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I assume that there aren't any restrictions on them maintaining the gardens as they are as there have been plans for a valley coaster before? Sounds like it's only the actual buildings like the Prospect Tower that have restrictions around them.

A well-planned woodie or rmc hybrid could really add to the gardens if done tastefully. I'm sure there are plenty of other parks with coasters incorporated into formal-style gardens.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for more news.
I think the gardens probably have heritage status? Surely? But where they end and the woodland part which I consider the true valley begins it's more a case of environmental restrictions on the number of very old trees removed and how that will affect the landscape views from outside the park. I could be totally wrong here, but I don't think any ride will go over the historic gardens? I'm thinking past the pagoda. I dunno how many of you have ever walked as far as you can go out that way, but years ago it used to be this incredibly dense woodland that eventually led to a very, very small mesh fence which I assumed was the edge of the park. I'm guessing this is past the hotels as it feels a very long way out, but I don't know the area well enough to be certain.
Joey said:
I think the gardens probably have heritage status? Surely? But where they end and the woodland part which I consider the true valley begins it's more a case of environmental restrictions on the number of very old trees removed and how that will affect the landscape views from outside the park. I could be totally wrong here, but I don't think any ride will go over the historic gardens? I'm thinking past the pagoda. I dunno how many of you have ever walked as far as you can go out that way, but years ago it used to be this incredibly dense woodland that eventually led to a very, very small mesh fence which I assumed was the edge of the park. I'm guessing this is past the hotels as it feels a very long way out, but I don't know the area well enough to be certain.
You might be right. I can't remember the layout well enough so will have to check a map. I would expect that there are a lot of restrictions in that area.

I was under the impression that the original woodie plans included going through the main gardens but again, I can't really remember so maybe they didn't. I suppose we'll find out soon.
^The original plans went from Dark Forest (then Ug Land) to Forbidden Valley, crossing the south of the valley, so not over the Gardens.
elephant58 said:
^The original plans went from Dark Forest (then Ug Land) to Forbidden Valley, crossing the south of the valley, so not over the Gardens.
OK, thanks. Then I assume that sw8 will have a similar route then and there won't be gardens issues at all.
From the description my impression is that it will only be on the side near Ripsaw up to the Sky Ride area. That's where the fungus seems to have mysteriously been the most prolific.
Ok, I have a question...

Why does having 'one or more high points enclosed in sound tunnels' imply that it will be a hybrid coaster?
I know there's been whisperings from RMC that they've had interest from the UK, and I know that hybrid coasters are the 'next big thing' yadda yadda yadda... but I don't quite see how people have made the leap from 'enclosed sound tunnels' to 'must be a hybrid' in one go. :shock:
^No one is implying that it's a hybrid coaster. What people are implying however, is that it will have a wooden structure, as the proposed coaster structure is made of timber. There is no mention of track material, so it will either be a wooden coaster, or a steel hybrid coaster.
Alli know is it's huge. Was around the park on Tuesday found the gardens are Grade 1 and the towers are grade 2 listed.
jj23w said:
Alli know is it's huge. Was around the park on Tuesday found the gardens are Grade 1 and the towers are grade 2 listed.
I had thought so much about the gardens but couldn't find anything with a google. So that makes sense.
Sorry, this may be slightly off topic but didnt want to start a new one for this question.
I've been away from the coaster scene for a while, and was wondering if John Wardley still has any involvement with the park? Did he have a part in the creation of The Smiler, and is he expected to be involved with SW8?
^He created the track layout for the Smiler, but announced his second retirement and that the Smiler would be his last project, which was in fact Flug der Damonen. As far as we know, he has no involvement on this project, but we don't know that for sure. He isn't involved with WC16, is he?
John Wardley DID help design The Smiler, but unfortunately, he just recently retired, and Flug der Daemonen was his last ride. So he won't be helping with SW8.
mouse said:
Sorry, this may be slightly off topic but didnt want to start a new one for this question.
I've been away from the coaster scene for a while, and was wondering if John Wardley still has any involvement with the park? Did he have a part in the creation of The Smiler, and is he expected to be involved with SW8?

As far as I know, he retired but was a kind of advisor/consultant on The Swarm and I think he had a fairly big part in The Smiler. The official line is that he has now retired, but he has said that the only thing that would tempt him out again would be a woodie...so who knows!
In 2000, he went into semi-retirement, but in 2003, Tussaud's no longer needed his services, so didn't design NI, Sonic, Dragon's Fury, Rita, or Stealth. When Merlin took over in 2007, they brought him out of retirement and he's designed every Merlin coaster since, until 2014.