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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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I would also be saying the same if it was at another park, but Ollie would you be praising it if it was at another park? Thats the thing really.

Part of my major turn off for this ride is the way people have been going on about it from day 1, get real its a basic Eurofighter one that can be found in Wales and Southend. It offers no more that these 2 coaster so why is Saw so good?
Stretch said:
still looks very short though :( we need some LONG coasters here in the UK, their all far too short
The Ultimate? PMBO (It's **** but its still long)? They are the first and second longest in Europe.
southend_marc said:
Part of my major turn off for this ride is the way people have been going on about it from day 1, get real its a basic Eurofighter one that can be found in Wales and Southend. It offers no more that these 2 coaster so why is Saw so good?
Well.... of the bit we know about, yes, it offers no more than Rage or Speed.

The part that will either make it a half decent coaster or a total flop at attempting to recreate the Saw franchise in ride form will be the indoor section.
Ollie is a horror film fanboy, which is why I think he's attached to this ride more than others. Would also explain how he knows others that he's been talking to (whom I expect are also horror film fanboys) are looking forward to it.

Marc said:
Part of my major turn off for this ride is the way people have been going on about it from day 1, get real its a basic Eurofighter one that can be found in Wales and Southend. It offers no more that these 2 coaster so why is Saw so good?

Because it's different from Rage and Speed. It has theme for starters and it's at a more popular (which doesn't mean better btw) theme park.

Again, I'll see this ride in mid-March. I'll ride it a few times and think it's good - I always do when I ride a new ride. It's only after a few visits will I be able to judge it. I am looking forward to it but looking at these pointless updates, but thjere are others I'm more excited about.
I'm more curious about what they've done to the inside. Are there huge ass scary animatronics? Is there gonna be some hi-tech audio/visuals? Or will it just be plain, static objects *cough*bubbleworks*cough* I think this will play a key part in the ride if Thorpe have done it right, if not, then bye bye good ride.
southend_marc said:
Part of my major turn off for this ride is the way people have been going on about it from day 1, get real its a basic Eurofighter one that can be found in Wales and Southend. It offers no more that these 2 coaster so why is Saw so good?
Neither Saw nor Rage have an indoor prelift? I think that if the indoor part has good audio and visual effects then it will be a great ride.
I think Ian explained what I was trying to say better tbh. We have seen what can be done with these coaster when more effort is applied, the one being built in Germany for example.
The one in Dollywood is probably the best example, but I don't see this quite matching it.

I am pretty much with Ian in the respect of riding it a few times and seeing what it is like. I am holding out hope that it holds some longevity and wow factor, but that is pretty natural I would have thought. As an enthusiast surely the whole point is that you spend ages looking forward and hoping to get a great experience.... This would directly translate down to anyone else who isn't an enthusiast,. They are still going to expect the same kind of anticipation and great experience.
southend_marc said:
I would also be saying the same if it was at another park, but Ollie would you be praising it if it was at another park? Thats the thing really.

Part of my major turn off for this ride is the way people have been going on about it from day 1, get real its a basic Eurofighter one that can be found in Wales and Southend. It offers no more that these 2 coaster so why is Saw so good?

I thought the answer would be pretty obvious to that. It's at Thorpe Park, which is a large park with enough attractions to make a good day out from. Southend... it doesn't even have enough to fill a morning with at the moment. Wales- the volume of people that visit Oakwood is far less than those who visit Thorpe.

We are on a majority-English forum and thus its hardly suprising that people get more excited about a coaster that's going to be accessible to them.

Yeah Fluch der Norvgood looks wicked, but in the long run, it's not going to affect that many of the people on here- go on a foreign fanboy site if you want to here about that... I thought that fact would be obvious. Obviously not.

Also, Saw does have the POTENTIAL to offer more than a hideous pink and yellow contraption situated in an otherwise pretty standard seaside park with no room left to expand.

We do not live in the reaches of Disney, Universal etc, so with a sense of reality, lets consider this sensibly for what and where it is.
But you have covered what I am getting at :)

If a small sea side park can get a Eurofighter then a larger park like Thorpe should be getting something bigger and better.

At the end of the day it is what it is and I think there are so many mixed views on this coaster which is cool, some like it some dont. I personally dont think a themed station is going to make this coaster any better but thats my view.

I have been on many themed rides and yes a theme can make a ride better but at the end of the day that does not always happen. People will do this coaster once or twice and then get bored of the theme thats my problem with it, you will know the story you will know the effects. After this whats left? As Erol has said if Thorpe have got anything wrong it will be a total waste of time, I think the theme will be good as the company that makes the films have helped with it.

The best thing about this coaster is it should work all year long.
^If Southend can run Rage in Snow, Rain, Hail and wind and with the salt air there is just no reason Thorpe should not be able to :)
southend_marc said:
^If Southend can run Rage in Snow, Rain, Hail and wind and with the salt air there is just no reason Thorpe should not be able to :)
But it's still Thorpe, so you never know. They could make breathing unreliable without trying! :wink:
SchumacherFerrari said:
southend_marc said:
The best thing about this coaster is it should work all year long.
Amen. :)

Except, being Thorpe it will probably fail at that too! :roll:

Nah, it will work all year long. It's not a software driven coaster like B&M's and Intamin. It's all hardware, so we are safe <3
Screaming Coasters said:
SchumacherFerrari said:
southend_marc said:
The best thing about this coaster is it should work all year long.
Amen. :)

Except, being Thorpe it will probably fail at that too! :roll:

Nah, it will work all year long. It's not a software driven coaster like B&M's and Intamin. It's all hardware, so we are safe <3
Thank **** for that! :p
What I don't get is that all 3 of Altons B&M coasters don't have problems running in the cold season. Air runs fine, Oblivion runs fine, and so does Nemesis, I have been on all 3 in rain/sleet/snow/hail!

I have even been on Rita:QOS in the snow and hail aswell! Not nice but they run it.

So I don't get why Thorpe can't! Hopefully this coaster can run all year round.
southend_marc said:
If a small sea side park can get a Eurofighter then a larger park like Thorpe should be getting something bigger and better.

Um. They Are.

Firstly, their model is a custom design, and nothing off-the-shelf. Secondly, it is 25 foot taller. Thirdly it is about double the length. Fourthly it is steeper. And it's got a dark ride section, and WAY MORE trains (which cost a fair amount). How is that not bigger and better???

Thorpe have tried to push out the boat. Go for gimmicks in an economy which probably suggests they shouldn't be adding anything at all. But they are, and on a regular basis.

I have been on many themed rides and yes a theme can make a ride better but at the end of the day that does not always happen. People will do this coaster once or twice and then get bored of the theme thats my problem with it, you will know the story you will know the effects. After this whats left?

It's designed to drag in crowds. The majority of theme park visitors can only afford/only visit once a year (hence TP and AT selling cheap return tickets, in a bid to get people to come back before the next annual trip). Said park visitors don't use fast-pass/single rider/time their visits for quiet days and thus will end up queueing 1.5hours-ish for a ride. Thus, providing them with a theme, and some form of interactivity from start to finish of ride and queue experience increases the appeal of the ride, helps forget the boredom of queueing and encourages them to talk about the ride in the future.

They could just slam in another Stealth, but at the moment, I don't feel that's the right direction for Thorpe to go in- they have Colossus and Stealth for 'extreme' coasters, where as here they're trying to create more of an experience.

Yeah, it might get old, but then you'll just block out the themeing- but even then, there will still be other people noticing it.

Mystery castle at Phantasialand is a perfect example. So is Hex. People have seen the pre-shows a million times before, but it doesn't make you want to ride them any less... well, not me anyway.

I'm looking forward to it. It looks to be a good coaster, with a fair amount of fast sections, an intense indoor section (we all saw how steep that drop was) and indoor queueing.

It not like X:/...... this time at least they've got a reasonable/good coaster underneath all the themeing...[/quote]
coasterdude_1 said:
Um. They Are.

Firstly, their model is a custom design, and nothing off-the-shelf. Secondly, it is 25 foot taller. Thirdly it is about double the length. Fourthly it is steeper. And it's got a dark ride section, and WAY MORE trains (which cost a fair amount). How is that not bigger and better???

Thorpe have tried to push out the boat. Go for gimmicks in an economy which probably suggests they shouldn't be adding anything at all. But they are, and on a regular basis.

You have clearly misunderstood him.

Thus, providing them with a theme, and some form of interactivity from start to finish of ride and queue experience increases the appeal of the ride, helps forget the boredom of queueing and encourages them to talk about the ride in the future.

You do realise most of the queue is a giant cattle-pen outside, right?

It not like X:/...... this time at least they've got a reasonable/good coaster underneath all the themeing...

The coaster's barely under any theming...
coasterdude_1 as Ben said you have misunderstood me so lets leave it there.

What I am getting at is if small parks like Oakwood and AI can afford these coasters then Thorpe should go one better and not take a coaster that was going to another Merlin Park! Yes Rage is an off the shelve coaster but Speed is not. Speed probably cost about the same as Saw (just the coaster) cost.

Also just because a coaster is longer and higher does not make it better, I think Rage is better than Speed as its more intense. I also think Nemesis is better than Montu and thats higher and longer.

It does not matter I will hopefully enjoy it for what it is, but what ever way you look at it the only coasters at Thorpe that it offers more than is the Fish and X. And I am talking about the coaster here not the theme. I dont really give a **** about the theme as once you leave the station building there is no theme. I just have a nasty feeling people are including the GP are going to get off the coaster and feel big build up for nothing and thats my problem with it.

Merlin as a company had a record year and this coaster was planned about 2 years ago anyway so please find things about before posting about the credit crunch :)

The Saw theme came in very late it was not even going to be themed around Saw at the start please see the early art work that Erol and others posted.

Last post from me on this until I ride it, a month to go.
Hell, this Eurofighter was meant for Chessington!

I posted a topic about it about a year and a half ago. Looks like I knew what was happening before anyone. Yay to overhearing managers while at work!
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