Personally I dont think it should be served in Theme parks.
I agree with Phils sentiments that it is indeed a tough call because not everyone goes beserk, gets totally wasted and violent - I was there the day Pierre did it at Thorpe and tbh, he was more hilarious than usual.
You could try to implement some kind of moderation policy. Ie dont serve those who have had enough already etc. However, the problem arises when you try to police it. Who decides where that line of enough is when you stop serving alcohol? Some people simply don't get aggressive and violent regardless of how much they have had to drink but others get like it on a consistent basis whenever they drink. We all know what our own personality traits are when we are drunk. Personally I get camper or more emmotional for instance. Sometimes I can get incredibly argumentative.
If you tell the bar staff not to serve anyone who has had too much or someone is clearly drunk. Its a blanket rule that doesn't really work. I worked in a pub for 3 years and it really doesnt work because each person is different in how they 'handle' their drink as I have said above.
But even if you could stipulate a 'cut-off' its normally too late at that point. After all, you are stopping them drinking because it is very clearly evident they have had enough. The fact that you are then cutting them is more likely to make them angry and aggresive because no matter what you say, in their eyes, 'they are fine'. I'm pretty sure we have all done it at some point (those of us that are legal of course
), our friends tells us we have had enough and we say we are fine. Put that into a context when a complete stranger does it and you have a recipe for aggressive exchanges.
So lets say you have a person who IS an aggresive drunk...
The said person may very well be now drunk and you may very well have cut them off. So well done, but then you still have to contend with the fact they are now wandering around the theme park in their drunken state being aggresive to other people in the queues who have actually done nothing at all wrong. I have actually seen this happen before during a CF event towards a CF member many moons ago.
I've often thought that perhaps you could restrict the areas in which people can drink, so at the very least, if they cant queue up with a beer in their hand, they cant be getting drunker and (for those that do), getting into an agressive state. However, this still doesn't prevent someone sitting in the 'pub garden area' getting wasted and then going out into the park and causing an issue.
Yes it is unfortunate that a minority have the ability to totally ruin it for everyone else BUT if it was me on the recieving end of the abuse I wouldn't care how much of a minority they are.
I also agree that this should be even more important at parks that are clearly catered for families with children. The Disney Parks being a prime example. The Mgaic Kingdom in Florida for instance serves no alcohol whereas the other parks do and I have noticed the differences it creates. In Epcot we noticed a couple having a go at someone for not being 'fully' in the smoking area, what was almost amusing was the fact that the same person shouting at the smoker was holding a buggy in one hand and a beer in the other... at 11.30am! I hate to think what state they would have been in if they had been drinking for the majority of the day in that instance.
On a totally personal level, one of the other things I particularly dislike is the smell of alcohol on someones breath. When in close proximety of it, its vile and quite frankly makes me want to vom. Not a great notion in the queue for a rollercoaster. It is similar to when many people complain about smoking in queue lines etc. They have banned it for that reason, because of the health implications and also because others feel ill etc and they dont want the 2nd hand smoke. Equally I don't want the nasty stench of alcohol around me either.
Given that it is just so hard to police and it is an issue that can cause much bigger problems if the 'wrong' type of person is involved it would just be far easier to have a blanket ban on alcohol in parks, just the same way they do in other public locations for all the same reasons. As a side note, this has been my opinion long before the video surfaced.