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Riding Coasters in the Rain


Giga Poster
Does anybody like riding coasters in the rain? I have heard people comment that they think riding coasters in the rain is fun and some coasters actually ride better in the rain. That may be true, however, i would never notice if a coaster is riding better in the rain because i am too busy being stabbed with torrents of painful rain drops that feel like needles, and keeping my face down so it doesn't get pummelled in the water assault. Ok, i am probably being a bit OTT but it really does hurt and in the few occasions i have experienced it made those occasions some of my most unenjoyable ride experiences. I would like to know if anyone does enjoy riding coasters in the rain because i am curious to know how and why?
Some roller coasters are actually better in the rain. Nemesis, Oblivion and Shockwave are faster, if not even smoother during wet weather.

Rita on the other hand...
I rode Skyrush and Great Bear in the rain. There was more of a drizzle on Skyrush so it didn't hurt, but I noticed the ride seemed bumpier than usual. I rode Skyrush the day before (in clear weather) and it was fine in terms of smoothness. The Great Bear was more enjoyable in the rain because it was noticeably faster.
Voyage was fun in the rain, but still, the massive stinging on the face sucked.

Legend was something my friend Jeff and I did and it felt like we were beimg pelted with rocks. Never again :C

Oddly enough, those have been the only coasters Ive ridden in the rain as I severely hate wet clothing of any kind and only tolerate bathing suits.
I love riding coasters in the rain. Although not a coaster Slammer at Thorpe Park is interesting in the rain, anyone from The Swarm live remember?
I've ridden Stealth, Inferno and Colossus at Thorpe and Nemesis at Alton in the rain. I tend to avoid rainy days for theme park trips unless I really feel the need to get my theme park fix :)
Love it! Especially riding Dragon Khan in a Spanish Thunder storm at night, makes a ride so much more epic in my opinion <3
I've been on bizarro in the rain. That was bloody awseome.

I'd assume Skyrush would be quite good as well. Giving that it's already **** awesome if only ever so slightly tight on the thighs at the end. I still loved it though. Every hill had massive amounts of force and it is actually terrifying. Just ask Gavin.
The first time I rode Dominator at KD, it was sleeting. I had the front row, and it hurt a ton.

A few weeks ago, I rode Griffon in a massive downpour. We got soaked, and to make it worse, they were running three trains which had stacked in the brake run, so I had to sit there for like 5 minutes in the pouring rain.
I love riding coasters in the rain. Although not a coaster Slammer at Thorpe Park is interesting in the rain, anyone from The Swarm live remember?

I remember there was a lot of rain that day, but I think it was dry the 7 times I rode it. Lucky me!
The Ultimate just hurts in the rain, not that it doesn't anyway.

Kumali and Velocity aren't fun either. Velocity Definitely gets rougher in rain.
Riding Saw in heavy rain, with it's vertical lift, is great fun. That got me wetter than Tidal Wave.
I've ridden Nitro, Both Bizzaros, and a Batman clone in the rain.

Nitro and Bizzaro at SFNE are comparable since both are hyper, and Bizzaro at SFNE was definitely better and something else. Especially since it was in the front row.

Batman didnt really count since it was an invert, didnt really get hit, but Bizzaro at GAdv was a lot of fun.
CookieCoasters said:
i am too busy being stabbed with torrents of painful rain drops that feel like needles
Yeah, it does sting. Rain drops are like tiny bullets hitting the skin going up a hill on roller coasters. At least that's how it was going up Magnum's second hill during rainfall. Anyway, not sure if it enhances how the train rides, but I admit I do know I was kinda scared at the time as I thought the train could slip off the rails :lol: (I now know this is very unlikely).