I think this is considered an inversion, and therefore no drop.
From what I know, the steepest one used to be Cool and Fresh, now known as Migfer with 135° angle of decent. https://rcdb.com/8085.htm
I rode it as a kid during it's few months on fairs, and even though I was very GP at the time, I ranked it as the most painful rollercoaster I ever did. It's brakes were not breaking, they brought you to a standstill.
From what I know, the steepest one used to be Cool and Fresh, now known as Migfer with 135° angle of decent. https://rcdb.com/8085.htm
I rode it as a kid during it's few months on fairs, and even though I was very GP at the time, I ranked it as the most painful rollercoaster I ever did. It's brakes were not breaking, they brought you to a standstill.