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Rank The Best Wing Coaster

The Best Wing Coaster

  • Furius Baco

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Raptor

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • The Swarm

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Skyrush

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Wild Eagle

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • X2

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Gatekeeper

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Eejanaika

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • X-Flight

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Dinoconda

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flying Over The Rainforest

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mega Poster
Even though we already have a poll for just B&M's winged coaster design, lets do one with all of the wing coasters, whether they be from B&M, Intamin, or Arrow Dynamics. So when I say 'wing' I refer to a coaster who's seats are on the edge of the track. So even though coasters like X2 are considered 4th Dimension, the seats are still on the edge. Or like how Furius Baco is considered a launched, its still a wing. So, that being said, which one of these coasters is the best? You don't have to have ridden the coaster in order to select an option.
Misleading title.

Best "Trains that hang over track coaster" is more fitting.


Wild Eagle
I posted this topic three months ago, then we had another one two weeks ago, and now this.

By this point, it's pretty obvious that X-Flight is underrated and all of the British fanboys love The Swarm.
Yeah. X-Flight is much MUCH better than The Swarm.

Unfortunately they're the only two I've done, but the winner is clear for me.
I haven't been on any of these, but I'll go with what I think:

1. Skyrush
2. X2
3. X-Flight
I really can't compare the 2 I've ridden, Furius Baco and The Swarm. They both offer a completely different ride experience, I don't expect The Swarm to launch me at 80mph and I don't expect Baco to give me near misses or glide around the track (which it certainly doesn't!).

Sorry, but this topic doesn't quite make sense, ok so Baco is probably higher up in my top 25 than The Swarm is, but that's because I'm a fan of launch coasters, not because of the winged trains.
Sanchezmran said:
I haven't been on any of these, but I'll go with what I think:

1. Skyrush
2. X2
3. X-Flight

Can we all just go ahead and agree that regardless of what Intamin calls it, Skyrush is not what we would consider a wingrider?
jolash said:
Sanchezmran said:
I haven't been on any of these, but I'll go with what I think:

1. Skyrush
2. X2
3. X-Flight

Can we all just go ahead and agree that regardless of what Intamin calls it, Skyrush is not what we would consider a wingrider?

It's a Hyper. If we're calling it a wing coaster because of the trains then the B&M Hypers are also Wing Coasters, but wait, that doesn't work does it.

Intamin are just trying to advertise their new trains by claiming a new ride type. Bellends!
jolash said:
Sanchezmran said:
I haven't been on any of these, but I'll go with what I think:

1. Skyrush
2. X2
3. X-Flight

Can we all just go ahead and agree that regardless of what Intamin calls it, Skyrush is not what we would consider a wingrider?

The only reason Skyrush is listed there because it was listed in the poll. It's definitely a mega coaster, it just has weird trains.

So when I say 'wing' I refer to a coaster who's seats are on the edge of the track.

Meant to say this earlier: where's the B&M Dive Machines? If we're doing a weird poll like this, the B&M dive coasters deserve to be listed in the poll. ;) Because technically there are some seats on the side of the track.
Sanchezmran said:
Meant to say this earlier: where's the B&M Dive Machines? If we're doing a weird poll like this, the B&M dive coasters deserve to be listed in the poll. ;) Because technically there are some seats on the side of the track.

They have 6 seats per row over the edge, as a matter of fact (10-seat models). Thats 4 more seats PER CAR than Skyrush. That's a whole car per car. Inception.
1. X2
2. Skyrush (Though a tough stretch as a "wing" coaster)
3. Gatekeeper
Even though we already have a poll for just B&M's winged coaster design, lets do one with all of the wing coasters, whether they be from B&M, Intamin, or Arrow Dynamics. So when I say 'wing' I refer to a coaster who's seats are on the edge of the track. So even though coasters like X2 are considered 4th Dimension, the seats are still on the edge. Or like how Furius Baco is considered a launched, its still a wing. So, that being said, which one of these coasters is the best? You don't have to have ridden the coaster in order to select an option.

Exactly, coasters like X2 are souped up wing coasters to include other elements so they are different. So, really how can we fairly group them in the same class? Let's then group stand up coasters with traditional steel coasters since they both ride above the tracks and then try to be surprised when rarely anyone votes for a stand up. Just sayin'. :lol: