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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

Ava: Great. 10.
Sig: The cutting on the left image leaves much to be desired...but I LOVE the blue. 8.
Ava: 8/10 Shot seems too far zoomed out.
Sig: 8/10 Nice. but seems more of a business banner there's quite alot of empty space on it.
Apparently, Saw is quite popular...

Ava: 8/10 simply yet good
Sig: 7/10 it would be better if the tower thing was less pixalated
Hmmm.... Avatar is nice, yet a bit pixly. Sig is a tad random (NI at night, and your (too gory?) GF costume?) .
Still, 6/10 for the avatar, 8/10 for the sig.
Something a bit different, the sig is excellent, but I'm not too keen on the avatar.

Sig 10/10, Avatar 7/10
Hmm... I an see a lot of these coming.
But it's a nice set. A nine, I think.
AS I've said elsewhere - <3 your new set Pokey...10/10!
I wasn't keen at first, but then Taylor said it scared her - so 10/10! :)
ava: 5/10 looks stolen from Thorpe.
sig: 6/10 pictures we've seen about a million times, but the effects are nice.