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Ranking The MCU So Far


Hyper Poster
Seeing as we have one for Star Wars I thought there needs to be one for the MCU as it's quite a big universe here's mine split from TV to the movies.
1. Thor Ragnorok
2. Guardians Of The Galaxy
3. Black Panther
4. Ant Man
5. Guardians Of The Galaxy 2
6. Doctor Strange
7. Spider-Man Homecoming
8. Winter Soldier
9. Age Of Ultron
10. Avengers
11. Captain America
12. Thor
13. The Dark World
14. Civil War
15. Iron Man 2
16. Iron Man
17. Iron Man 3
18. Hulk

Netflix Shows
1. Jessica Jones
2. Daredevil
3. Iron Fist
4. Defenders
5. Luke Cage

ABC Shows
1. Agents of Shield
2. Agent Carter

This is all the ones I've watched so far and I'm on episode 2 of Inhumans and I'll put that one in once I've finished it. So rank the MCU guys.
Dude.. I mean.. GGv2 and Doctor Strange ranked above Spiderman AND Avengers? Get outta here. Lets not even talk about Age of Ultron being better then the original.
1 - Guardians Of The Galaxy
2 - Thor Ragnarok
3 - Avengers
4 - Iron Man
5 - Black Panther
6 - Winter Soldier
7 - Civil War
8 - Guardians Of The Galaxy 2
9 - Doctor Strange
10 - Spider-Man Homecoming
11 - Age Of Ultron
12 - Ant-Man
13 - Iron Man 3
14 - First Avenger
15 - Thor
16 - The Dark World
17 - Iron Man 2
Haven't seen Hulk
Uhh, I've seen Avengers, Iron Man 1, and GotG 1. Forgot all of them existed until this post, if that gives you a sense of how I feel about them.
I've got 3 Movies left in my MCU rewatch but have my Rankings so far (I'm WELL aware people are very likely to take issue with these):

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Black Panther
Ant Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: Civil War
The Avengers
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Doctor Strange
Iron Man 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Incredible Hulk
Thor: The Dark World

Still to be watched:

Guardians Vol. II
Spiderman Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok
Snoo I absolutely loved Guardians 2 and doctor Strange. Spider-Man was great but he kept talking and was too inexperienced. Avengers is good but it's a weaker film compared to the newer ones. I like both of your lists but Civil War is rubbish and it's hard to like imo.
I literally have no idea. I've seen all of them, I've enjoyed most of them, but to rank them all in preferential order is nigh on impossible.There's just too many movies.
What I can tell you is that Avengers (or Avengers Assemble, depending on what region you're in) is my personal favourite of the bunch.
Civil War, Ant-Man, Iron Man, Strange and Homecoming I'd all class as good.
Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3, Cap 1 and Panther are all in the fairly good range.
Iron Man 2, Dark World and Hulk are definitely down at the bottom of the heap, with everything else not yet mentioned falling somewhere in the 'meh' to 'ok' bracket.
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Quite liked Iron Man when it first came out, was a bit different at the time.

Everything that has followed it has been pretty awful though - apparently not awful enough to prevent me actually watching them (when they come around on $ky, I'm not paying cinema-money for that tosh). Just the same thing over and over again with different CGI/cartoon characters rotating around the tedious CGI-fight sequences.

Oh I lie - I saw GotG at the cinema for some reason that escapes me now. That one was quite good (didn't like the GotG#2 much though, it all went a bit silly).

Can't knock them for it though ; they have a formula that makes lots of money again and again and again and...
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Snoo I absolutely loved Guardians 2 and doctor Strange. Spider-Man was great but he kept talking and was too inexperienced. Avengers is good but it's a weaker film compared to the newer ones. I like both of your lists but Civil War is rubbish and it's hard to like imo.

Spiderman talking is part of his character tho. His inner monologue is what makes him such a likeable character as well, we all do that.
A bit like coasters I'm not sure I can rank them, too many and my opinion constantly changes slightly. I generally love all of them though. My least favourites (as I find that easier) are:

Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Guardians 2, Thor 2

My top favs in no particular order:

Thor 3, Spiderman, Captain America 2 & 3, Black Panther
Having not seen any of these movies until a few months ago I have been gradually working my way through them by order of release, but it is so tedious. I liked the first Iron Man film but I am only up to the first Avengers film now and I am already a bit bored.
Think I'd rank em something like this. 3-6 are kind of interchangeable, but other than that I feel good with my rankings.

1. Thor: Ragnarok
2. Captain America: Civil War
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Avengers
5. Avengers: Age of Ultron
6. Gardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
7. Ant-Man
8. Spider-Man: Homecoming
9. Black Panther
10. Thor: The Dark World
11. Iron Man 2 - Watched it years back when I was younger, don't remember much of it.

I think part of the reason why I really liked Ragnarok so much was that it took a character/world I didn't really care for and made into a really fun comedy. I watched Thor: Dark World on a plane and was bored (and I hear Thor 1 isn't great either), so my expectations weren't that high. I think Hulk and Jeff Goldblum really elevate it.

Haven't seen Thor 1, Iron Man, Iron Man 3, Incredible Hulk, Captain America 1, Winter Soldier, or Doctor Strange. The only ones I'm slightly interested in seeing are Iron Man 1, Winter Soldier, and Strange.
Alright. I wasnt gonna do mine until Infinity War, but the ignorance in here is way too high. Ragnarok isn't too tier. It's 2 movies that are spliced like the human centipede and plays on member berries with the music to make it more enjoyable. We got a **** Planet Hulk and a **** Ragnarok and ended up with a mediocre comedy that does nothing to advance the overarching story until the last scene.

Now that I have that off my chest...

1. Winter Soldier
2. Avengers OG
3. Black Panther
4. Civil War
5. Guardians of the Galaxy
6. Iron Man
7. Spiderman: Homexoming
8. Iron Man 2
9. Doctor Strange
10. Ant-Man
11. Captain America First Avenger
12 Ragnarok
13. Thor
14. Guardians 2
15. Ultron
17. Thor Dark World
17. Hulk
18. Iron Man 3

Lets be honest. The top 3 are vastly superior. And Iron Man 3 is an abomination.

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And Iron Man 3 is an abomination.

I love Iron Man 3! I like Shane Black's humour and I thought it worked well with Tony Stark's character.

Ragnarok isn't too tier. It's 2 movies that are spliced like the human centipede and plays on member berries with the music to make it more enjoyable.

I don't understand why you think this plays on member berries? Aside from the Loki/Hulk moment here and there? Or because the soundtrack uses parts of the Thor 1 and 2 soundtracks, because thats how sequels work, the score builds on previously used themes related to characters.

Yet again though I love Taika Waititi, sometimes his humour was used a tad too much in Ragnarok but overall I enjoyed the brighter and more humorous adventure with Thor. The film was the only way they could ever get Planet Hulk on screen anyway and to me (someone who hasn't read the comics) the two stories worked quite well together.
I love Iron Man 3! I like Shane Black's humour and I thought it worked well with Tony Stark's character.

I don't understand why you think this plays on member berries? Aside from the Loki/Hulk moment here and there? Or because the soundtrack uses parts of the Thor 1 and 2 soundtracks, because thats how sequels work, the score builds on previously used themes related to characters.

Yet again though I love Taika Waititi, sometimes his humour was used a tad too much in Ragnarok but overall I enjoyed the brighter and more humorous adventure with Thor. The film was the only way they could ever get Planet Hulk on screen anyway and to me (someone who hasn't read the comics) the two stories worked quite well together.
Iron Man 3 is so bad because of the fake Mandarin and the absolute bull **** of a story.

Ragnarok is overhyped now. I very much dislike the Thor films as I find them very bland. This was the best of the three and exceeded my expectations, but it isn't good.

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I've got 3 Movies left in my MCU rewatch but have my Rankings so far (I'm WELL aware people are very likely to take issue with these):

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Black Panther
Ant Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: Civil War
The Avengers
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Doctor Strange
Iron Man 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Incredible Hulk
Thor: The Dark World

Still to be watched:

Guardians Vol. II
Spiderman Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok

Finished my MCU re-watch. Final Rankings

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Black Panther
Ant Man
Guardians of The Galaxy
Captain America: Civil War
The Avengers
Iron Man
Thor Ragnarok
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Doctor Strange
Iron Man 2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Iron Man 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: The first Avenger
The Incredible Hulk
Thor: The Dark World
1. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
2. Avengers Infinity War
3. Thor Ragnarok
4. Iron Man 3
5. Guardians of the Galaxy
6. Ant-Man
7. Captain America Civil War
8. Black Panther
9. Avengers Age of Ultron
10. Spider-Man Homecoming
11. Captain America The Winter Soldier
12. Iron Man
13. Iron Man 2
14. Doctor Strange
15. Captain America The First Avenger
16. The Avengers
17. Thor
18. The Incredible Hulk (can barely remember anything about this)

Haven't seen Thor The Dark World. Except for the first Iron Man I'm not really a fan of anything before Iton Man 3, I think they all have a very TV feel to them, with the exception of First Avenger which already looks terribly dated.
I'm very tired of the MCU admittedly, but I'll go and buy my ticket tomorrow for Avengers cause I've seen 18 f**king movies building up to this. EDIT: I've been thinking a lot about the movie, and I've moved it to where I feel it deserves to be. There's just never been a movie like Avengers: Infinity War, and it ended up working and working well. I'm quite impressed.
  1. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Idc what anyone says it's absolutely brilliant)
  2. Black Panther
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy
  4. Avengers
  5. Iron Man
  6. Avengers: Infinity War
  7. Spiderman: Homecoming
  8. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  9. Thor: Ragnarok
  10. Captain America: Civil War
  11. Doctor Strange
  12. Iron Man 3
  13. Ant-Man
  14. Avengers: Age of Ultron
  15. The Incredible Hulk
  16. Iron Man 2
  17. Captain America 1
  18. Thor
  19. Thor: The Dark World
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Tomahawk is right, Ragnarok was a mess. I’d go as far to say I hated it and it’s one of the worst.

They wanted to do too much with it and basically shoehorned whatever they could into it, not developing fabulous Cate Blanchett and instead just trying to be Guardians.

The best of the bunch are both Avengers, Civil War, Winter Soldier, Ant Man and Guardians.

Black Panther was good but damn was it overrated.