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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

I don't think you read the CF Live reports did you? Had you done, you would have seen that that sig is made of win as its an inside joke and even though i wasn't there, inside jokes are win.

Your ava is a 7/10 a bit out of focus, an alright shot.
your sig is 8/10 its a bit out of focus but otherwise nice shot.

However marks down for being coaster related.

Oblivion Fanboy one is also 8/10
7/10 for ava

10/10 for sig, even if i like Six Flags, I've always found those little peeing men hilarious.

Im a child ¬¬
Its on PC aswell :--D

8/10, avas a bit bland

10/10 Amazingly cool sig

Thank god you got rid of all those sigs. My eyes were hurting. However Deathnote is awesome.

0/10 for you because they don't match, look blurry, too much stuff in your sig and "not relevant to the text."

Brookes, I like your set but I think that the train coming in on the right doesn't fit in with the rest of it that well.

Have a proper rating of 8/10.