Re: Shubinine's dev topic [Vampire's Hunt Download Link pg.
Welll, where do we start...
The layout started off pretty well, but once it got past the hill after the hammerhead, things started to go south. Forces in the drops were pretty low and weak, and they had transitions that felt like they stretched out just too much. No lead-out going into the MCBR. No leadout going into the final brakes, and pretty much the second half of the layout lost a lot of pacing from the long drawn out pullups.
The layout was way over supported on the hills, and not supported enough on the drops. Remember, B&M supports are exceptionally strong, and for the most part they do not use a lot of supports on their hills.
So now a couple of pointers for future B&M hypers:
B&M uses very round and concise pullups that for the most part hold their force really well, so keep that in mind, and don't be afriad to push the force up around 4G for the first set, and around 3G for the last bits. They also use parabolic airtime hills, which give off pretty much 0g in the center cars, and up around -0.5g in the front cars (just some general numbers).
Overall, I'll have to give it a 5/10, just because it started off great, then basically slowed way down and was almost painful to ride from the MCBR on. MSN me if you want some more pointers and such with Newton