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Rides with Troubled Openings


Mega Poster
So the opening season for Lightning Rod has been troubled to say the least. We all know that ride has been struggling with some kind of issue(s) since its opening, and at this point hasn't hit consistent operation.

Is this one of the worst ride debuts we've seen, or have there been those with even greater problems? What other coasters/rides have had major delays and inconsistencies at the start?

Off the top of my head I know Maverick was delayed due to the removal of the heartline roll, and i305 had trims and retracking done over the course of its first year or so. Although I don't know if either of those caused as much downtime as we've seen with Lighting Rod.

And I know that X didn't go so well when it first opened, although I don't know the details there.

What other examples are there of coasters with major issues getting up and running?
I think Kingda Ka is definitely up there. I hear it reached 6 hour lines, not because it was that popular, but because it broke down to frequently. If it ran without any mechanical problems, it would've been around 2-3 hours, not 6.

And Lightning Rod is definitely one of the worst debuts for any coaster. It's mid-August, and there still has yet to be an official opening.
Great Adventure's Chiller. Only ran for four days in its entire opening season, I'm not exactly sure why. I think the launch system kept blowing due to having to launch two trains at once. They had replaced it entirely by next season.
Did Chiller ever really launch together? From everything I ever saw... it would launch one side and then the other would launch while the first side was already heading backwards to the station (and letting them pass during the cobra roll and top hat) So... Batman would go... and then once it started the reverse trip, robin would launch and the trains would 'meet' // duel. And for what its worth... Both of the Mr.Freeze coasters had year long delays (much like Chiller)

And lets just go ahead and add both Superman: The Escape annddd X at Six Flags Magic Mountain!
I had forgot that the Mr Freeze coasters didn't operate in their first year either! I wonder why they both had pretty easy operation past that first year while Chiller was frequently down, resulting in its removal after a decade.

It always seems to be the launch coasters that never open on time. Mr Freeze, Chiller, Hypersonic, TTD, Ka, and now Lightning Rod. Even when they're using proven technology it doesn't work! Why do you think this is?
Shirofukurou said:
Even when they're using proven technology it doesn't work!
On that note, did the Flights of Fear have any major issues when they first opened? It would be strange (and kind of amusing) if they went smoothly while later iterations of the launches had major issues.
ukthemeparkfan said:
the simler had a fairly troubled opening
It didn't really tbf, it opened about a week and a half late and had a few breakdowns but that's absolutely nothing compared to DBGT, Lightning Rod, ect.
How about Pulsar at Walibi Belgium? The ride had its soft-openings in May and opened officialy on June 4th. Without any problems. However, it seems that there are some problems with the boats of the ride.

Since the start of the summer, the front row of both boats have been closed. That problem seems to be fixed for one boat. Since a couple of weeks, the ride operates with only one boat, whilst the other one is in storage. All five rows of this one boat are accesible.

Walibi Belgium is working on a daily base to solve the problem and a technician from Mack is permanently in the park. On the website, Walibi Belgium informs visitors on a daily base if the ride will be open during their visit. The ride opens almost daily from 2 PM with one boat. Only disadvantage is that the waiting time of Pulsar is about 100 to 120 minutes, due to poor capacity and popularity of the ride.
Off the top of my head:

- Maverick - Removal of barrel roll at end of second launch, due to higher g-forces.
- TTD - The miles of wiring and sensor array lead to prolonger down time. Issues with the launch cable came later; though gratefully nowhere near the extent of the KK accident when brake fins deployed mid-launch.
- Wicked Twister - Some downtime due to the LIM launch system. The trains also originally had wheel covers, which were subsequently removed.
- MF - More minor downtimes, but problems related to the cable lift system and ability to engage with the train. Also worth mentioning clearance became an issue during the first overbank; you'll notice in POVs the final major overbank support has a segment cut out. (0:43)

- Disaster Transport - Minor issues with trains banging into sides of trough.

Notice a trend of listing of all major Intamins built at Cedar Point? :razz:

Other significant troubled openings:
- Bat at Kings Island - Issues with the hydraulic system of the suspended trains. Because of this issue, Kings Island turned the red train backwards on Kings Island, which continuously ran for years to come as a classic KI attraction.
- Vertigo at Walibi Belgium - Issues with lift and track design. In all, the roller coaster operated for only a matter of weeks.
- X at SFMM - as mentioned above, the new track and train design led to prolonged closures.
- Shockwave at Six Flags Great America, Steel Phantom at Kennywood, and other large Arrow megaloopers - These roller coasters traveled at record high speeds, which served problematic for wheel assemblies and train mechanics. Trains required frequent maintenance, and in Shockwave's case; the track was literally tearing itself apart.
Vertigo at Walibi, Ring Racer in Germany and the Half Pipe on the roof in Tokyo. Nothing else close.
gavin said:
Nothing else close.

I see your Japanese halfpipe and raise you one Orphan Rocker. Built at some point in the 90s, still hasn't opened. RCDB last updated on its progress in 2004.

Of course, I seem to recall coasters in similar situations in Argentina and Thailand, and you've probably been both places, so still no points for me.
What about Vertigorama at Parque de la ciudad in Argentina? One of Intamin's early coasters built in 1983 that apparently never opened and has been SBNO ever since. Apprently the track was finished but the electrics were never completed.