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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Mark said:
Excellent Leigh.

At least they made sure your name is in the credit somewhere!

You have to hit the more info selection on the youtube page, it is not on the actual video itself, just the more info tab beside the video.

Proud of him or what.
World's scariest roller coaster...?

O... K...

Guess that's why standing by it all you hear is "It's a mini Stealth" or "it doesn't look as scary as dem other ones".

I still think they're playing it all wrong... but, whatever.
I think the "Scariest" part isn't meant to be related to the coaster layout, it's supposed to be releated to the Saw theme.
Apparently they are going to be using a lot of things in the queue areas to ensure that this is scary. I know that one thing that was mentioned whilst we were at GhosterForce about the use of subconscious sound effects. (Other people were there during the conversation too)

I don't know if you remember a while back that a local council started using sound waves to emit sounds that would be an irritant to younger ears to stop them hanging shops. Most people couldn't hear the sound it emits. Well maybe this technology could be utilise to trigger certain adrenalal reactions.

Some kind of sound wave that isn't actually detectable by the conscious ear that triggers certain fear glands? It sounds a bit well developed for a theme park but who knows.

If they are to use these kind of technologies to create something genuinely fearful it can certainly be achieved to be the scariest rollercoaster in the world. How many coasters are actually designed to be horrifying? Normally that is the job of Haunted Houses.

Only time will tell... I am not sure myself whether or not I believe that they would go to these lengths for theming, but I can't say they wouldn't either.
^ Yes but dosen't that also run the risk of health problems? As the Mosquito device which is a high pitched sound was removed as it breached human right laws apparently.
im looking forward to the themeing of this but it wont live up to Fahrenhiet so it will be ****
should have gone for a B&M floorless like Hydra: The Revenge or an Intamin Mega Coaster like piraten. or even better BOTH :)
And I quote

Mark said:
I am not sure myself whether or not I believe that they would go to these lengths for theming, but I can't say they wouldn't either.

I didn't say it was a definate, or whether I even thought it would happen. I

highly doubt it, but I also wouldn't be surprised if something (not necessarily subliminal) isn't included in the music possibly. There is bound to be queueline music similar to that of the film and if they were to include "scary" sound effects just as they do in film that would be more likely. Music has long been used in film to evoke fear so this would be no different. Perhaps that is more likely the appraoch they are taking as apose to actual subliminal sounds...

Although I don't tend to find horror movies very scary there are occasions where I find the sounds a little un nerving. For example, watching The Grudge with 5.1; that clicking coming from right behind my head certainy startled me somewhat.

So clever use of sound can definately be at least part of the theming that Thorpe will rely on to actually live up to the title that they have claimed, or should I say want to claim, for this ride.
Using an extremely low-frequency sound can produce an effect of discomfort to a listener, despite its near-inaudible quality. There's one or two films that have been released that have had a extreme low-frequency sound, around 17Hz, to create a feeling of disorientation and uneasiness. That'd be a very effective tool for making a queueline, like Saw's, seem scary.

If they're going to make it that bloody scary though, i'll be thinking twice about riding it!
^And what about the ride-ops? They'd get extremely nervous, afraid of doing mistakes, etc. Yes, earplugs may have been a solution, but then again, they can't hear as well then, and I guess you need to hear well if you're an op ("This guy needs help", etc).

And I thought we already had established that it's illegal?
If they had a sign mentioning the noises by the entrance, and a disclaimer etc, I'm sure it wouldn't be illegal, as you would be aware of it, and allowign it to happen to you.
Pokemaniac said:
And I thought we already had established that it's illegal?

Robbeal said:
There's one or two films that have been released that have had a extreme low-frequency sound, around 17Hz, to create a feeling of disorientation and uneasiness.


jonnyrocks said:
If they had a sign mentioning the noises by the entrance, and a disclaimer etc, I'm sure it wouldn't be illegal, as you would be aware of it, and allowign it to happen to you.

If it is illegal there must be some way around it. If a film can find a way around it I am sure that the same process could be used in a theme park queue. It is all a show after all.

In terms of the ride ops I would have thought there would be several "rooms" during the queue. These rooms wouldn't necessarily all play the music that creates the atmosphere. Once fear is triggered with the sound the visuals throughout the rest of the queue can do the work. Possibility perhaps?
All in all I can see a lot of complaints coming and them having to change things.

If they do not age limit the ride and a 14 year old rides it and gets to scared its not going to go down very well.

Yes they can put warnings on the ride etc but tbh who really reads them? they see a new coaster and like all of us want to ride it. Most people see a sign and think it can not be that bad.

I personally am not a fan of horror films, but have no real problems in walk throughs. But I did have a massive problem at BGA and got so scared that I wanted to leave, and that was just someone on a foot path who I thought was Freddie.

Just my view on it.
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