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Port Aventura |"Shambhala"| B&M Hyper

Someone spotted the station airgates and what appear to be the railings for the HUUUUUGE cattlepen (PA at its finest) that will be housed in the queue building. I am sure Ben will appreciate this:


And a bunch of photos from today http://www.pa-community.com/p/port-aventura/atraccion-2012

Source: PA-Community.com
I like how Khan's new paint job makes it look a bit more Chinese than it used to, but I think they should have just gotten some of the stickers being put on Leviathan or that were on Diamondback and actually made it look like a dragon.

Though if I think PA were trying to change it, they should have just gotten new trains for it like the ones on Wildfire at Silver Dollar City I think they look a tad bit cleaner and since the seats are elevated, it would probably help clear Khan's reputation of being bad.

Though I like how they painted the V shape on the zero car. Concept art has shown that Shamby's trains will have Vs on the zero cars, so that should become sort of a thing for those two rides, even if there are other coasters that have similar patterns. If they're not going to actually theme either coaster's trains, it's better than just two solid colors.
Snoo said:
I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this will be meh.
It possibly will, but at the end of the day, it's a great coaster for PA & Europe for that matter, so even if it is, most won't complain about it. A lot of people won't complain, simply due to the fact they've got nothing to compare it to in terms of sheer height and will think it's fantastic for that alone.
2012Jarrett said:
I like how Khan's new paint job makes it look a bit more Chinese than it used to, but I think they should have just gotten some of the stickers being put on Leviathan or that were on Diamondback and actually made it look like a dragon.

Though if I think PA were trying to change it, they should have just gotten new trains for it like the ones on Wildfire at Silver Dollar City I think they look a tad bit cleaner and since the seats are elevated, it would probably help clear Khan's reputation of being bad.

Though I like how they painted the V shape on the zero car. Concept art has shown that Shamby's trains will have Vs on the zero cars, so that should become sort of a thing for those two rides, even if there are other coasters that have similar patterns. If they're not going to actually theme either coaster's trains, it's better than just two solid colors.
Say what?!? Since when has Khan had a bad reputation? It's currently #27 at the Mitch Hawker poll, has consistently ranked high in the polls over the years (it was top 10 as late as 2008) and is one of my personal favourites!

I do agree with you on the rest though. New trains with raised seating would have been great, if possible (don't know how the raised seats would do with the banking of the track). And of course they should've some sort of decals or themed trains. It's especially odd since Baco has such overwhelming theming!
Update! There are too many pictures to post, so I will just upload a bunch of them.

Close-up of the train:


So, trains will be golden, with black seats and light blue restraints. Odd combination but I am sure they will look good against the track.


Queue building (I have the sensation that this will be like Baco: a nicely themed building and a huge cattlepen inside with little to no themeing). Note the colour of the building. The station is following a similar pattern; yellow and a red frame.


Station building is progressing. I guess we will see the airgates installed very soon...


On-ride photo booth

Source: PANoticias and PortAventura Zone
New video by PA-Community:


It shows different new angles and some themeing details.
I'm very intrigued as to what the purpose of the tunnel leading to the other side of the drop is for? Possibly a future expansion site?
Port Aventura |"Shambhala"| B&M Hyper

Just looks absolutely awesome. Looking forward to seeing some testing now.

Am I right in thinking that this currently only has one trim on the speed hill at the moment?
^ It actually opens up into a smaller plaza area by the looks of it... 4.44 on the video. I think it's just another access point for the area.
Snoo said:
I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this will be meh.

I agree it looks good, but its still just another B&M hyper. It's good to see another one going up in Europe though.
'Another B&M Hyper' is a bit like saying 'oh, I had sex with another nymphomatic model last night' though...
We are going to Barcelona for 4.4.-20.4. and plan to visit PA if we could at least ride DK. Can anybody confirm if Dragon Khan is in operation? I am wondering because the Shamba construction is still going on...
^ If you read the previous page, it states that they aren't going to run Khan whilst they're still using heavy machinery in the Shambhala area. If I was you, I wouldn't hold your hopes of it being open, if it is, you'll be pleasantly surprised.