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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

I cant stand the bugatti, overrated.

ava. 5/10, i just dont like the car
sig. 6/10 it's well put together but the car is just so.....ugh
Ava: 6/10 pretty standard shot, pretty small.
Sig: 3/10 for someone trying to advertise a design shop you didn't do to well of a job yourself
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
1000000000000000/10 (at least)
Konata kick ass!!
Ava - 5 - decent enough picture, but doesn't really 'pop'
Sig - 3 - not a fan of that at all. The Colossucks picture is too grainy and streched and the text looks a little too 'WordArt' for me.
Hixee said:
The Colossucks picture is too grainy and streched and the text looks a little too 'WordArt' for me.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Collosucks. I get it. Um...

Might as well rate yours. :?
Ava-7/10, nice, standard shot, border doesn't need to be that thick,
Sig-8/10, love the text, and a good picture of Nemesis, not to keen on it's shape.
Ava: 8/10.. i like the way the image is fit into the space
Sig: 4/10.. well.. meh.. bad use of gradiant in the background, not even the same as the background of the smurfs logo thingy. Coulda been done much better.