Ultimate Coaster said:
I so called that 2 years ago
Normal ideas:
Talk to others (if you're lonely)
Take Pictures
Play an assorted handheld game system (Nintendo DS, PSP, etc.)
I Spy (Also played as "I ****ING SAW THAT" with my brothers)
Not-so-normal ideas:
Pantie or thong-Version of "Boxer or Briefs" except with girls (I was thinking of showing Marcus this one)
Lip sync to whatever song is playing
Make up new lyrics for whatever song is playing
Plot an on-ride photo pose
What would "Blank" do? (Jesus, Drew Carry, Bob Barker, etc.)
Spot the "Blank" (Pimp, Virgin, Rocker, etc.)
"Would you do her?"
My brothers and I get VERY bored...