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Should Alcohol be Served in Theme Parks?

gavin said:
The fact that it's at a "family" theme park is 100% irrelevant to be honest.

Take a look at pretty much any town centre on a Saturday afternoon when there's a big football/rugby match on. There will likely be a lot of drunk people around and in the same vicinity as "THE CHILDREN!!!!" who are out shopping with parents etc.

Try Chester, or even a train going through Chester, when the races are on in the summer; it's full of pissed people by 11am. It's a **** ing nightmare, and there are plenty of people with kids around.

Kids see pissed people all the time. Ok, you can argue that Disney (or wherever) should be some kind of sanctuary from that, but it's not as if these "incidents" are common enough to warrant it being labelled as some kind of problem.

Mountain. Molehill.

Southend High Street is often like too and to be fair, as an adult, I don't like seeing it in those situations either. Its a theme park/high street not a pub. Don't get me wrong, I love a good ole booze session as you know, but I also think there is a time and a place for it. A theme park (nor a high street for that matter) is not it.
^I agree, but was just pointing out that families are going to have far more "issues" with drunk **** ers in any British town centre than they ever will in a theme park.
I think if parks didn't sell alcohol, few would notice. I can't imagine people go to a theme park and go looking for a drink?

I think the "family park" bit is also irrelevant. I think other adults are more effected by drunkenness than kids.
When you think about, are there any parks that dont serve alcohol?

Its not uncommon at all, and from what I've heard of since being a goon, its rarely an issue.
Joey said:
I think if parks didn't sell alcohol, few would notice. I can't imagine people go to a theme park and go looking for a drink?

I think the "family park" bit is also irrelevant. I think other adults are more effected by drunkenness than kids.

You will be shocked how many do joey, they drink whilst their kids ride.

Follow the dvc group on fb and you will see the rows people have about it.

I have only ever had a problem at Epcot, no other park have I ever seen anything.
Martyn B said:
When you think about, are there any parks that dont serve alcohol?

Its not uncommon at all, and from what I've heard of since being a goon, its rarely an issue.

Magic kingdom in Orlando does not and they say it never will.
I should probably say the only reason I made this topic was that bloody woman kept shouting how things like this shouldn't - in her eyes - be happening at a family theme park when she was in fact holding an alcoholic beverage herself... seemed to undermine her point a little.
Holding / having a drink is NOT the same as being drunk and assaulting people.

At all.
I know. Although she was highly annoying in the video it doesn't mean anything that she's holding a drink. She wasn't staggering around trying to throw punches at the staff.
But she WAS being overconfident and getting involved with an issue that had nothing to do with her, making it worse by telling someone else how to behave. How could we know for sure that isn't because she's a little drunk? I mean, I doubt it, she's probably that annoying all the time... But still.
tbh drinking alcohol at a theme park is never a good idea considering how hot and aggetated people get waiting in queues in the summer. alcohol and coasters never end well.
TP Rich said:
Mark said:
^ Such as? What 'enforced restrictions' can be put in place that will have the desired effect and actually be policeable by the staff??

Restrictions as to how much alcohol one individual can purchase throughout the day. Different numbers of purchases for different drinks - bearing in mind their strengths.

You just can't do it. It takes three pints for me to even start feeling the effects of alcohol and I can drink a lot before I start getting properly drunk. It just can't be policed at all. Do you hand out a card to everyone on the entrance and get their photo on it and it gets swiped each drink you buy? You then measure the metabolism of each drinker and try to work out their alcohol tolerance and try to estimate how much is too much? It just doesn't work.

As Mark says, by the time somebody is drunk too, it's too late. If you drink spirits they get released slowly over a long period of time so as not to poison your body. So somebody with two pints and a triple whisky who is drunk after the triple shot will continue to get more drunk for the next two or three hours. Drinking can also be addictive, so cutting off a drink supply can cause aggression.

The idea of putting in any controls just isn't feasible, but I think Marc's idea of only allowing it to be served with food or after a certain time isn't too bad for a park like Disney. Which brings me to Gavin's point...

gavin said:
^I agree, but was just pointing out that families are going to have far more "issues" with drunk **** ers in any British town centre than they ever will in a theme park.

I guess the only thing I'd say here is that you don't generally have to remortgage your house to go and get assaulted in town, but you do to go to Disney? If you pay to go into somewhere with your family then you expect it to be kept as a safe environment. I don't think it holds a lot of water as a counter argument personally, but it's something.

Maybe what's really needed is better security at the bars (and restricted drinking areas)? If security see a drunk, or a group of drunk lads that look like they may cause trouble, then follow them and make sure others are safe? If you ban alcohol, it just won't solve the problem as people at places like Thorpe will simply take water bottles filled with vodka in and stuff. The more illicit you make something, the more likely some people are to go against it in a big way.

For Disney? Do as Marc says and restrict with meals? Or just have a complete "no alcohol" policy as a company if that's what they want?

I know you don't want to be on the receiving end of a drunk at a theme park, it seems very wrong, but I'll bet the incidents are quite infrequent - I suspect there's less hassle each year from alcohol at Alton than there is on a gypsy day...
Even if you do try to restrict it, as many people have pointed out, It will be very hard to police. A lot of people still smoke in queue lines. It annoys me. :x

In my small business sense, I think it should be banned to take it in to the park and have it sold in 1 place at very high prices. Should work.
Actually, the only time I ever got served underage in the states was in Epcot! It was just a couple of drinks with dinner, but still.

Yeah, I've never really had a drink at a park apart from that. However, I still don't have a problem with them serving. If they banned alcohol I'm sure people who really wanted to drink would take it in anyway, which is a perfect excuse for somewhere to start banning people from taking any food/drink in (I know some parks do this already).

So yeah, serve away. 90% of drinkers will probably only have one or two with lunch, 9% might get hammered and not cause any trouble, with the other 1% maybe getting lairy. Even so, I'd rather have a few drunk adults around than some grotesque, feral, loud children screaming behind me in a queue.
I was at Six Flags over Georgia in the mid-2000's. My brother and I wanted to get a beer so we asked a security guy where we could find an alcoholic beverage in the park. They laughed at us and said, "These people would murder each other if we served alcohol in the park." I assumed he was talking about "black" people, as about six or seven huge fights broke out that day, and every one of the participants were, well, black. (No racist)
Ashstrodamus said:
I was at Six Flags over Georgia in the mid-2000's. My brother and I wanted to get a beer so we asked a security guy where we could find an alcoholic beverage in the park. They laughed at us and said, "These people would murder each other if we served alcohol in the park." I assumed he was talking about "black" people, as about six or seven huge fights broke out that day, and every one of the participants were, well, black. (No racist)

Wow.....errm...you do realise that putting 'no racist' at the end of a really racist post doesn't get rid of the racism, right? Just sayin'.
I don't think it should be served. It's only asking for trouble really, I mean, most people go to theme parks to enjoy the coasters and whatnot, so I don't understand why they have to drink. Granted, some people just walk around with their families and don't ride anything, but if they're that bored and feel the need to drink, then they should just leave the park. Maybe don't take it away completely, but limit it to one beer or alcoholic beverage with a meal. Kids and families don't need to witness fights and idiotic behaviour on their day out because a few people were irresponsible with their drinks.

Personally, I've never had the desire to drink at a theme park. In fact, aside from the odd time I go downtown, or occassionally at work, I don't even bother drinking. I think there are so many more things that are more enjoyable than being drunk, and I'd rather have a nice sober day at a theme park or a zoo than get smashed. I know that doesn't reflect the views of most people my age, but that's what I prefer. I don't mind people who drink, but it doesn't need to be done at theme parks where there are families, etc.
^I'm of a similar opinion to you Taylor. I don't usually get drunk firstly because it costs too much and secondly because I don't feel I need it to have a good time. Sadly, that is not the case for many people and a lot of people rely on drink to enjoy themselves. So, if a day out at a theme park is about enjoying one's self and many people rely on alcohol for this purpose, then I think it should be served.

Most people know their limits and won't go over the top. I mean, how many times have you seen people completely off their tits and causing a nuisance at a theme park? I can honestly say I never have, the only anti-social behaviour I have witness at parks usually either involves chavs or pikeys, both of which are notorious for causing trouble, with or without the involvement of alcohol.

People shouldn't be denied a drink at a park (and for some, an enhancement to the enjoyment of their day) just because a few idiots can't hold their drink. Tis silly.
I agree with you too ladies completely, I literally never drink, like never, not even at Christmas, I just don`t need a drink to have fun, I would rather spend X amount on a park or some other recreation and actually get something out of it, then just sitting about drinking my money, acting stupid and feeling like crap the next day. If there`s a real reason like I don`t know a stag do, birthday or something then that`s different, a celebratory drink if you will, but the amount of people I know that go out every weekend and get slaughtered for no reason whatsoever, its ridiculous.
I have nothing against drinking its just not for me, Taylor I like your beverage with meal idea, that would be controlled drinking for those that wanted one.