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Queue time killing ideas

kill time

Try groaning and saying 'look how long the queue is' or making up stories about how unsafe they are so the people in front go out of the queue! 8)
Well the first thing that pops into my head is go with a few good mates who you can just chat and chat to, but that has been said millions of times before. Other than that, just try and make some games up or even get out your phone and start texting mates outside of the park :lol:
Eye spy with my little eye; something beginning with R - Rollercoaster! That'll keep you entertained for a few seconds :)
A great way to kill time is by playing knuckles :--D (Preferabally with the same sex, not opposite for obvious reasons). Seriously though it worked when me and my friend were in the queue for 'Dragons Fury' at Chessington last Saturday, the queue was 2:30 hours, but felt like 30 minutes! :--D Try it it's good!

P.S: If you get bored of knuckles....Play Slapsies! 8)
Ultimate Coaster said:
I'm not the only one.


Ultimate Coaster said:
I'm not the only one.


I so called that 2 years ago :P

Normal ideas:
Talk to others (if you're lonely)
Take Pictures
Play an assorted handheld game system (Nintendo DS, PSP, etc.)
I Spy (Also played as "I ****ING SAW THAT" with my brothers)

Not-so-normal ideas:
Pantie or thong-Version of "Boxer or Briefs" except with girls (I was thinking of showing Marcus this one)
Lip sync to whatever song is playing
Make up new lyrics for whatever song is playing
Plot an on-ride photo pose
What would "Blank" do? (Jesus, Drew Carry, Bob Barker, etc.)
Spot the "Blank" (Pimp, Virgin, Rocker, etc.)
"Would you do her?"

My brothers and I get VERY bored...
Between cigarettes, an Ipod, chatting with mates and playing the "I'd do her" game, there's always something to keep you entertained.
Planning ORP'S
Talking to mates
Attempting (and normally failing) at conversation with people who you're gonna share a car with.
Seeing how many skittles you can stuff in your mouth and be able to eat them without choking
Laughing at people's faces on rides
"Spot the puke!"
"Guess the puke contents"
Make conversations involving chav voices, and the phrases "35p" and "you killed my fish."

As you may have guessed, I get impatient
I've never understood why parks don't use queuelines as a 'captive market'; if you are in a queue, by definition you are not spending, and quite why parks dont have 'queue ushers' - selling ices, drinks and newspapers is beyond me. You could even hire out 'inflatable placeholders' for a couple of quid, for people who have a loo dash to make...
They sometimes do have people selling stuff. Vampire at Chessington has a bloody annoying shop halfway down the queue.
-Scream a random name and see how many people look back.
-Pretend to argue with your friend very loudly.
-Sport one of your nerdy shirts and wait for one of the GP people in line to start asking questions then babble to them about coasters until you're in the station or they blow their brains out.
-Dance to whatever is playing.
-Take pictures. Lots of pictures.
The great "name as many things from each letter of the alphabet" game. It's stranngly addictive.

It started with countries. You start with A and everyone in your group tries to name a country beginging with A, and you keep going around the group until everyone is out of answers.

You can do it with anything though and coasters work rather well. :)

You often get past letters and go ..."oh crap we forgot *something obvious*".
I like to take pictures and videos of the ride I'm queueing for with my phone. Once or twice I've taken a book to read, but I don't do that anymore becuase they always get soaked on the water rides. Sometimes planning what ride you're going on next is good, though it doesn't last long unless you're really indecisive. My favourite thing to do is just go on the really big and popular rides early in the day before the queues get really long, and do some slightly smaller ones during the busiest times.