Sunday - Day 9
So after my grumpy day yesterday, I got a resort bus to the last park of my
Took the good camera along as well, since its pretty photogenic out there.
And I had a thoroughly enjoyable day (you'll be glad to know; no moaning on
I managed to spend all day in the park, fuelled by taking pictures and the
"beer opportunities" afforded by wondering around the world (why I took
the resort bus rather than the hire care today!

Got the big rides done first up though, Mission Space being cool (even if I was
the only passenger on the entire ride - can't be cost effective that!) - I was
somewhat confused by the "soft option" ride... the point being what exactly? The
ride is a centrifuge so you choose the centrifuge that doesn't spin????
Soarin' I was a tad dissappointed with ; I had it my mind that there was going to
be a different film to the one at DCA (can't explain why I though that); but
there wasn't... still I cool enough ride, but why no different film? Stupid
popular as well, fastpasses all gone early on, hour long queues and the park was
not even that busy. (I fastpast'd it naturally)
Then the aquarium but - this had been Nemo'd since I had been here before, and
the refit works pretty well I thought, even if all the ride tech pales rather
when you hit that HUGE fish tank.
Really enjoyed wandering around with Nemo and his friends!
Next up was the rather bizarre Captain EO "tribute". Disney cashing in on the
demise of Jacko is a bit odd IMHO, but anything that gets rid of the awful
Honey I Shrunk the Audience film that replaced EO initially must be a good thing
In fairness the film-quality was excellent on the 70mm print, but the film/story
was just awful... clearly not being a Jacko fan at all something is lost on me,
but even considering that its just pitiful.
OK dead-celebs aside, wandered around Imagination! and Test Track before making
my way into the World...
(for some reason I missed out Innovations and Universe of Energy completely
today, I meant to come back to do them later, but never got around to it - d'oh)
So I made my way around the World, riding the little rides they have (Mexico's
had been refitted since my previous visit) and watching their little films
(Canada's had been redone too), taking lots of pictures and partaking of
various "beers of the world" too!

(Perhaps the latter explains my good
mood today then!)
China 360
China pond
Epcot Lake
Germany - they sell beer here!
Torri, Dusk
These photos are brought to you with the assistance of BEER!
France Fountains
Started to get dark by the time I was in France...
Oh... Canada?
then after a quick trip around Spaceship Earth (and Soarin again 'cos I had
a fastpass still) I turned around and went back around the World.
Finished up watching the fireworks before I grabbed the bus back to the hotel.
NB all firework pics were hand-held as well, not bad I thought!
So best day of the holiday then today!