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Shoddy Brighton Peir

Brighton Peir

  • Lovin' It?

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  • Hate It

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  • It should be in hell

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Giga Poster
There I said it after a long time I said it.

Super booster broken of three weeks needing a new part. (1 week left)

Hunted Hotel Ride construction delayed indefinably, until complete (looks like a couple of weeks.

Booster running on and off.

Turbo having constant problems with brakes.

And not forgetting the shoddy food! (Well the ****ing disgusting food!)


Now your say on it, Love it or Hate it? (Bit like marmite! :lol: )
I hate it!!

Turbo is a ****ing rough.

Wild mouse is a wild mouse.

Its a rip-off.

The peir has gaps so I can drop my money into the sea.
Its alright if your passing through i guess. Its not really designed to draw in customers from all round the south like Thorpe for example, they really on passing trade from people going to say the beach for the day or something..
I've been once.

Everything I wanted to ride was working. The park was clean. Staff were friendly and polite. Food was what I expected from retailers on a British pier.

I'm not sure if it has changed in the last year or so but I walked away with an excellent impression of a good day out with mates.
Looks like a dump, I hate Pinfari loopers because they are painful and dull and just ****, The only thing there that stands out is the booster.

I have no plan to ever go there unless I'm in the area for whatever reason.
Ian said:
I've been once.

Everything I wanted to ride was working. The park was clean. Staff were friendly and polite. Food was what I expected from retailers on a British pier.

I'm not sure if it has changed in the last year or so but I walked away with an excellent impression of a good day out with mates.

Ditto Ian, but I suspect that we're slightly more realistic on what an amusement park "owes us". ;)

If I'd had to pay an entrance fee, then I'd agree. As it's just "pay per ride", it's not an issue to you if they've got problems with maintenance on rides. You're just saving some cash. If you don't like the look of Turbo, don't spend your money on it - it's Pinfari looping death, but great fun with mates.

If the food is bad, then it's a massive 2 minute walk off the pier to Burger King (then you'll soon be wanting typical British sea-side food :D ).

And the pier has holes in it you lose money down? LOL! Funniest. Comment. Ever! :lol:
Never actually really been interested in going over onto the pier and doing the rides

I think it is a **** hole, and Brighton all together is just a complete and utter disgrace, it is disgustingly dirty and every where is rusty and horrible.

And for me I wouldn’t even risk my own life over on that pile of rotting crap, because what makes you think it won’t collapse like the other one did.

But back onto the pier, I think that if they want more people to go and do the rides they should extend the pier and make more rides, and make it more stable.
It's a big Rip off, the rides are tatty and rough and sooo soooo expensive, makes parks like Thorpe seem a good price even on the gate!!
^You virtually dont have to queue at brighton pier..you dont have to pay to get in if you dont want to ride but your with mates who do..its something that enthusiasts wont like because they have a crappy rollercoaster, however as I said before its not intended to bring people in from all of the south like thorpe anyway...
I've been on both coasters at least twice and i've never been, so, whatever.

It's a typical seaside park, but it's credits nevertheless.
I can't believe people are slagging of Brighton Pier.

It's a Pier ffs, and possibly the best pier in the UK with rides on it.

Remember, it's a pier.

It can't be extended without considerable amount of cost. They can't build mega-heavy rides.

It's a pier.

And at the end of that pier you'll find a varied selection of rides that you'd expect to find at the end of...yes, a pier.

You're not going to get Alton Towers crammed on a few planks of wood jutting out over the sea.
I'm not slagging it off...I enjoyed my day when I was at brighton with mates, and I enjoyed going down the pier and going on rides, some people are talking like they expected some amazing rides on top of there which would just be plain stupid really...
The 1st time i was there
i had £10 to waste !
it was gone in 20 mins !

its quite amazin tht its on a pier and stuff
but everthing is gettin old a ruff !

its need a new make over !
and get rid of some the tackness !

but it nice to walk down !
and have a laff !
So if you had a laugh, why does it matter if its a bit shoddy. Anything suspended over the sea isn't gonna stay in good condition forever anyways..
Shoddy peir is a shoddy peir but it is the fun that counts I suppose!

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