As someone with a whopping zero years of business experience informing my opinion. Even if the $1m a year is true, I don't get how the combine value to the park of having the tallest rollercoaster in the world, formerly the fastest (which people will remember and still associate with the ride), and the tallest drop tower in the world doesn't justify it. Sure, they might not bring new people in after 19 years of operation. But surely they help sustain current visitor numbers and amplify the effect of a new addition ("oh, this park has this new ride and the tallest rollercoaster in the world?").
I'm probably idolising the ride a bit too much when considering the value of the attractions. But, to me, it's the core identity of great adventure followed by El Toro and Nitro. So scrapping it to save on maintenance fees (which, if eltororyan is to be believed, would be sustained rather than spiralling up further) seems like a very narrow-minded decision to me. Which is why I don't buy the rumour at the moment.
I would understand the 2025 deadline if it were to mean that they're closely monitoring the maintenance schedule over the next year if they can achieve a manageable ongoing cost that won't spiral out of control in future. Accelerators seem to be the most tweaked model in history, so so a comprehensive assessment of its current state might have been requested, with the end of 2025 season marking the decision point?