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SAW: The Ride - Download on page 20

I tell you what, that WordArt text ruins it.

You've done an Xpress. ;)
^OK, that **** block text ruins it.

What you edited it on makes no difference, it still looks poo.
I don't like your method of 3DS. You're gonna kill everyones machine with the use of so many polygons. Look into 'alpha channeling' for fences, signs and things that look grid-like. If you haven't got a clue, ask me.
A tip if you want to have better quality on the car-texture, just double the size of the original file (512x512 > 1024x1024) before you add the textures. It looks so much better (less pixelated), like I have done the Tesla car-texture.

I have absolutely no problem with high polygon-count, and tomorrow it will be even better, new commuter :)
^Would you mind once it's done once it's done if I send you the track pack and you do the video for me so it's better quality?
Also is there a way to make the scenery and make two versions. One for people with mega super computers and others that don't have very powerful PCs?

So for the car textures. Make the canvas twice as big. Edit it then reduce the whole thing back to the right size, then open it in the sim?

Thanks for the help everyone. I really want to try and make this ride great. :)
^ Sure :)

You have to make 2 different versions of the object, so make the full on one and create a nlpack of that, then simplify the object and make another nlpack version.

No, if you reduce it again then you loose quality again. But NL works in a way so that you can use any size of image as long as it is square. So you can make it as large as you like. See my Tesla texture.
Cheers. Not much else done with the themeing. But here's another shot showing everything I've done so far with the area:

I've started on the track and have done it all the way round to the overbank so far.
Thanks to Loefet for helping me sort out the inline. Just need to try and make the overbank more smooth and flow more as it's messy at the moment so I deleted it.
How does it look like in the sim? Colours tend to go a little mad when I test my 3Ds, at least.

Also, did you add the Easter Egg serial number to the container?
Pokemaniac said:
How does it look like in the sim? Colours tend to go a little mad when I test my 3Ds, at least.
What do you mean, that you get some blackish areas on the objects?

Then there is a work around for that, which I stumbled upon on browsing the Wings3D forum.
When you have completed the object, change the hardness of the edges to hard instead of the standard that is soft. To do that, first enter "Edge mode", go "RMB > Hardness > Hard".
I haven't got a problem with high polygon count as my Mac is a 2.7 quad core. I wouldn't make 2 versions, I would optimize what you already have. Every single game in the world uses Alpha Channeling. I'll be on msn tonight to teach you how to do it and I'll show you how to make a fence out of just 4 polygons.
^Won't that mean loss of quality and sharpness of the picture though?

Anyway. I'm going to work to get the basic track layout done today so I can start building the 3D's around it. Then once the front of the station is done, then ride progress is probably going to slow or stop completely until I've been on the darn thing to see what to build inside. :P
Well, loefet, what I get is a nice, smooth consistant colour in Wings. But when I open it in NL, the colours look like someone has mixed a couple of litres of vanilla ice cream in the paint, and not stirred properly, as some areas are really bright with inconsistent colours, and others are fine. It just looks a little blurry, like the oject is semi-transparent.
I'm 99% sure that it's something I'll be able to fix, something about applying the material to multiple faces or something. Or maybe I even remember wrong. Haven't made 3Ds in ages...

And Ollie, good luck! Recreating the inside of the station must be quite a job. Remember, buried somewhere in the construction topic lies the floor plans. I'm sure you already know of them and may use them right now, but worth mentioning here.
Track's now completed so I can start working on the station building.
That grey bendy tube is what track looks like when imported into Wings. I use it to build around so everything is the right scale and lines up right.

Still need to work with the textures a bit more but I'm happy with how it's coming along. :)
A brief problem with the amount of textures meant that I'm having to do the scenery in sections i.e.. station building, ride area, queue line and then paste it all together once it's done. It doesn't make much difference I was just explaining why the ride area has disappeared in the next screen. :P

Anyway. I've started on the rides main building.

What do you all think?
The texture on the saws needs tweaking a little and the frame for the saws isn't that colour in real life...

Otherwise, it's bloody marvelous!