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1. Name: Corey Stein

2. How old are you?

3. Have you ever heard of the term haunted attraction before?

4. Have you ever been to a haunted attraction before?

5. If you answered no then would you know what they were if I mentioned?

6. Does the idea of a haunted attraction appeal to you?
Yes – I enjoy being scared

7. Would you be interested in seeing behind the scenes at how haunted attractions work?

8. Would you be interested in visiting a haunted attraction if you knew more about them?

9. What content would you like to see in a documentary about haunted attractions? (ie. behind the scenes, footage inside attraction, interviews)
Most of the above, especially how the tricks work.

10. Anything else you would like to add?
^Yeah it has a boat ride ride with a backwards drop and an awesome drop tower. And the actors don't scare you they tell you the history. Only in the Bedlam Prison section of the attraction they jump out.

And thanks for all your help everyone. Helps alot. :)