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Rate the Person Above

Always has a good avatar. EDIT- wrong person about Rita lol. Never spoken to you though. Not so found of your username, but this isnt 'rate the username above'. So 8
9/10 don't really no you. hey everyone changiong my video on my user name.
:lol: well put. You made me a good avatar a while back. And even though we havent spoken your a good member. 10
You've brought it on yourself. For CF you need honesty, because we've got nothing apart from dates to say 'you never rode that'. And you haven't been honest.

EDIT- ****E sorry Tony that was for NK. 9 for all your updates :)
No, We WON'T shut up until you leave CF.

Naughty-Twat gets a -99999999999999999999/10

EDIT-Dom, you get a 10 simply for hating Naughty-Twat
Oh shut up.


Well maybe you should learn your facts about parks and coasters instead of coming on here, and considering Rhino Rally a coaster, and saying Dueling Dragons is at Busch Gardens Europe. Maybe you should also stop lying, and even though you claim to have only done it once, you've done it plenty more.

8.5/10 for Patrick.