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Sex ban at Alton Towers Hotel

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From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
According to The Sun :? , sex has been banned from certain bedrooms at the AT Hotel due to complaints.

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... owers.html

Yeah, fair enough, what's more interesting is the research at the bottom of the page saying that on a trip to a theme park, you are likely to walk 6 miles and burn 700 calories. That's great! Although I'm sure the burger and chips you have for lunch will offset that.
And if you have sex you burn even more lol.

So if you book to stay do you need to tell them that you are going to have sex so they can put you in a different room?

What happens if you dont know you are going to have sex but pull during the day?

Sorry I think its rather funny :)
The PR at Alton is really starting to piss me off now. I know they're probably working to the mantra that "all publicity is good publicity" but it's getting to the point now that people are going to start thinking the park is run by Nazis.

I'm not annoyed specifically by this story... more just the accumilation of stories that has built up over the last year or so. It's getting beyond a joke now.
So let me get this right, we can stay in the room get pissed and have a good laugh, joke chat thats ok :) But we must not have sex lol.

I say put Neal and Stone Cold in a room and let them talk all night :)

I just think its funny.

Alton need to build thicker walls in their rooms. Tbh when we were in California I got kept up due to the people next door talking, but your in a hotel there is nothing you can do apart from move rooms.
Morwenna Angove, Sales and Marketing Director at the Alton Towers Resort

Wait, is this the same Morwenna Angove that recently hired a lifedog in the waterpark, completely ballsed-up the promotion for Thirteen with whacky and outlandish statements ("Scariest coaster in the world", anyone?) as well as making a multitude of other odd PR and marketing stunts?

Hmmm, makes one think really!
This is not really a PR stunt though as its happening and is true.

But parents still have sex so people in the family zone could still get to hear it :) This is why I think its rather funny.
You Alton fanboys sure know how to please your women if it was that loud... I tip my hat.
See it now as you're checking in...

"Hello guys, staying for two nights are we? Ok very well, breakfast starts at 7 and runs till 10, you can reserve your dinner seats through the phone in your room, woodland walk opens at 10am, and no rumpy-pumpy in your room please, we don't want any noise disturbing your neighbours now... Oh, and Cariba Creek opens between 10 and 8... Any further questions?"
Whilst I was having a shave this morining a thought came to my head lol.

Now I do not mean to offend anyone here.

Alton Towers hotels should also have a no kids area, how many of us have been woken up by kids running up and down hall ways and crying early in the mornings or late at night. I have never been woken up or kept awake by anyone having sex, but I have been woken up by kids before.
Marc, I think that this is what they are doing. They are reserving rooms to create an adult area. I agree, I hate kids kids running up and down when I'm trying to relax. And no, when I'm in a pub unwinding after 7pm on a Friday. I will not keep my foul language down. This is an adult environment, take your bloody kids home.

They have a point at Alton Towers though, when you're paying through the nose for a bed, you want it to be peaceful during the evenings. In a £19 Travelodge however, bang away all night I say.
Ian said:
And no, when I'm in a pub unwinding after 7pm on a Friday. I will not keep my foul language down. This is an adult environment, take your bloody kids home.

Haha.... So true!

To be honest I think this is just another publicity stunt, I will be suprised if they actually back this up. Or I agree with whats already been said they will just put the groups of adults in a section of the hotel and families in another section.
I doubt you will ever be faced with the question 'Will you be engaging in intercourse during the course of your stay?' whilst booking the room. :lol:
I needed to find a suitable topic to post this in because it's not worthy of a new one...this one will do.

She's gone! :D

Alton Towers is one of those rare phenomenons that can market itself, without the need for bizarre and desperate PR stunts.

I hope her replacement is somebody who realises AT's strength is the attractions and history of the park, not nice clowns protesting about evil ones or bringing a gnome to the park for free entry.
^ Indeed. I shall quote her goodbye speech from Towers Times:

Dear Alton Towers Resort fans,

Today is my last day so I thought I would take the opportunity to thank you for all your support and feedback over the last few years, I know (because I do read the forums!) that some of my ideas haven’t always been received positively by some of you but they have always been undertaken with the best interests of the Resort at heart and have been partly instrumental for ensuring that the business has grown consistently over the last 3 years, 2010 being a record breaking year in so many ways.

It will be incredibly hard to leave a place about which I care passionately and even harder to leave behind a group of dedicated, talented and fantastic people who strive to deliver their absolute best for you and the other guests who visit the Resort in growing numbers every year.

So, whilst you may have seen the back of scantily-clad ladies on Rita; scantily-clad men in the Waterpark and Clowns protesting I am confident that you will not have seen the end of business growth, great guest experiences in addition to award-winning marketing campaigns and some terrifically unique product development.

Goodbye and Good Luck.
Morwenna xx

Kind of glad she's gone because of all the bizarre, extreme and very stupid PR stunts, but hey, she did the company good in the long term - I have never had so many people talking about going to AT because of what they'd heard in the news :p
would they barge in and tell you to stop if you did it anyway? hahaha
^^ thats a point, how would they stop you?

"Thank you for staying here at the Alton Towers Hotel, please come again soon.. but in the 'park visiting' way, please." Very subtle.
yeah that too. But of course they'd be fired.. which would be welcomed with open arms- no more dust from upstairs raining on their heads when working on front desk. :?
Couple: *making certain noises*
*Knock knock*
Alton Towers Staff Member: Open up! Sex check!
Couple: *hastily put clothes back on* Open door.
Staff: Were you having sex?
Couple: No...
Staff: Beds untidy, shirt on back to front and... what's this?
Couple: A balloon?
Staff: Arrested for sex on unauthorised property!
Me: O_O
In essence, this is bollocks. A PR stunt imo, even if it wasn't a PR stunt. They could NEVER enforce it, it's probably against human rights (in this sill day and age). People would just be advised against "doing it" so to speak.
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