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Rank the RMCs

1. Outlaw Run
2. Joker
3. Twisted Colossus
4. New Texas Giant

Joker was good, but it is only there because of the slowness of the second lift on TC. I felt that Joker was missing a defining moment, however the stall was sex and the 270 roll was insane. I was very critical coming off it, as we only got one ride because of a power outage at the park and **** ops. Really wish I could've gotten an additional ride.

Will be riding Iron Rattler in 3 weeks and Lightning Rod is still being considered as a strong possible. Also might go visit Antinos in Louisville so there's Storm Chaser too. NTG is definitely at the bottom.

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Of those I've ridden:

1. New Texas Giant
2. Storm Chaser
3. Goliath
4. Outlaw Run

I must say, even without inversions and some of the newer elements found on other RMCs, NTG is my favorite so far. The pacing is wonderful, and it seems like the focus was more on creating a great coaster and not trying to design the next crazy ride/element. The other three are all a toss up.

Of those I've not ridden:

1. Medusa Steel Coaster
2. Lightning Rod
3. Iron Rattler
4. Twisted Colossus
5. Wildfire
6. Joker
7. Wicked Cyclone

It hurts to put WC at the bottom, but somebody's gotta be there.
Interesting you ranked them in that order - it's the complete inverse of mine!

I put NTG on the bottom as I felt the second half of the ride, while well paced, lacked many forces after the MCBR portion. I know that's a critique of Storm Chaser as well, lack of forces at the end, but I really enjoyed the modification of its final series of airtime hills to also include lateral forces. Outlaw Run is my top RMC by a good distance, if only for the brilliant pacing and near-perfect weaving of elements.

I guess it's important to put each ride into context - NTG was a purposely conservative ride, as it was to prove the Iron Horse concept. Outlaw Run was purposely aggressive in its layout, as it was to prove the Topper Track concept.
1. Lightning Rod
2. Twisted Colossus
3. Iron Rattler
4. Wicked Cyclone
5. Storm Chaser Only rode in 2016 so will likely move up if I ride it again.
6. New Texas Giant
7. Outlaw Run Easily the roughest RMC in the US
8. Goliath
9. Joker Was really sluggish and I got stapled multiple times every ride.

Haven't been on Medusa or Wildifre but I think both would be in the top 5 for me.
Of what I've ridden:

1. Lightning Rod
2. Outlaw Run
3. Goliath
4. Storm Chaser
5. The Joker
6. Wicked Cyclone
7. Twisted Colossus
1. Outlaw Run
2. Iron Rattlwr
2. Joker
3. Twisted Colossus
4. New Texas Giant

I was surprisingly blown away by Iron Rattler. The drop is terrifying with the slow down at the top, but I feel it could be that much better if it kept a consistent speed. I kept preparing myself for insane ejector, especially the hill coming off the second top of quarry part, but it didn't hit how I expected. That said, I felt it was the most complete iron horse I've ridden, as the end still gives a tremendous pop of ejector. I wish it had an extra kick at the end, but it was great.

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I put NTG on the bottom as I felt the second half of the ride, while well paced, lacked many forces after the MCBR portion. I know that's a critique of Storm Chaser as well, lack of forces at the end, but I really enjoyed the modification of its final series of airtime hills to also include lateral forces

Once again, try to get out there to ride it again now that the wheels have been changed. You will seriously eat those words. Someone described those final airtime hills as "a car crash, but a car crash you want to be a part of." Probably the craziest moment of airtime I ever felt, verging on painful.
Once again, try to get out there to ride it again now that the wheels have been changed. You will seriously eat those words. Someone described those final airtime hills as "a car crash, but a car crash you want to be a part of." Probably the craziest moment of airtime I ever felt, verging on painful.
And I do hope to make it back. :)
Once again, try to get out there to ride it again now that the wheels have been changed. You will seriously eat those words. Someone described those final airtime hills as "a car crash, but a car crash you want to be a part of." Probably the craziest moment of airtime I ever felt, verging on painful.

That seems to be a theme this year. Both IR, NTG and SC are seemingly getting those sentiments forwarded. Sadly, going to Texas isn't in the cards anytime soon.
Got some more RMC action over here!

1. Lightning Rod
2. Wicked Cyclone
3. Outlaw Run
4. Storm Chaser
5. Goliath

It's easily the weakest of them, and that's without having done Chaser's steel wheels. Goliath's ride area is very small and I love how such a tall coaster got worked into that little strip of land. The airtime wasn't quite the insane air you'd expect on an RMC but both inversions had the freaky twisting floater nailed on the head. Probably has the best drop of any RMC as well, it or Outlaw.

Reriding it today before we leave for the Dells so might see it hop up a couple spots.
Well, after finally getting to another RMC, I can list my rankings (as well as my predictions). Wicked Cyclone was great though a bit disappointing if I'm being honest. Perhaps it was an off day, but the airtime wasn't insane by any means. I'll hopefully talk more about it in my trip report, when I can finally get the time to write it.
Ridden in bold

1. Lightning Rod
2. Medusa
3. Wildfire
4. Outlaw Run
5. Goliath
6. Storm Chaser
7. Wicked Cyclone
8. Iron Rattler
9. Joker
10. New Texas Giant
11. Twisted Colossus
Guess I can update this just coming back from SFMM...

My ridden RMC's would go something like this.
1 Outlaw Run (based off 2 rides)
2 Storm Chaser (based off 6 rides)
3 Wicked Cyclone (based off 4 rides)
4 Lightning Rod (based off 2 rides)
5 New Texas Giant (based off 3 rides)
6 Twisted Colossus (based off 2 rides)

For the not ridden, I guess it would go like...
Steel Vengeance
Joker Medusa
Twisted Timbers
Twisted Cyclone
RailBlazer // Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster

I'm hoping to do Twisted Cyclone, Twisted Timbers, and Steel Vengeance all next summer.
Outlaw Run
Lightning Rod
Twisted Colossus
New Texas Giant
Iron Ratter

( **** you Kentucky Kingdom for last minute changes to your opening days and spiting me an RMC)

Think it's pretty clear that true wood is better ;)
Outlaw Run
Lightning Rod
Twisted Colossus
New Texas Giant
Iron Ratter

( :emoji_zipper_mouth: you Kentucky Kingdom for last minute changes to your opening days and spiting me an RMC)

Think it's pretty clear that true wood is better ;)
I'd be pretty miffed if I went to Kentucky Kingdom and didn't get to ride Storm Chaser.
I never actually went to the park. They spited me with a private event day which was only announced like a week before. I even did a bit of major rescheduling to try and fit KK in on a different day but it wasn't to be. Such a burden.
1 - Lightning Rod - There is nothing about this coaster I would change. It's perfect, restraints are fine, buckets of airtime, excellent setting, killer first drop, every seat delivers a fantastic ride, launch is fast enough and there's even good merch!
2 - Goliath - Goliath was very impressive, but I only managed 2 rides on it unfortunately. Once in row 2 and once in the back, both at night, back row was in the rain. I found the row 2 ride to be the better ride, by quite a large margin. Only the first drop was better in the back, every other element was better at the front. That 2nd row ride really was incredible though, and I'm gutted I didn't have a front row ride, another time I guess.
3 - Wildfire - Pacing is severely affected by the two slow points over the cliff on the roll and final "airtime hill", these are minor gripes though, everything up to the roll over is incredible, if it kept up the pacing through the rest it would be better than Goliath imo.
4 - Wicked Cyclone - An incredible coaster in it's own right but when stacked against the ones above, it shows the flaws. Mainly the height issue, there just isn't enough speed through the course, even before the final circuit to the brakes where it's painfully slow. It does have quite a few fab moments though, including the drop, the twisted airtime hill by the camera and the wonderful Zero G.

New in Bold.
There is a trend popping up now though, the woodies seem to be quite a bit better than the Iron Horses, although I'm expecting Storm Chaser and Steel Vengeance to challenge that trend next year as WC's issue is it's height. I can't see WC staying in my top 10 within the next 12 months.
Only been on 2. Ridden in bold
11 - New Texas Giant
10 - Joker
9 - Twisted Colossus
8 - Iron Rattler
7 - Goliath
6 - Wicked Cyclone
5 - Storm Chaser
4 - Outlaw Run
3 - Wildfire
2 - Lightning Rod
1 - Medusa Steel Coaster... this is in the #1 spot based on its first reviews. Apparently in the last year or two new wheels have made it loose all of its amazing pacing. If that's the case I'd put it between Goliath and IRat.