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Shanghai, China | Shanghai Disneyland | Theme Park

I love Alice in Wonderland and welcome any new attraction with that IP incorporated, but I really wish it was the original version. That said, what I've seen from the maze so far has almost persuaded me otherwise and I can't wait to see the Alice in Wonderland Tokyo attraction develop over the next few years!

Joey said:
Castle seems a bit..... Square? Is it any more so than the others.

I don't think other castles don't have a square-ness to them at all. From ground level it should be a lot less obvious (depending where you're standing.)
My problem with the castle is that it's essentially on a giant concrete pedestal. There seems to be little to no theming/foliage around the paths leading to the castle base.
Just been invited to the soft opening a couple of weeks before opening and I'm ridiculously tempted to go.

Also - the Tron ride is amazing inside, the level of projection effects and lighting is just fantastic, it's just MAMMOTH in size.
Ha, nice. I'm going on the 20th, going to be chaotic but meh, should still have a fab time.

BTW looks like tickets haven't sold out at all, just more website issues. And I wouldn't be surprised if opening day has less tickets than a normal day due to it only be open from the afternoon. Guess the morning is reserved for media stuff.

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Its been a while :p Some of my recent favourites:



Whats inside :p


The stone walls are just too amazing



Inside the castle you all hate :p


Not exactly a world away from the signs found in Gavin's trip reports :p









theme park university have a large collection of pictures of the onsite nature park if that's anyone's thing.
I have some other images of the interior of Tron but can't share them - posting this to piss the Disney geeks off.

It looks great though, the park as a whole is looking fab, I just hope they solve all of the current issues with the park before opening or they're gonna face a big backlash, seen as they've already broke Buzz Lightyear's Planet Rescue.
I still really like that castle, I dunno what people are chatting about.

I like the fact that it looks like, you know, a castle? Like, you could live in there.

I wanna go ugh. Not straight away obv but when it's functioning properly.
There's something about the colour scheme of the castle that just doesn't look right to me. It almost looks unfinished - like it all needs to have a final layer of paint or something. I dunno.

Other than that everything looks amazing.
I must say, this looks really good! I really like the castle too. Definitely a thread I regret not following more closely earlier.
^ It's not Splash Mountain, just theming for the rapids ride.
Is that actual Bambi theming?! Like a Disney film that I actually care about being included in a Disney park! Now I just need The Aristocrats, Lady and the Tramp and Robin Hood and I'll be booking my tickets.
Their Alice in Wonderland aesthetic is just so perfect

They say the Beast is breathtaking night - Tron will transcend that :p

Splash Mountain looks great!

And so does Roaring Rapids!

Buttress roots used to form the handrails of a bridge - very clever! <3

Not gonna lie, I much prefer the exterior of the one in Paris...

Does anyone know what type of attraction this is?


Tacky but amazing. I want more!
Urgh. It's been mentioned a few times now but that's not Splash Mountain. Just a ridiculous piece of theming for either the rapids or the ridiculous adventure area thingy.

It is looking gorgeous though. Might actually compete with Paris for Best Disneyland park.

After those pics surfaced the other day of peeps urinating and whatnot wherever they like I am getting a bit concerned about how they're going to keep it looking nice.

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