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Plopsaland de Panne | The Ride to Happiness | Mack Xtreme Spinning Coaster | 2021

I can't believe this is meant to open in June/July considering thee trackwork is like 70-80% done... I mean I know it needs to be themed but that wouldn't surely take another 6 months? I would have thought a March/April opening.
I can't believe this is meant to open in June/July considering thee trackwork is like 70-80% done... I mean I know it needs to be themed but that wouldn't surely take another 6 months? I would have thought a March/April opening.

I guess given the location they have to get all the track work done whilst the park is closed. It's just not possible to build it whilst the park is open.

You're right though, in that they probably could get it open for April if they wanted. Traditionally Plopsaland have opened major rides in June/July time (exception being Heidi as that was delayed, but it was planned to be July). Thinking about it, a lot of big rides in the Benelux have opened in summer rather spring. So perhaps it's a regional thing, and it helps get a double whammy of guests...people who visit in spring, then return for the new thing?
I’m sure you can believe it, look at the VAST amount of projects that have occurred in the last few years that have taken much longer to open to what you’d “expect”. FLY, WCR, all of the covid delayed projects. They may indeed finish sooner than June/July, but if a park doesn’t want to open a project earlier that is their prerogative.
It's almost as if this is too much coaster for Plopsaland. I'm thinking of the other Time Traveler at Silver Dollar City - the one thing that struck me the most about that ride was how chunky it was. Track, supports, trains - everything. Not like the slender, streamlined structures of Icon, Helix etc.., these Xtreme Spinners are heavy duty hardware more akin to B&M engineering. Thing is, at SDC the coaster drops away down a hillside with most of the ride area inaccessible to the public, here at Plopsaland it's gonna be plonked right in the middle of the park and will dominate everything around it. Can't make up my mind whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
*edit to add: I've also just realised that this one is actually slightly larger than it's Missouri cousin too - more height, more track. For some reason I always imagined it was gonna be smaller. Sure is an impressive addition to what I considered to be a medium tier park. Can't wait to get on it!
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