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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

Hmm, 9/10 still............................................ ............. . . . ...... .. . ... .. . .. . . .... ..
Ava- 7
Sig- 8
Like before not my favorite but still pretty good. And I think you misunderstood me a little I wasn't saying the idea of the sig wasn't my favorite but just the way it was made. I used to own one of those a while back and enjoyed it quite a bit.
Sig is much too tall - never have a sig which is longer than your posts ;)

Good enough quality though I suppose, and very consistent across the board.

Ava: 9/10
Sig 7/10
yarr they be old say i.

So a arrr 8/10 for the ava.
And an 4/10 for the sig due to the sword garr. (Bunnies not holding it. Arr)
Avater: 9/10 Great shot but it's been used before.

Sig: 3/10 Sorry, but that has to be the most pixallated image I have ever seen. It would aslo be more interesting with a train on it.
Ava: Nice shot of Led Zeppelin, nice 9/10

Sig: WOOO! Two sexy ladies! oh and Led Zeppelin again.... 10/10 :p

Edit: Bugger, got in before me, well, overall, 7/10 for you :x