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Sad if a guy starts planing the wedding ?

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Seen as you want me to go im ****ing going go die in a huge diaster or comit suicide like a good human remove yourself from the breeding pool before you do more damage
I did ask for this to be blocked and I did say the reason why I posted this but you cant see the fact. again I will say it. I was curious to see what people think about the idea. Not to throw more light on the fur. I only put the fur in there as that is the idea for the wedding but if you cant read it then shut up.

You may not like me but that is your choice not mine.
gothicprince said:
why don't you go shut up and go blend your manhood.

Jayjay's theory of arguments: "Anybody who calls the other(s) names or directly insults them in an argument, automatically loses."

Let's be honest, I don't care about you being a furry, in fact, what I've seen in general of the fandom is that they're misunderstood, generally accepting and friendly people, a (very) small portion of which are a little strange, just like normal society. There are a few members who I would associate with the furry fandom on CF and none of them get flamed on a regular basis. It's because they don't constantly go on about it.

Another thing, to the people who complain about the attention seeking: By posting in this topic and all other topics, arguing with gothicprince about such matters, what is this achieving? Yeah. The best way to tackle attention seeking is not to give it. I thought for a while we were going to manage to get by without an argument, but we seem to have stumbled a bit. How about we just let this topic die, or at least discuss the poll question instead of gothicprince's wedding plans.
If it will make you all happy. I will leave I barely post on here anyways and wont be attending any lives. My interest in coasters and parks is still there just not at the front anymore. My life is moving on and I must follow the new path. I only visit parks once or twice a year and I get up peoples noses.

With a heavy heart I bid thee farewell and happy future.
gothicprince said:
If it will make you all happy. I will leave I barely post on here anyways and wont be attending any lives. My interest in coasters and parks is still there just not at the front anymore. My life is moving on and I must follow the new path. I only visit parks once or twice a year and I get up peoples noses.

With a heavy heart I bid thee farewell and happy future.

Deja vu anyone?
Why can't some of you grow up and accept other peoples way of life. Why should it matter what the plans are. If we are happy with the ideas and plans then that is the main issue. Not weather it is retarded or stupid. It is individual and set out the way we want it. Or at least as close to our dream as we can be aloud to have it.

To some the idea of a guy planning it is sad to others it is sweet and romantic.
lol, you're one of those people who has to get the wife in when things aren't going how you'd like... BRILLIANT!
Fox is in his basket eating his food before we go walkies. Spending more time in the old grave yard.

Lol I came on to see what his mood was about.
servella said:
Fox is in his basket eating his food before we go walkies. Spending more time in the old grave yard.

Lol I came on to see what his mood was about.

Way to go for breaking the stereotypes.

Anyway, if you don't have a problem with the man organising a wedding, and neither does gothicprince, why did this question need to be discussed?

Oh wait...
Random idea to ask what you think. It was obviously stupid to ask it never mind then sorry for the waste of time.
servella said:
Random idea to ask what you think. It was obviously stupid to ask it never mind then sorry for the waste of time.

Oh yeh you'll get that here :lol: Imo, the woman should plan it, as you want it to be the best day for her.
Does it really matter if a man arranges a wedding?

Why should I care?

And it never helps when you then go on about the whole furry thing... God... Saying he's sleeping in a basket is just hilarious... That's just providing us ammo... So we don't even have to bother now...

*waves bye... again*
Locked for obvious reasons. Kept open in the first place against all my better instincts. Late night is my excuse for being stupid on that front - I shan't do it again ;)
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