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SAW: The Ride - Download on page 20

Ye I am a big fan of Saw The Ride at Thorpe!!! This is just as good or even better than the actual thing!!!! It's an amazing project and I'm really looking forward to the finished result... Have the percentages increased? And an overall percentage would be nice... Maybe a estimated release date? I assume the project is still going... "Don't Give Up!"
At an overall percentage I'd say I'm around 85% complete. All I need to do is The back and one side of the outside of the building and the add some more stuff to the area then I'm done (after going over everything to make sure it's as I want).

As for release date I have no idea. It's taken me much longer than I hoped and I'm finding it harder and harder to get time to work on it.
I've also hit a major problem with textures at the moment which is pretty scary as if I can't sort it then I won't be able to put the ride up for download with the scenery and I may not be able to make the video.
But hopefully I'll find a way to sort it out so I can complete it and share the ride with everyone. :)
Thanks for the positive feedback so far though. I'm surprised myself I didn't give up ages ago. But I'm too far into it to stop now so I will finish it. :)
I can't wait for the result of all this work now!!! The tension is getting too much!!! I will be getting NL soon... I've tried the demo and the editor is pretty easy once you use it a couple of hours... I do like my technical drawings...
Hurray. I've sorted out the texture problem I had so now I can continue working on it. :)
Just got a few things to polish up and I'll try and get another trailer soon for you guys as well.

Thanks for being so patient with this. Hopefully it'll be worth it. :)
Opened up the scenery in the sim and took a couple of screens. It's not the best quality screenshots as I have to have all my graphics on the lowest settings otherwise my PC crashes. I tried sharpening the first screenshot but it made it look even funnier as you can see lol.


Queue with the rack and steps heading up to the platform.

And looking down the station from the shelves.
It's looking nice Ollie. I do have one concern though.

I think you might need to do some work on the complexity of the 3Ds. If your PC struggles and even crashes when displaying it in the sim then I've got a feeling it's going to do the same to other people.

Now, you may have a **** PC, but you can't assume everyone has high end machines. This ride will fail miserably if no-one can view it smoothly on NL. I think that would be a huge shame, you've put a massive amount of effort into this project and I think it looks fantastic. I just hope it doesn't all come crashing down on you at the last hurdle.

Now, I don't really know what to suggest to be honest. I don't really know enough about 3Ds to give much help, but from the stuff I do in AE I do know that poly-counts and complexity where it's not needed doesn't ever help. I don't know, I just don't want to see you, or this, fail.
This looks more unbelieveable every time I see an update. It really is so accurate and real, I can't wait to download :D
^^Well it crashes as well on some ride even if they don't have 3D's. That's why I'm sending the ride to my brothers computer downstairs so I can do the video and try to make the file smaller down there. It should work on most peoples PC's as you can't get any worse that mine. :lol:
I managed to run it on the lowest graphics settings on mine so if other people don't have as powerful PC's either then they'll just have to do the same if it doesn't run smoothly in a higher res. There shouldn't be much of a problem with it anyway.
I'm not promising anything at the moment but I'm trying to get this ride done in time for the release date of the next Saw film. I have no idea how long it'll take me to complete though but I'm aiming for that date. If I hit any major problems or get behind then it'll be later.
It'll be a nice date to release it on though. :)
Sorry that there's been no updates in a while. This ride is doing my ****ing nut in now. It seems now that I'm coming near completing it it's trying to ruin itself. I still haven't found out why objects are deciding to ****ing vanish and all the programs I use to edit videos keep freezing and stop responding when I want them to work as well. It's just really ****ing annoying me.
I won't give up on it though as I know there's a few of you who are looking forward to this but right now I feel like I want to just smash everything around me.
Arrrggghh. :x
^What programs are you using to edit the videos?

I hope this works out for you. I know you've put a lot of effort into this and it's suck if you didn't manage to finish it due to, what sounds like, a retarded computer.
I use Sony Vegas. But I even did it on the PC downstairs which is quite powerful.
I still have no idea of a release. I know you've been ages already so it's probably more frustrating for you than it is for me.
^Don't really get the last sentence, but...

If the videos are failing all round then it's probably something to do with the raw stuff.
Maybe. But the file sizes for about 5 second clips using the built in recorder were massive. I basically imported the few files and the whole thing froze. I'll give it another go soon though.
Surely the ride itself is more important? All the video will be is what we've seen before as we know what the ride looks like set to the Saw Theme 'Hello Zepp'. A flyaround, a POV etc.

We can see the detail of the 3Ds when we download the ride.
^There's a problem with the 3Ds at the moment as well. :lol:
The themeing at the bottom of the lifthill has decided to disappear whenever I want to export it into the sim. I have no idea what's doing it and nor does Loefet so I'm just going to have a fiddle around to try and get it in.