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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Nemesis Inferno said:
Perhaps so, but that's due to my general dislike of the Saw films, and hence is from the experiences I have got from the films...

I hate them, so I will hate the theming here... Simple logic Ben...

Hence not as contradictory as you may think in an attempt to find a point you can pick me upon...

I generally dislike Eurofighters...

It really is contradictory. You're saying based on your previous experiences you think a certain aspect of this ride, you won't enjoy. I'm doing the same thing, and yet you have a problem with me doing it...? THAT is a contradiction.

I'll put, I believe this ride will suck... there?

Gosh, you really would think that being picky, you'd make sure you weren't doing the same thing yourself... :roll:
Ben you really aren't gonna let it slide that I'm having a different opinion to you are you?

You dislike Eurofighters due to one version...

I dislike the 5 Saw films...

Yes contradictory... When I've had more various experiences...

Thing is, more people seem to be siding with me atm than they are with you... What does that say really? That the fact that I'm discussing that I will most likely dislike the theming because it may include things I don't like (scare actors, jumpy things), in comparison to your 'It'll suck because Rage sucks!!!111' is just childish...

Seriously Ben, I have a different opinion to you, so does quite a few people... It's really annoying... I sense you're after a desperate victory after all the times UC has won your arguements hands down, you think I may be easy prey...

Dear oh dear...
Agh! The stench bitchiness is really quite potent here :wink:

Back on topic... Does anyone have any idea of what is inside the building, surely some of it must have leaked somewhere on the interent :lol:
The argument between NI and Ben just gave me a pleasurable half hour of reading. :)
I've been wrong about so many rides. When I think a ride is going to be amazing (Silver Star), it turns out crap. But when I think it's going to be crap (Expedition GeForce (yes I wasn't expecting much from it)) it turns out to be my number one.

Yes this ride isn't going to be the best. Probably not even the best in the park. But it's still a great addition to the park and will free up some space in the queues for other rides.

What were people expecting? If this was in any other park people would be saying how good it is. But because it's Thorpe everyone's saying how it's failed before it was even built.
Nemesis Inferno said:
Ben you really aren't gonna let it slide that I'm having a different opinion to you are you?

You dislike Eurofighters due to one version...

I dislike the 5 Saw films...

Yes contradictory... When I've had more various experiences...

LOL... yes... you justify it all you want... contradiction, it still is.

Thing is, more people seem to be siding with me atm than they are with you... What does that say really? That the fact that I'm discussing that I will most likely dislike the theming because it may include things I don't like (scare actors, jumpy things), in comparison to your 'It'll suck because Rage sucks!!!111' is just childish...

... uh, one person. Well done. *slow clap* I don't think it'll suck JUST because Rage does, either (see, there you go putting words into my mouth again...), I think it'll suck for a number of reasons, ONE of them being that this shunts like Rage. That's not taking into account the lackluster layout and everything else wrong with this... BTW, is there actually a single piece of evidence this will have 'jumpy things', or are you just stabbing in the dark?

Seriously Ben, I have a different opinion to you, so does quite a few people... It's really annoying... I sense you're after a desperate victory after all the times UC has won your arguements hands down, you think I may be easy prey...

You do realise you started this, right? You do realise YOU were the one to call me out on a post? NOT the other way round as it would have to be for your little remark to hold water. You were also the one that started with the 'desperate' tactics (randomly going bitchy, pulling the sort of thing we see in this last quote that has nothing to do with the actual topic, etc.)

So, um, nice try.
I'm doing both stabbing in the dark and basing things on what's been rumoured...

See above that Ollie generally agrees with my point of view...

This escalated from me stating that if you watched a video of The Ultimate, most people would think it crap, like people seem to be doing here, then I used an example of how poor rides run when water dummies are used...

You then went on to say that I was complaining about it when I was saying that it could be better if slower, yet evidently it doesn't matter to you regardless of it's speed one little bit as they apparently designed to be tight-turned crap...

Even Erol supports me view of the apparent 'dry-wheel' situation... The fact that you have (and always have had) a personal vendetta against this ride because it's an Eurofighter that shows you as petty moreso than me...

As Ollie said, this is now turning into more of an amusement than a half-decent discussion, and I'm even losing the will to bother, as I'm sure I have better things to do right now... I should probably do them but for the entertainment value you are giving me it's hard to turn away...

Reading UC's post in the HRRR topic (which you haven't entered apart from one last stab at him since he beat you in that arguement funnily enough), every single bit about you seems to be true... Probably the way you're going on about 'I've been on enough rides to know if this is good or not' really annoys me because it's arrogance plain and simple...

I may have started it, but then it was small, before you then turned around and stated that you would imagine Ultimate as awesome before riding it... It's arguable whether or not someone who hadn't heard of either would hold a similar opinion... Ultimate is possibly the worst looking coaster that delivers the best ride... But of course with your ride count I suppose it's only your opinion that matters then? As in your posts around here that's what it seems like...

PM me for more please...
Again I loose the will to live....

Shut up both of you in this petty squabble.
I can't ****ing wait till this thing opens then the ****ing topic can be locked!
Ben wins the argument :wink:

His side of the bitching held a lot more water (like the dummies :lol: ) than NI's did. He also just seemed better at arguing. I disagree with him on some of the issues raised, but he definitely won. :)
^You disagree with his issues? And yet it's still better? Now THAT'S contradiction...

Then again, Ben seems to have more experience bitching about this sort of thing that I do, since that's all he seems to do around here nowadays...
Nemesis Inferno said:
^You disagree with his issues? And yet it's still better? Now THAT'S contradiction...

I disagree with some of his issues - yes

But I also think that his argument is better than yours, you don't need to be of the same opinion to decide which argument it better.

So no it's not a contradiction, to be a contradiction I'd have to disagree with his issues and think that he's right :wink:
^^In a metaphoric "I'm better at arguing so I have a bigger penis way" :wink:
or it could be true, but as I haven't seen the evidence I don't know lol

Nemesis Inferno said:
That still makes no sense though...

Ok, for example:- In a public speaking competition, the judges hold the view of one team but choose for the other team to win because they have argued the point better.
I smell testosterone from here, are we going to talk about this ****ing coaster properly now?

As much as I enjoy you guys describing your dicks :p
^^^Wow, really [/sarcasm]

In theory the judges should be made neutral though...

Either way I think I've made up for lost ground of lack of arguing with people by not being here, and also vented enough stress about that topic last Thursday and the PM I recieved as well that day...

Back to the grind we go...
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