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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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I do have to gree though that this topic has become really boring. I have completely lost interest in it. I'm focusing on Manta now.
^ Because they want someone to post something worthwhile and not spam like this whole page is.

If Thorpe stick to the plans, the drawings and everything your eyes will be like this :shock: if however they don't you will look like this :x. I hope its the former as I'd really like to see a well themed coaster in thorpe for next year.
slash1994 said:
^ Because they want someone to post something worthwhile and not spam like this whole page is.

That's rich coming from you.

There's only so much I can take of 'OMG ITS THORPE AND ITS THEMED I THINK IT WILL BE AMAZING!' before I just get sick of hoping that each new post may have an update.

As the construction on the station is happening, I am focusing on what is happening else where in the Canada Creek area, I'm starting to think about Samauri, like: Will it be renamed, what colour will it be next season, what are Mondial doing with it?

Anyone got nay news on that?
Jewls1993 said:
As the construction on the station is happening, I am focusing on what is happening else where in the Canada Creek area, I'm starting to think about Samauri, like: Will it be renamed, what colour will it be next season, what are Mondial doing with it?

Nothing, at least not yet anyway, the most recent photos show it waiting for its yearly maintenance. Nothing more. And to be honest it doesn't need anything done, Saw will be on its own island. It’s quite secluded from the lost city in plan view. I’m sure it will affect the tranquil feel the lost city once had. But when I last visited, it seems Thorpe Park were giving the Lost City – either through default or on purpose – a more overgrown feel anyway.

There was a (frankly pedantic) change, between the original station plans and those posted on the www.sawtheride.com . It concerned the façade between the station building and the drop head chopper. Basically a wooden beam mesh type aesthetic covered the turn into the off-load station. This was later changed into what can be viewed on www.sawtheride.com , a more solid façade with a few pipes. That may indeed provide an excuse for a smoke system on the drop. :idea:

The original station plans can be viewed here:

http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest ... AN.005.pdf
Forgive me for not knowing much about this coaster, but I really cant be arsed to go through over 120 pages of guff.

Has it tested yet? If so how does it take the inversions? Thats the one problem I have with Euro-Fighters, they tend to trickle through their inversions, especially loops, but thats normally due to the loop itself being way too big in comparison to the ride, take Rage as a perfect example.

I must say what I have seen of it, looks good, and its good to see Thorpe sticking to their plans. This, the 'cheapest' of their large coasters and could well end up being the best.

The themeing all looks very good, though I cant help but think 'next to Collosus? Really?', its the same case of Air in the Forbidden Valley, I know this isn't in the lost city, but its wham bam next to Collosus, and Collosus is a bright ride compared to the darkness of Saw.
^No testing has been done.
I don't agree with you with trickling through the inversions though. On Speed you fly through the inversions and turns and it's really forceful on your body.
^It hasn't tested yet, I don't think the trains have even arrived yet. Also they appear to be redoing the theming for the lost city so that it is clearly a different area.
^No. It hasn't tested yet.

Eurofighters seem to gain and lose speed very quickly. I'd imagine this is due to the size of the trains. I think this ride may give some hangtime in the inversions.
Martyn B said:
Has it tested yet? If so how does it take the inversions?

No it hasn't tested yet...

Martyn B said:
Thats the one problem I have with Euro-Fighters, they tend to trickle through their inversions, especially loops, but thats normally due to the loop itself being way too big in comparison to the ride, take Rage as a perfect example.

Yeah I can see what you mean about Rages loop, however I don't think Saw's Immelman looks to big considering the size of the first drop. Hopefully Saw will take the inversions at a decent speed.

Martyn B said:
The themeing all looks very good, though I cant help but think 'next to Collosus? Really?', its the same case of Air in the Forbidden Valley, I know this isn't in the lost city, but its wham bam next to Collosus, and Collosus is a bright ride compared to the darkness of Saw.

Saw is on its own separate island and I don't think it will be as bad as the complete opposites of Air and Nemesis. hopefully they won't clash, I am more worried about the Samurai-Saw clash rather than the Colossus-Saw clash.

Samurai could be themed so well to a spinning blade, if they don't do it its a missed opportunity IMO, however this is Thorpe, they didn't even bother re-themeing Cyclone to a Zodiac...

EDIT: Do you think he knows it hasn't tested yet? :lol:
Sorry, I missed that - has it started testing yet? ;) :p

I'm actually shocked by the lack of anythngi to do with the Saw franchise to be honest... Well, I'm not, it's just a gimmick, a name to help sell the ride and give it advertising potential. More could have been done though I think.

At the end of the day - they'll have a simply themed ride which will require very little in the way of change when the license for the Saw franchise runs out.

I think the ride will be like all the other Eurofighters and fun enough, they have a mix of intense and hang time. Not really my cup of tea, but I'll be there opening weekend anyway :)
Is it me or have they changed the countdown clock on the blog? I thought it used to say it would open at 1am, but now it seems to say midnight. Anyone care to explain?
They probably forgot to put the clock back lol :)

Ollie the day we rode Speed at the live I found it very different from you, I got no air time, hang time in the loop and the brake run killed the end of the ride.

Rage on the other hand is very intense at the end, but again hang time in the loop and slow through the other inversions.

And on both Speed and Rage I get a battering.

Plus I fully agree with what Furie is saying about the theming and the coaster. Had this coaster been built anywhere else but Thorpe the topic would probably be 20 pages.
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