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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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I wouldn't mind seeing a picture with the cars actually running on the track. At least that wouldn't spoil whats inside? :?
Emmett said:
Coaster-Fiend said:
I really wanna see some new pics of SAW but I guess we're gonna have to wait till March.

The park opens back in mid February so I'm sure there will be lots of updates to come before the opening in March.

Oh right cheers, I forgot it was opening in Feb.

jokerman said:
All the pictures from now on will look the same. It's when we see the interior theming that it will be interesting (or not, depending on how good a job they do). Too many more pictures, and it will spoil the surprise.

I only saw (heh) one pic of the almost finished station...
I just wanna see what the site looks like now in it's finished state.
But then, Feb we'll get to see that.
I just hop the station isn't that scary, i.e. contains jumping out people, I jump so high at suprise scares in the cinema. If that happens, it might put me off riding it until I know exactly what happens in the station.
They might get people to do that on halloween and special events, but certainly not during normal season, too expensive to employ all the time.
I wonder how long this new installation will retain the movie license/theme...

After all, each new SAW movie has made significantly less than the previous ...

I know SAW 6 is out Q4 this year, but the franchise is on it's last legs IMO.

The SAW brand has a shelf life, it's not like a Batman themed ride, based on a pop culture icon.
Actually, that's incorrent! Based on the US box office, Saw I made the least money out of all the films.

I $55,153,403
II $87,025,093
III $80,150,343
IV $63,270,259
V $56,729,973

You can see it tailing off though. In my opinion the first film was great, and the others were just a bit meh.

They won't stop making them. Saw III, IV and V cost around $10,000,000 each to make, so they're still very profitable. Remember the box office stats i listed are only based on the US, not the rest of the world, and not DVD sales.
Inverse said:
They might get people to do that on halloween and special events, but certainly not during normal season, too expensive to employ all the time.

Meh they could still have animatronic or even just screens that project scary images at you... it would only take a loud sound to set me off, you ever seen those screamers on the internet? They don't require live actors...
NickkyG said:
I $55,153,403
II $87,025,093
III $80,150,343
IV $63,270,259
V $56,729,973

Seems that everyone loved SAW I, so went to see SAW II and were disapoited so less people went to see the third, so statistically the movies are getting worse. It's wierd as they filmed SAW I in 2 weeks, they obviously planned it longer :roll:
Jools Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:21 pm


NickkyG wrote:

I $55,153,403
II $87,025,093
III $80,150,343
IV $63,270,259
V $56,729,973

Seems that everyone loved SAW I, so went to see SAW II and were disapoited so less people went to see the third, so statistically the movies are getting worse. It's wierd as they filmed SAW I in 2 weeks, they obviously planned it longer

your statement does not make any sense!!!!
the statistics above show that saw 1 AND saw 5 grossed the least money out of the five films not that the first saw grossed the most.
obviously saw 2 grossed the most out of all the films, because people who had seen the first most probably told their friends etc who had not seen it and so they in turn went to see the second and from their is where the deline started. But even so, the saw films have grossed so much money are still are today.

But anyways this is just way off topic in a sense of rollercoasters. has most probably been said over and over, but anyone spotted any testing yet video or photographic wise?
lol! ok.

To finalise the mini topic: The Saw series has reached its peak and is now declining.

Back to the ride!
^ Saw III was the worst. You know what I've never talked about this before but that film affected me in such a way its untrue. Ever since I have had a morbid fear of death and if I am wasting my life (the theme of the movie) its shocked me into fear and late at night I think about it. I would never suggest watching Saw III on your own at any time, actually don't watch it. The way that black guys limbs twist around splintering the bone.... *shudders*
Aaah crap don't remind me, anyway thats the one I meant not 4, 4 is when ones eyes are sewed together and the others mouth is.

*feeling sick thinking of films*
I havn't seen 'V' Yet thank god
Ingested Banjo said:
Inverse said:
They might get people to do that on halloween and special events, but certainly not during normal season, too expensive to employ all the time.

Meh they could still have animatronic or even just screens that project scary images at you... it would only take a loud sound to set me off, you ever seen those screamers on the internet? They don't require live actors...

That is more likely, i was responding to the idea of live actors. However, i still think that they will be limited in what they can directly show. I feel they may imply some of the seriously sick things Saw films show, but i don't think they'll show it. They need to allow most people on the ride, kids from 11 are about tall enough to ride a 1.4 but not old enough to legally see these things.

I think something internet screamers are more likely, but you queue so slowly i think you'd see them coming a mile off. I'm not really looking forward to my first trip through the queue path and station, but it'll have less impact on re-rides.
Jumping out at you wouldn't really make any sense since the Saw films are possibly the least jumpy horror films... ever.
I don't know what the situation is with the track inside the building, but if there are brakes and transport and whatnot after you leave the station in the car, they could technically pull a screamer while you're strapped in and forced to look/listen at said surprise.
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