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Should I ride the power surge ride at beech bend park?


Roller Poster
I am wondering a couple of questions about the power surge at beech bend park. First, how tight and comfortable are the restraints? Second, How dizzy will I get on the ride and will I get sick on it? Third, I want to try a unique ride and I am a teenager, so will the spinning affect me at my age? Last but not least, How much fun is the power surge at beech bend park? Your feedback is appreciated.
All those questions are really quite subjective.
1, It depends on your size and height as far as the restraints are concerned.
2, You could get dizzy and even sick depending on how your body (and mind) reacts to the topsy-turvy effect of the ride.
3, Some people are affected, other are not - age really doesn't have anything to do with it.
4, The power surge was down when we visited the park, so I can't tell you if it's a good one or not. They vary greatly, so without having ridden it I can't give you a definitive answer.

Have you ridden similar rides before? If not, you really have to try it to find out how the ride affects you.
For what it's worth - Power Surges are my favorite flat ride of all.

If you can handle other flat rides such as egg scramblers or spinning rides, it is definitely worth a shot.
For those who haven't seen it:


And yes, you should.
What seat should I be in on the power surge at beech bend? I want to ride forwards, but should another person ride with me, and if so where should I sit. Also, will I move around in my seat while it is flipping like crazy?
Both seats flip the same amount of times. But by my memory of physics, the inside should have more sudden, and forceful flips, while the outside should have more drawn out, and jerkier flips. However, the difference is so slim, you should barely even notice it. You can sit where ever you want, and it should be the same. If you ride once and like it, try the other side.