert Race provides a better ride experience) - there is something really nice about Rita being fit to its surroundings as opposed to 'plonked' like DR. I'd rather ride on Desert Race if I was blind - but as I'm not, Rita's perfectly adequate. :)

It's the helicopter that does it really, I clearly have an inappropriate Will-like fetish for the thing.... :roll:
Really? Can't say I noticed a difference in the launches, suppose thats a matter of opinion rather than fact.

I agree that Rita looks alot nicer racing through the trees, it was actually designed to fit into that area whereas Desert Race looks so out of place where it is, just plonked on that great big piece of land.
They could have done so much more with a launched coaster in that area, shame really.
nadroJ said:
Ian said:
So yeah, come to Southampton and then we can all go to Funland on Hayling Island so you can grab some more creds.

If Hayling Island is open over the winter I am so up for that. English seaside resorts are so much better during the winter, there's less half-naked unattractive people.

Also, UC, that was way too easy ;]

I believe Funlands and Clarence Pier are both closed over winter due to weather. They don't open until February usually. It's grim on the south coast in winter.
Sorry to bring this topic up again, but:

First off all UC, I know that you complain that people don't read your post properly, but I have to say that you have to do better yourself. Since I wrote that Rita's launch "should be pretty similar" (note the words should and similar) to Desert Race, also note that I haven't written "exactly the same" which is what you apparently have read...

Second, you say that I have posted data of the launch of Rita, but I haven't, simply because I don't have one, our first version of the accelerometer was first built the year after we went to Alton Towers and none of us haven't returned there since. Also why would I post the log of Desert Race if I had one from Rita?? I'm still waiting for your "proof" as you call it, I have however posted data of the launch of TTD when there were a huge debate about it's launch time (which is 3.28 seconds if I remember correctly)...

Yes that image says that Rita have a maximum launch force of 2.65 g's, and yes you would get a launch time of around 1.1 seconds if you were to calculate the time from that number. But maximum launch force is NOT the same as average launch force which is the number you should have used to calculate the time. And since the average force is lower than the maximum, it would mean that the launch time is longer. An example of that is that the maximum launch force of Dodonpa is around 4.25 g's according to some sources (coastersandmore.de), but by calculating the average force by using the known launch time and top speed then the average launch force is around 2.67 g's...