Let's be honest. Only about half of CF has had sex. I haven't. Boo hoo. I have a right hand. Wahay! I cba to wait for marriage to pop along. So I'll pop in, out, shake her hand and move on.
Sex and religion don't bond well for me. Most Christians say sex is for marriage, and marriage only. Others are little horny sluts who want all the cock they can get. From my experience, Christians and other religious people, find it very hard to talk about sex openly, which is probably why they stay virgins for so long and have] to wait to be married to do it.
Little off topic, but do Roman Catholics believe porn is right. I mean, as long as the couple are in a safe, secure marriage, not wearing a condom, and most cer6tainly not squirting all over their breasts, face or mouth, pornography is acceptable, right?