Yeah I'm curious on the exact footprint, and cost of one of these, and how it compares with say a Free Spin.Did they ever announce the price for this or the one at the worst park in California? I can't imagine the cost being that extreme.
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IKR.(not an inversion)
No, not necessarily. A lot of roughness is caused by shoddy track techniques and bad transitions between track segments.Six Flags are saying it will be the smoothest coaster ever made because it only rides on one rail. I don't really buy that, because it will still have two wheels, and roughness is caused by the wheels being out of sync (I think?).
You're not wrong, but don't forget that this is a tiny coaster. It's a single seat, with riders practically straddling the track. It's not comparable to any B&M or Intamin track.Not to mention it's easier to work with this one rail in a shop than it is something bigger, as it's small enough to fit through a regulation doorway as opposed to a huge piece of B&M or Intamin track.