portemine said:
I am also surprised that you find Sky Scrapper a little jerky. This is one of my most want coasters and I am always eager to read some reviews of it.
It was only really jerky towards the back during the inversions tbh. It's still a great ride.
Pink Panther said:
The Post Joyland faff sounds horrendous D:
I've always thought Oriental Heritage parks look incredible, but bad operations would ruin it for me. How does Jungle Trailblazer compare to the other favourite wooden coasters?
So I'm not the biggest fan of wooden coasters usually so it depends on what ones you'd like me to compare to

It's just extremely quick and throws you around (in the good way), it's also really smooth (for now) which was great.
Time for the last instalment...
Saturday 25th
So we got up at a fairly decent time to find yet more rain, urgh. We went to grab some breakfast before tracking down a taxi to take is to Romon U-Park which is attached to a massive shopping centre. Romon U-Park is in two sections, the first is a giant indoor park and the latter is outside on this little island. We headed inside and were taken back a little bit by how large the building seemed.
Behind some theming you can just make out the Intamin...
Walking towards the cred we walked past a really great, lively, brass band. I think it was all part of the Brazilian theme that was going on, more on that later.
The Euro Express is really tucked in at the back and darts around lots of theming, which is cool.
I sat at the back and despite having quite a good little layout and all the headchopper moments there was this disgusting rattle throughout most of the ride and it gave me a proper headache. It would have been awesome and very re-ridable otherwise, the short train makes it really zip about. Such a let down.
We decided to go on the random monorail. Due to the weather it only did a lap of the indoor section of the park which was a bit random.
We didn't go on the log flume but it looked cool.
The monorail goes through the massive Egyptian pyramid stage and has themed walls which I thought was a nice touch.
One of the flat rides
Turns out this magnificent building houses nothing and the whole area has a weird purpose.
We decided to go in the XD theatre which turned out to have the exact same film as the one we did in Joyland. That was slightly annoying. Queue had weird theming that didn't seem connected to anything?
As part of the Brazil theme there were several parades throughout the day, the music was really loud and very lively, added quite a cool atmosphere around the park.
So next to the big awesome mansion building is just a nicely decorated area purely for people to dress up and take photos. I was shocked at how much space was designated for such a random activity in a theme park.
We decided to do the horror maze next. It was dreadful. There was a terrified lady that was highly amusing to be around though.
We then stumbled across a different band, which was nice.
We decided to go outside, check if the weather was still miserable (it was, but not heavy) and just see what they had to offer. The rapids actually looked cool and were surprisingly open but we decided against it.
I ended up taking a quick ride on Legend drop. It was pretty good. I enjoyed the views.
I was loving the theming around this park.
The outside coaster was spiting due to the weather so we headed back inside where we caught the main parade. It was huge! The dancers seemed like they were from all over the World and lots of them looked very hungover and regretting life, which was amusing. There was some over-enthusiastic dancer and during the audience participation section he rolled in with this buggy with a kid in it and moved it around to the dance, I was crying with laughter - as were the other dancers. Oh and some of the random characters on the floats had water pistols which for some reason I found really amusing.
He was actually playing the drums really well!
Looks super friendly...
It was actually really good fun and I thought the floats looked amazing.
We then jumped onto Venice Tour. It's a fake Venetian gondola that literally goes around a square patio that has some seats on it. There was a wall that was randomly playing a Pixar film too. So random.
Random fish in the attraction's water
We decided to give the outdoor section another chance. It wasn't raining but there was no way the coaster was opening. Boo! At least I've ridden the original version in Bayern Park in Germany. I decided to take a ride on their giant frisbee. I had to wait quite a while as they needed a certain amount of riders before loading. Apart from no one was entering the queue because they thought it was closed *facepalm* Anyway, finally got on and it was ok.
It was then back inside where we bumped into both of the bands again. They were good. I loved the big brass band's choreography, they were fab.
I decided to film them play Livin' la vida loca and towards the end you can see a very happy woman take a photo of her husband who stood next to me, this is a constant thing, kinda glad I caught it on camera...
We then left the park, had a tiny wander in the shopping centre before getting a taxi back to the train station. I'm not fully sure how I feel about this place, parts of it were nice, A for effort with the theming. But it felt like there wasn't really much to do, which when you consider the cost to get in doesn't make sense. It sucked that one cred spited while the other one tried to ruin me but I loved all the entertainment going on.
At Ningbo train station (which was friggin' huge) we had a really nice meal and I'm annoyed I didn't make note of the name as I'd totally check them out again next time I'm in China.
finally took a photo of the safety signs that really amused us.
I then said my goodbyes to Danielle when we got to Shanghai. I headed to my lovely hotel for the night before catching my flight the next morning. The airport had this random display of what looked like Neuschwanstein castle with a cred.
I had a Premium Economy seat on the flight home which was super nice. The seats were so comfortable - doesn't mean I got much sleep. Wish I had the ability to sleep on long haul flights.
And that was my time in China.
I had an awesome, crazy, exhausting, hot, wet, stressful, fun, insane time. It was great to see Danielle again and meet some of her friends. The parks were a total mixed bag but I can't wait to go to more Fantawild parks and return to Shanghai Disney. Thanks for reading, hope you've enjoyed it!